Professional Ethics Flashcards
A set of moral principles that guide behaviour.
Ethical values
Assumptions and beliefs about what constitutes ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ behaviour.
Business ethics
A concept that suggests businesses are morally responsible for their actions, and should be held accountable for the effects of their actions, on people and society.
Organisation culture
Other values: “ the way we do things around here”, the unwritten rules and customs of behaviour.
Code of ethics
Often focuses on social issues. It may set out general principles about an organisation’s beliefs on matters such as mission, quality, privacy, or the environment.
Code of conduct
Often arisen from the code of ethics.
AAT Guildelines in three parts
Part A: applies to all members. Part B: represents additional guidance which applies specifically to members in practice. Part C: applies specifically to members in business.
Objectives of the accountancy profession
1) Particular skills and techniques. 2) Ethical approach to work. 3) Duties to society. 4) Objective. 5) High standards. 6) Acceptance by the public
Law and regulations
Ethical issues
Civil and criminal law
Know and apply these to the country in which you live and work.
Reputation and standing
Requirement to which Members are to conduct themselves, and provide services to clients, according to certain professional and ethical standards.
Public interest
The accountancy profession sees itself as having duties to society as a whole- in addition to its specific obligations to employers and clients
Advice for AAT members
1) Avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest. 2) Be objective and act in the public interest. 3) Straightforward and honest in professional and business relationships. 4) Maintain professional knowledge, behaviours and skills at the level required by a client or employer.
Fundamental principles
1) Integrity
2) Objectivity
3) Professional competence & due care
4) Confidentiality 5) Professional behaviour
Obligation on all members to be straightforward and honest in professional and business relationships. Also implies fair dealing and truthfulness.
Paragraph 110.1 AAT guidelines
Members must not be associated with reports, returns, communications, or other information where they believe that the information: 1) contains a false or misleading statement.
2) contains statements or information furnished recklessly 3) omits or obscures information required to be included where such omission or obscurity would be misleading
The principle that imposes an obligation on all members not to compromise their business judgement because of bias, conflict of interest or the undue influence of others (Paragraph 120.1)
Professional competence and due care
The principle imposes the following obligations on members:
1) maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required
2) to act diligently in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards when providing professional services