Profile Flashcards
What forms are required for 9th lower level?
Three Short Forms of Tiger
What forms are required for 8th lower level?
Soft Fist
Tension Form
What forms are required for 7th lower level?
Inward Kung Fu
Dragon Bite
What forms are required for 6th lower level?
Leopard Form
What forms are required for 5th lower level?
Two-Person Combat Form
What forms are required for 4th lower level?
Outer Tiger
Movements of White Swan
What forms are required for 3rd lower level?
Dragon Form (Young Dragon)
What forms are required for 2nd lower level?
Taming the Tiger
What forms are required for 1st lower level?
White - Crawling Snake
Gold - White Dragon Playing with Seven Stars
Crawling Snake
What are the form requirements for first student level?
Pai Lum
Flowing Motion III
At least one form of Tai Chi
What additional form requirements are there for religious practitioners?
Hung I
Hung II
Prance of the Panther
Dawn Meditation
Flowing Motion II
Pai Lim
What additional requirements are there for 9th through 6th lower levels?
Straight Step Exercise
Elbow Striking Exercise
Punch and Grab Exercise
One on One Exercise
Double linked rod (Nunchaku) Exercises
Staff Exercises
Introduction to Staff Form
What additional requirements are there for 5th through 1st lower levels?
Full acquisition of basics by 4th lower level
Fundamentals of the following weapons:
Double short rods (jo)
Three section staff
Ring knives
Sabre (Plum Flower Sword) (da dao)
Double Sabre (fu da dao)
Straight Sword (jien)
Introduction to Sabre Form
What additional requirement is there for 1st Student (Higher) level?
Fundamentals of butterfly knife and ring sword
Performance of two weapon forms
What are the minimum time requirements for the lower levels?
10th - None
9th - 3 months
8th - 6 months
7th - 9 months
6th - 12 months
5th - 15 months
4th - 21 months
3rd - 27 months
2nd - 33 months
1st - 39 months
What are the minimum time requirements for the higher levels?
1st - 4 years
2nd - 6 years
3rd - 9 years
4th - 13 years
5th - 18 years
6th - 24 years
7th - 31 years
8th - 39 years
9th - 48 years
10th - 58 years
How should Three Short Forms of the Tiger be taught?
Teach with strong dynamic tension in the blocks. Self-defense application should also be taught.
How should Soft Fist be taught?
Normal Rhythm
How should Tension Form be taught?
Done with Dynamic Tension
How should Two-Person Combat Sequence be taught?
Teach both sides by numbered sections.
How should Inward Kung Fu and Dragon Bite be taught?
Introduction to dynamic tension type of form.
How should Outer Tiger be taught?
Teach with inner tenseness of muscles (dynamic tension).
How should Dragon forms, Leopard, Snake and White Swan be taught?
Normal Rhythm
How should Taming the Tiger be taught?
Done with Dynamic Tension
How should Flowing Motion I, II, and III be taught?
Normal Rhythm
How should Pai Lum be taught?
Normal Rhythm
How should all forms be taught in general?
Taught by number and section unless otherwise indicated.
How should the Ceremonial Bow be taught?
It should be taught with its self-defense applications to all novices.
What is the color and symbolism of each rank?
10th - Probationary member status
9th - Orange/Health
8th - Yellow/Awareness
7th - Light Green/Vitality
6th - Dark Green/Vitality
5th - Light Blue/Great Love
4th - Dark Blue/Great Love
3rd - Purple/Peacefulness
2nd - White/Purity of Spirit
1st - Gold/Open Mindedness
Note that Gold is for a fully qualified Student Instructor, other retains the white trim.
How are the primary colors arranged for the rank structure?
In the order which they occur in Nature’s spectrum, headed by white and noble gold.
What is additional symbolism associated with the orange level?
Orange represents health, the strong body reflecting the training of tiger forms.
What is the Dynamic Tension form meant to teach?
