Professional Responsibility Flashcards
*Formation of Atty-Client Relationship
A lawyer-client relationship is formed when a person seeks legal services from a lawyer and the lawyer either manifests consent or fails to manifest lack of consent, and knows or should know the client reasonably relies on their services. IN CA -it is the “reasonable perception” of a purported client that determines if a person is a client.
*Formation of Attorney-Client Relationship
A lawyer representing an organization represents organization as an entity acting through its duly authorized constituents (directors, officers, employees, owners). Lawyer doesn’t represent individual employees and must act best interest of the organization. Lawyer must explain the identity of the client when dealing with constituents that have adverse interests to the organization. Lawyer may also represent the officers, directors, or managers of the organization individually, but must abide by applicable conflict of interest rules including informed consent.NOTE - This would implicate the DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY and FORMATION OF an ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP.
Client-Attorney Relationship
When a lawyer discovers a client expects assistance that would violate a law or an ethical rule, the lawyer must explain whey she cannot do as the client instructs. If the client insists on the lawyer’s assistance in violating the law or an ethics rule, the lawyer must withdraw.
*Allocation of Scope of Authority
ABA and CA - The client controls the objectives of representation, and the lawyer controls the legal and tactical means of achieving those objectives. Lawyer may limit scope of representation (1) if reasonable under the circumstances; and (2) client gives informed consent.
*Duty of Loyalty
“Under both ABA and CA rules, a lawyer owes his client the fiduciary duty of loyalty, which means that he must act in the client’s best interest, avoid conflicts and not place his own interests or those of a third party above the interests’ of his client.” If representing clients with competing interests, an attorney must advise the parties and seek independent counsel. L also not allowed to engage in self-dealing OR act in his own interest.
(NOTE- should be analyzed with CONFLICT OF INTEREST). (NOTE- if a conflict exists, also analyze DUTY TO COMMUNICATE because L must advise of any issue requiring Informed Consent.
Under ABA and CA law, an attorney must act with the care, skill, preparation, thoroughness and diligence of a reasonable attorney under the circumstances. If the lawyer is not competent to handle the representation, s/he may: (1) decline or withdraw from the representation; (2) take action to become competent; (3) associate with competent counsel. Additionally, in CA, a lawyer is only subject to discipline if he intentionally, recklessly, acts with gross negligence, or repeatedly fails to perform legal services with competence.
NOTE: May need to analyze with “Sixth Amendment - Ineffective Counsel”
*POTENTIAL Conflicts of Interest
A potential COI exists when the Lawyer suspects a concurrent conflict may exist, but the representation has not yet been material limited. Under ABA, potential conflicts don’t require informed written consent. In CA, without informed written consent of EACH client, a lawyer may not represent more than one client in a matter in which the client’s interest potentially conflict.
*Conflicts of Interest - CURRENT CLIENTS
and Exceptions that will allow the conflict
Under ABA and California laws, a lawyer must not represent a client if the representation is (1) directly adverse to another client, or (2) materially limited by responsibilities to another client, a former client, a third party, or the lawyer’s own interests, UNLESS (a) the lawyer reasonably believes s/he will be able to provide competent and diligent representation to each affected client, (b) the representation is not prohibited by law, (c) the representation does not involve the assertion of a claim by one client against another client represented by the same lawyer, and (d) each client gives informed consent in writing. California law is similar but does not have the “reasonably believes” requirement. (NOTE- This should be analyzed with DUTY OF LOYALTY and DUTY TO COMMUNICATE (b/c must communicate that L needs Informed Consent)
*Conflicts of Interest - FORMER CLIENTS of the Lawyer
Unless a former client gives informed consent, a Lawyer CANNOT represent another person in the same or a substantially related matter when the person’s interests’ are materially adverse to the interest of the former client.
*Business Transactions with Current Client
A business transaction between a lawyer and current client is only permitted if: (1) all terms are FAIR AND REASONABLE to the client; (2) the terms are FULLY DISCLOSED in writing; (3) the client is advised to consult with OUTSIDE COUNSEL and is given reasonable opportunity to do so; and (4) the client CONSENTS IN WRITING.
*Permissive Withdrawal (Separate breakdown for ABA and CA)
Under ABA, a lawyer may seek withdrawal if it can be done without materially harming the client.
