PROFESSIONALISM - Digital Professionalism Flashcards
What is digital professionalism?
Digital professionalism is the competence or values expected of a professional when engaged in social and digital communication
What is the definition of profession?
Profession is a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification
What is the definition of professional?
Professional is a term worthy of or appropriate to a professional person; competent, skillful, or assured
With regards to digital professionalism, which framework of concepts should veterinary professionals follow?
What is proficiency in regards to digital professionalism?
Proficiency in regards to digital professionalism refers to the ability to use social media effectively and safely and the skill of taking into consideration client confidentiality and consent
What is reputation in regards to digital professionalism?
Reputation in regards to digital professionalism refers to the perception, estimation and opinion that is formed of you and the profession when you are encountered online
What is responsibility in regards to digital professionalism?
Responsibility in regards to digital professionalism refers to being sensitive and respectful in our online behaviour
How do you manage a bad online review as a veterinary professional?
Gather accurate information about the case and the situation using your clinical notes and information from other members of staff that were involved in the case. Following this, directly contact the owner to have a discussion, if this is not possible, respond to the review. Be aware you cannot disclose any medical information. Never remove bad reviews as this will look bad on the practice and can escalate the situation