The dynamic tension form produces awareness of finite control of muscle groups by requiring simultaneous tension and relaxation with close attention to breathing. Subtler levels of this form will grant transcendental awareness.
The tension form is also called Yun-Chi, which means circulation of vital energy.
What is additional symbolism associated with the yellow level?
Awareness. This awareness comes in the form of bodily coordination developed through the Soft Fist set.
The dynamic tension form produces awareness of finite control of muscle groups.
What is additional symbolism associated with the green level?
Vitality is the product of a healthy body and an aware mind.
This vitality is given inward and outward expression through the Inward Kung Fu and Dragon Bite forms, which culminates in the dynamic Leopard form.
What does practicing the Two-Person combat form teach?
The practice of the Two-Person combat form allows one to see the responsibility they have for their partner’s progress giving violence a new perspective. This leads to the ability to deal with violence on the plane of activity while remaining detached and untainted emotionally.
What is additional symbolism associated with the blue level?
When one is in a state of health, awareness, and vitality, you achieve personal confidence and positive regard for one’s environment. This leads to a great love for humankind and creation.
Two-Person Combat Form
Outer Tiger serves to sustain the health and vitality.
The two forms at this level are traditional representatives of Southern Styles and should heighten the sense of belonging to an authentic martial and philosophical heritage.
What is the White Swan form an ancestor to?
The White Swan form is a more complex ancestor to the traditional crane forms known to Okinawan and Japanese styles as RoHai and Gankaku.
What is what the Indian Sages call “sama bhava”?
A relaxed confident manner of being.
What is additional symbolism associated with the purple level?
Peacefulness arises from the preceding four qualities and leads to “sama bhava”.
Dragons are the essence of equanimity, thus the dragon form is learned.
The second form at this level instills the quality of flowing power, unrestricted by the tension characteristic of the unpeaceful, chattering mind.
The technical significance of these forms is the quality of flowing and they’re representative of the heritage of the Northern Styles.
What is the symbolism of the Dragon Form?
The high, middle and low levels of this form are symbolic of the dragon’s ability to exist harmoniously in the heavens, earth and waters.
It is also symbolic of the creative force of heaven, the sustaining or nurturing force fo the early and the ultimate expression of their interaction as the human form.
creating, sustaining and manifesting
What does the Taming the Tiger form teach?
Taming the Tiger requires a great amount of stamina and maintains the physical body. It represents the stamina and perseverance needed to tame the internal/external influences (tigers) which would drag down and spoil the pure spirit.
What does the Crawling Snake form teach?
Crawling Snake teaches rhythmic endurance and flexibility. It is second only to the dragon in symbolizing the cultivation of Chi. It represents tremendous power with the potential for both good (healing) and evil (death, destruction).
What is additional symbolism associated with the white level?
The condition of all-color. The student has progressed toward the characteristic of purity of spirit.
Taming the Tiger
Crawling Snake
What is the additional symbolism associated with the gold level?
Gold represents open mindedness - the mind is a receptacle or vessel for knowledge.
Gold is precious for its potential to be shaped and its perseverance against tarnishing and deterioration.
For the person who aspires to being a vessel for the precious knowledge of the white dragon.
What else is the form White Dragon Playing with Seven Stars called and what does it symbolize with that name?
Dragon with Butterfly Blocks
The butterfly blocks resemble a dragon roling and tossing a celestial sphere.
Who is the gold rank for?
Student instructors only
This makes them an “elder student” but not a “Higher Level”.
What is the goal of the student instructor program and what does it include?
The program is a four-year contract which must include training in business management and ethics, bookkeeping & accounting, as well as instruction in curriculum and methods of teaching.
The goal is to create competent business managers who are skilled in the art of Pai Lum and who can assume responsibility for a franchised school.
How can a student be accepted for the student instructor program?
Must be appointed by his instructor.