If it will harm the client, the lawyer may only withdraw if:
(1) client persists in a crime or fraud;
(2) lawyer learns previous services of the lawyer have been used to perpetrate a crime;
(3) lawyer finds clients course of action repugnant or lawyer has fundamental disagreement;
(4) client fails to pay lawyer’s fees, and has been given reasonable warning the lawyer will withdraw, unless the obligation is met;
(5) representation will result in an unreasonable financial burden on the lawyer;
(6) client has made representation unreasonably difficult, and
(7) other good cause exists.
When Mandatory Withdrawal is required:
A lawyer MUST withdraw from representing a client if:
(a) Discharged;
(b) a physical or mental condition of the lawyer exists that (ABA = materially impairs the representation; CA = unreasonably difficult to effectively carry out the representation); OR
(c) the representation will result in a violation of an ethics rule or other law.
In CA, a lawyer MUST also withdraw if he knows or should know that the client is bringing an action:
(1) without probable cause,
(2) for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring a person.
Under both ABA and CA, proper withdrawal requires the lawyer to:
(1) provide timely notice to the client;
(2) promptly return any unspent legal fees, advanced expenses, and all of the client’s papers and property; AND
(3) obtain the court’s approval to withdraw if a lawsuit has already been filed.
*CA Mandatory Withdrawal
A lawyer MUST WITHDRAW if he knows or should know that a client is bringing an action without PROBABLE CAUSE, for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring a person.
Under ABA and California law, a Lawyer must: (1) keep the client reasonably informed on status of the legal matter; (2) Promptly comply with requests’ for info; (3) consult with client on strategy & on matters requiring client consent; (4) Promptly inform client of any issue requiring informed consent; (5) advise client when Lawyer knows client expects assistance not permitted by ethical rules.
Under ABA Model Rules and California law, lawyers shall act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client. A lawyer’s workload must be controlled so that each matter can be handled competently. Unless the representation is properly terminated, the lawyer must pursue the case or matter to the end. Additionally, in CA, lawyer cannot intentionally, repeatedly, recklessly or with gross negligence fail to act w/reasonable diligence in representation.
Under ABA Model Rules and California law, a lawyer must not reveal any information relating to the representation of a client.
(1) when client gives informed consent;
(2) ordered to by Court;
(3) needed to defend a malpractice action or recover legal fees;
(4) to Prevent certain death or substantial bodily injury; or
(5) prevent client from committing a crime or fraud that will result in substantial financial loss; OR
(6) to secure legal advice about lawyers compliance with ethics rules.
In CA, a lawyer MAY, but is NOT REQUIRED to disclose confidential info to PREVENT A CRIME that will likely result in DEATH OR SUBSTANTIAL BODILY INJURY, and also, has a duty to attempt to dissuade, as well as INFORM CLIENT that the attorney will INFORM AUTHORITIES.
A lawyer cannot engage in conduct involving DISHONESTY or FRAUD. A lawyer cannot knowingly make a FALSE STATEMENT, fail to CORRECT a false statement, fail to DISCLOSE CONTROLLING LEGAL authority known to be adverse or offer EVIDENCE KNOWN TO BE FALSE.
In CA, a lawyer is required to employ only means consistent with THE TRUTH, and never seek to MISLEAD any judicial officer with FALSE STATEMENTS.
(Baressays Rule)
ABA, L can’t knowingly (1) make false statement of material fact or law, or fail to correct; (2) fail to disclose controlling legal auth; (3) offer false evidence. In CA, the law requires a lawyer to employ only means consistent with the truth, and never seek to mislead. Also requires reasonable measures to correct false evidence, but does not allow for revealing info protected under duty of confidentiality (opposite of ABA).
If a lawyer knows of false testimony elicited from a client during a deposition, the lawyer must (1) take reasonable measures to remonstrate the client confidentially; (2) advise the client of the lawyer’s duty of candor and (3) seek the client’s assistance to correct. In CA, during a CRIMINAL TRIAL, the lawyer may allow the client to testify in the NARRATIVE without disclosing perjury
When a lawyer knows that a person is represented by counsel in a matter, the lawyer cannot speak to the person concerning the matter unless (1) the lawyer has permission from the person’s lawyer; (2) authorized by law or court order; or (3) It is a public official, board committee or body (CA ONLY).