Professionalism pharmacy skills Flashcards
what is clinical pharmacy ?
Clinical pharmacy comprises of a set of functions that promote safe, effective use of medicines for patients.
what are the key aspects of clinical pharmacy (acronym) :
What are the 3 qualities required to achieve “good prescribing” ?
1) Patient’s wants
2) technical properties
3) General good
what are the 4 principles of medical ethics ?
1) beneficence (doing good)
2) non-maleficence (not doing harm)
3) justice (greater good)
4) Patient autonomy (choice)
what is the short hand writing for “initial diagnosis” ?
“impression” pr “imp” for short.
symbolised by a triangle
what is Hyponatraemia ?
low sodium level
What is Hypernatremia ?
deficit of water relative to sodium.
low levels of water, high levesl of sodium.
HYPO/HYPERkalaemia ?
Low or high levels of potassium
Symptoms of hypo/hyperkalaemia:
1) Tachycardia
2) lethal
3) weakness
4) fatigue
5) musclecramps
6) arrthymia
what causes low levels of urea ?
Lack of protein in diet
What causes high levels of urea ?
Dehydration or bleeding
What is creatine clearance also known as ? (CrCl)
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
what is creatine ?
A product of muscle breakdown,
that is completely excreted by the kidney
Creatine clearance equation:
N x (140-age) x weight / Serum creatine
N = 1.23 (male) or 1.04 (female)
What are the 2 main functions of the liver ?
1) Protein production
2) metabolism (including metabolism for many drugs)