A letter of approval with a resume is sent to the Board of Grandsons and to Grandmaster Pai. This must be done before any instruction in either business or teaching curriculum.
How does the evaluation structure differ for Student Instructor Trainees?
They are eligible for 1st Higher Level, Assistant Instructor rather than Student. The trainee is considered to be in a no-rank status until achieving gold level. Numeric grading is there purely for measuring his/her progress but no rank symbols are worn until gold level is achieved.
What is the cost of the Student Instructor Program?
A maximum of $6,000 for four years or a sum agreed upon and arranged between instructor and student. Payable with a minimum down payment of $1,500.00 and the balance in monthly installments without other arrangements.
What does the Student Instructor program not include?
It does not include the Ministerial structure.
What is the ring structure for novice levels?
All beginner levels wear the silver Dragon Rind with the Jade Stone. (Student Instructor Trainees wear no ring until fully qualified for gold level.)
The rings are worn on the right hand.
Ring is on the pinky finger for orange and yellow.
Ring is on the ring finger for green and blue.
Ring is on the middle finger for purple and white.
Ring is on the index finger for gold.
What is the student level rank structure?
1st Higher Level/2nd higher level - Student (promoted from non-student instructor level or honorary)
1st Higher Level - Assistant Instructor or Spiritual Leader (promoted from student instructor)
3rd Higher Level/4th Higher Level - Instructor or Spiritual Leader
What is the teacher level rank structure?
5th Higher Level/6th Higher Level - Teacher or Spiritual Leader
7th Higher Level/8th Higher Level - Senior Teacher or Spiritual Leader
9th Higher Level - Master Teacher
10th Higher Level is reserved for Grandmaster
What additional restrictions are there in moving to 3rd higher level?
An individual may not move to 3rd higher level without receiving the additional training of a student instructor.
What are the restrictions on spiritual positions?
Spiritual Leader is an ordained position approved by the Grandmaster only.
2nd/3rd higher levels are eligible for Monk.
4th higher level or above are eligible for Minister.
Who are the Grandsons and Granddaughters of Pai Lum?
The Grandmaster selects certain individuals of Teacher Level as Grandsons or Granddaughters to directly represent the authority of the Grandmaster and insure the preservation of the White Dragon heritage. They are responsible for the management fo the association.
What is the sash structure for higher levels?
1st/2nd higher levels (if non-student instructor or honorary) - White Sash Purple Fringe
1st Higher level (assistant instructor) - white sash white fringe
2nd Higher Level (assistant instructor) - white sash gold fringe
3rd Higher Level - light blue sash white fringe
4th Higher level - light blue sash gold fringe
5th Higher - Pale Yellow Sash White Fringe
6th Higher - Pale Yellow Sash Gold Fringe
7th Higher - Light Orange Sash White fringe
8th Higher - Light Orange Sash Gold fringe
9th Higher - Gold sash white fringe
Grandsons/Granddaughters - Gold sash red fringe
Grandmaster - red sash gold fringe
Sashes for higher levels should be six inches wide and wrap four times around.
What is the ring structure for higher levels?
Higher levels wear the Dragon-with-Lotus ring.
The Grandmaster’s ring has a three-diamond pattern.
Grandsons/daughters have rings with diamond eyes.
Master’s rings have ruby eyes.
All others are gold. All are worn on the left hand.
What is the symbolism of the higher level sash colors?
The higher-level sash colors progress from white through light blue, pale yellow, and light orange to gold. This parallels the colors of the human aura associated with deepening spirituality and advancing consciousness. The symbolism of gold for lower levels is also applied.
Grandsons and granddaughters reflect the grandmaster’s colors but in reverse.
What is the policy regarding promotion of individuals into and within the higher level ranks?
- Only the Grandmaster and Grandsons/daughters are authorized to promote individuals to Higher Level ranks.
- A Grandson/daughter may, on his/her single authority, promote individuals to 3rd Higher Level.
