Professional Responsibility COPY Flashcards
Attorney Duties to the Client
Financial Responsibility
Attorney’s Duties to Court, Adversaries, Legal Profession, Third Parties
- Candor/Truthfulness
- Fairness
- Dignity/Decorum
Duty of Confidentiality
Attorneys are porhibited from using or revealing anything related to the representation of the client without her consent.
Scope: applies to all info learned through involvement with client/matter.
Timing: duty can attach before an A/C relationship is formed and the duty lasts indefinitely.
Exceptions to the Duty of Confidentiality
Consent: express or implied
Crimes: death or serious bodily injury, fraud.
* No fraud exception in CA.
Atty Defense: may reveal client confidence to establish a claim or defense in a malpractice action, action for recovery of fees, or disciplinary action
If compelled by law or final court order.
Attorney-Client Privilege
Narrow testimonial privilege that enables the client to refuse to testify and prevent her attorney from testifying regarding confidential communications between them or their agents.
Scope: Applies only to confid communications made during AC relationship; prohibits disclosures that could lead to the discovery of harmful information.
ABA Model Rule Exceptions to A/C Privilege
- Future Crime/Fraud
- Civil litigation between two former joint clients
- Evidence re: client competency for purposes of will or inter vivos transfer
California Exception to A/C Privilege
The disclosure must be to prevent a criminal act that is likely to result in death or substantial bodily harm.
- However, prior to disclosure, the lawyer must make a good faith effort to persuade the client not to commit crimes.
Duty of Loyalty
What is it?
Duty of Loyalty = if an interest to the attorney, another client, or a third party materially limits or is adverse to loyal representation, then the attorney has a conflict of interest.
General Rule + Exceptions
Rule: an attorney and all the members of her firm share conflicts.
Imputation Exceptions
- The conflict is personal to the attorney, so representation by another lawyer in the firm would not adversely or materially limit representation, OR
- The attorney is properly and timely screened from the matter and the affected persons are given timely notice.
- Imputations can be waived by the affected clients.
When is an attorney permitted to take a representation with an adverse conflict?
Rule: a lawyer must not take representation with an adverse conflict UNLESS:
- L reasonably believes that everyone can be represented effectively
- Representation does not involve the assertion of one claim by one client against the other,
- Clients are informed of conflict and possible reprecussions
- Clients give consent
CALIFORNIA: same requirements, but disclosure of conflict and client consent must be in writing.
What should a lawyer do if a conflict emerges after representation begins?
- Disclose the potential/actual conflicts as they arise,
- Get further consent,
- Withdraw if consent is not reasonable.
Rule re: Business Transactions with Clients
Rule: L may enter into business with, or obtain an interest adverse to the client if:
- Terms are fair to the client,
- The terms are fully disclosed in a cognizable writing,
- The client is provided the opportunity to consult outside counsel, AND
- Client provides written consent.
Rule re: Payment of Stock/Equity
Rule: it’s totally kosher so long as:
- the stock/equity received is equal to the services provided,
- transaction is documented in writing.
Rule re: Limiting Lawyer Liability
ABA Rule: L cannot limit client’s right to report L for ethical or other professional violations; L cannot limit malpractice liability UNLESS the client is independently represented.
Cal. Rule: cannot limit liability in any circumstance.
Rules re: Loans and Advances to Client
ABA: no financial assistance except for:
1. the costs and litigation expenses of indigent client, or
2. The advance of expenses in a contingent fee matter if client promises to repay.
Cal: permitted in all matters as long as in writing and the promise to pay client’s debts is not an effort to gain business.
Rule re: Gifts to Lawyer
ABA: L cannot solicit a substantial gift from C or draft instrument (e.g., a will) if it provides a substantial gift to the L or L’s relative (unless the testator/settler is a close relative).
California: only prohibits inducing gifts, does not prohibit drafting.
Rules re: Attorneys as Witnesses
ABA: L cannot serve as counsel and witness at the same trial unless:
- the L’s appearance as a witness would not prejudice the client,
- The testimony is uncontested or pertains to the nature or value of the services provided, OR
- withdrawal would cause substantial hardship to the client..
California: only prohibited in jury trials; kosher with client’s written consent.
Permissibility of Representation of Opposing Present Clients’ Interest
(e.g., Natalie’s firm is representing Walmart in a securities action, can Natalie represent Rachel in an employment action against Walmart?)
ABA: Only permitted with the reasonable consent of both clients.
California Insurance: CA does not extend this prohibition to representing a policyholder and his insurance company as joint clients if the insurer’s interest in the matters are only as indemnity provider.
Rule re: Clients with Inconsistent Interests
(e.g., Rachel argues against the Dobbs decision for one client, but argues in favor of the decision for another)
Rule: If attorney is arguing for and against the same issue in two different cases, it is permissible provided that:
- Both clients consent,
- Representation would not disadvantage either (if a client would be disadvantage, L must withdraw).
Representation of Multiple Clients in the Same Matter
General Rule: an attorney may represent the clients if:
- L has a reasonable belief that the clients can be represented effectively,
- L discloses conflicts to clients
- Clients consent
Duty to Not Improperly Solicit Clients
Rule: Ls may not seek professional employment for pecuniary gain by initiating a live telephone or electronic contact with a prospective client the L has no prior professional/personal relationship with.
- Solicitation of family/friends and pro bono is okay.
- Agents of the lawyer cannot solicit in these ways.
CA Presumption: scene of the accident/en route to medical facility is repugnant behavior.
- Also do not solicit people you know are unable to exercise reasonable judgment.
General Rules of Advertising
1. Ads cannot be false or misleading (including omission to that effect),
2. Unjustified expectations are prohibited
3. No testimonials or endorsements unless express disclaimer that they are not guaranties, warranties, or predictions.
Presumes any ads with guaranties/warranties improper.
Rule re: Claims of Legal Specialities in Advertisement
- Can explain fields of practice
- Claims of legal specialty ok only if L has certificate is specific legal subject issued by state bar, or private org approved by ABA or identified as one not approved by the state.
Specialization requirement: experience, examination, education, and evaluations.
Duty to Expedite Cases
ABA: L has an affirmative duty to expedite.
CA: L must not delay cases to harass adversary for personal gain or convenience
L cannot abuse or obstruct discovery
L must follow valid procedures and rules unless making a good faith challenge.
Duty to Preserve Impartiality and Dignity of the Tribunal
- Before or During Trial: Attorney may not attempt to influence a party improperly; an attorney must not speak with prospective or empanelled jurors.
- After Trial: L may interview juror so long as no harassment or influence of future juror service.
- Before/During Trial: same as ABA
- After Trial: must tell juror they have the right to refuse an interview and must furnish a copy of any resulting court declaration.
Attorney Fees
- Fees must be reasonable (taking into account labor, novelty, difficulty, skill and timing required, experience of L, fee arrangement, etc.)
- L must explain how fee is computed, which services are covered, and lawyer/client duties
- Fees must not be unconscionably high, requires atty to participate in arbitration if client requests it
- Fees may not be unconscionable.
Contingent Fee Requirements
- Must be in writing
- Must be signed by client, AND
- Must state: (a) the percentage going to L, (b) the expenses to be deducted from recovery, and (c) whether the percentage is taken before or after expenses.
CA: contingent fee agreement must state how non-contingent fee work will be paid and notice that fees are negotiable.