Profiling opportunities during the drug discovery process Flashcards
- Target distribution
o receptor may be expressed in organs other than those intended for therapeutic modulation
o does action at other receptors cause unwanted side effects?
- Gene knock-out
o Genetic manipulation may show direct side effects
- siRNA approach
o silencing the target in specific organs can provide information about whether the drug is causing the toxic effect and confirm the role of the target in a toxicological outcome
* Enantiomers may be inactive but has the same structure, so the potential for chemistry-related toxicity is equivalent
- Single dose toxicity
o The effect of a single dose is observed
o Two mammalian species are studied
o Effects of dose observed for 14 days then mortality is recorded
o Morphological, biochemical, pathological and histological changes are investigated
- Repeat dose toxicity
o Two mammalian species are studied
o Long duration (30-180 days)
o Dose is dependent on dose escalating studies (3 different doses given)
High dose 10x the maximum clinical dose
Low dose 2x clinical dose
Medium dose midway between low and high dose
o Drug administered by clinical route
o Parameters that should be monitored daily include
- Local toxicity studies - route of administration
o Dermal
o Rectal tolerance
o Parenteral drugs
* Allergenicity/Hypersensitivity toxicological studies
o Guinea pig maximization test
Determination of maximum non-irritant or minimum irritant dose
o Local lymph node assay
* Carcinogenicity/Oncogenicity studies
o Life-time bioassays
o Drug used for >6 months or frequent intermittent use for chronic diseases
o Chemical structure of drug may indicate carcinogenic potential; this test confirms it
* Reproductive and developmental toxicity
Therapeutic index
The ratio of the dose of the drug that produces an unwanted (toxic) effect to that producing a wanted (therapeutic) effect.
“LD50” /”ED50”