- Promotions above that require unanimous approval of a board of Grandsons/daughters or approval by the Grandmaster.
- When an individual is promoted to a Higher Level rank, the promoting authority will send a letter of courtesy to the Grandmaster, with name, rank promoted to, date promoted, and photograph. This should also be sent to Grandson/daughter.
What is the uniform for the lower levels?
Blue pants with a white leg stripe.
Blue jacket with 2.5” white cuffs and white trim around edge of closure and collar, blue “frog” buttons.
Appropriate sash. Embroidered patch on jacket.
What is the uniform for Student Instructors?
Trainee: plain blue pants and jacket with no trim and no sash. Patch on jacket.
Gold Level: Same as Lower Level except 4” jacket cuff and white “frog” buttons.
What is the uniform for workout for lower levels?
Pants as specified before. Blue t-shirt with the Lotus-Triangle-Dragon design printed in white for Lower Levels and S.I.~T.’s. Full student instructors wear a gold T-shirt with the red embroidered patch (with lotus and dragons) on the left chest
What is the uniform for higher levels?
Blue pants and jacket with sash colored pant stripe, jacket cuff, jacket front panel, and jacket collar. Closure edge, collar edge, and “frog” buttons are gold. (except for 1st/2nd level non-instructor, which are purple)
What is the uniform for Grandsons/Daughters?
As for higher levels except gold trim is replaced by red trim and there is some additional red trim on pant stripe.
What is the uniform for workout for higher levels?
T-shirt is replaced by a collared “polo” or “tennis” shirt with the embroidered patch on the left chest and a sash-colored sleeve trim.
Shirts are blue for all but Grandsons/daughters who wear white shirts.
A sash-colored waistband or short-sash may be worn for pants drawstring area.
What shoes and headbands are part of the uniform?
Shoes are Chinese for formal occasions. They are appropriate to terrain for workout.
If a headband is worn it should match the uniform blue.
What is the proper term of address from lower levels to the Grandmaster?
What is the proper term of address from lower levels to Grandsons/daughters?
What is the proper term of address from lower levels to 5th higher level and above?
What is the proper term of address from lower levels to 1st through 4th level instructors?
What is the proper term of address from lower levels to 1st and 2nd level not instructors?
What is the proper term of address from lower levels to one’s own teachers?
What is the proper term of address from lower levels to Gold lower level?
What is the proper term of address from lower levels to student instructor in training?
How should a higher level address lower levels?
How should one regard their rank and others?
No person regardless of rank can stop practicing or learning. To stop learning would mean to stop trying. Degrees of rank are merely points on the circle of learning. All points begin an equal distance from the center or the Tao. Never let rank or the lack of it cloud the truth.
Rank is a position of knowledge of lack of it. Rank has nothing to do with the belt you wear except to distinguish learning ability and knowledge of each person.
How is rank established?
To establish rank, we must establish learning. To establish learning, we must also establish what knowledge is. To establish knowledge we must first find experience. To find experience, we must find pride.
How can one break rank down?
We must first seek the man whose knowledge is greater than ours.
What is the circle of learning?
The circle of learning is the beginning of the way. What way you want to go, what you want to do with your life. From the moment you are born you begin the endless circle of learning, it is the same in the way of the White Dragon.
What is a pre-requisite to achieving the rank of black belt?
Without the foundation and structure of fundamental knowledge, you cannot achieve the rank of black belt.
The rank of black belt is one of higher learning and knowledge than that of the beginner. We should appreciate the knowledge and disregard the degree.
How should you look at the color of a man’s belt?
When you have established the way of understanding, which is the Tao, then you will not cloud the truth by the mere color of a man’s belt. It is not the belt that matters at all, it is the knowledge each man retains as he passes each point on the circle of learning.
How should you NOT judge a man?
You must be careful not to judge a man by the color of his skin or the color of his belt. Judge not what you do not know and no one will judge you.