Professions Flashcards
the accountant
el contador
the architect
el arquitecto
the artist
el artista
the athlete
el atleta
the banker
el banquero
the business
los negocios
the businessman/woman
el hombre/mujer de negocios
the programmer
el programador
the dentist
el dentista
the farmer
el agricultor
the firefigher
el bombero
the judge
el juez
la justicia
the lawyer
el abogado
the mail carrier
el cartero
the manager
el gerente
the mechanic
el mecánico
the nurse
el enfermero
the painter
el pintor
the plumber
el plomero
the police officer
el policia
the politican
el politico
the scientist
el cientifico
the secretary
la secretaria
the singer
el cantante
el mesero
the waiter
the writer
el escritor
the career
la carrera
high school
el colegio
the salary
el salario
to become
to begin to
empezar a
to build
to care for
to earn
terminar de
to finish
to graduate
dejar de
to quit
to put down
comenzar a
to start to
tratar de
to try to