Professional Courses Flashcards
Basic concepts and principles related to the MedTech profession. Emphasis on curriculum, the practice of the profession, clinical laboratories, continuing professional education…
Encompasses the concepts and principles of the different assays performed in the clinical laboratory.
Blood collection, transport, and processing.
Study of the foundation of community health that includes human ecology, demography, and epidemiology. Emphasizes the promotion of community, public, environmental health.
Community and Public Health for MT/MLS
Heredity and inheritance.
Fundamentals of cell tissues and organs with emphasis on microscopic structures.
Human Histology
Disease processes, etiology, and the development of anatomic, microscopic changes brought about by the disease process. Deals with the histopathologic
techniques necessary for the preparation of tissue samples collected
Histopathologic Techniques with Cytology
Physiology and morphology of bacteria and their role
in infection and immunity.
Clinical Bacteriology
Study of animal parasites in humans
Clinical Parasitology
Inheritance, characterization, and laboratory
identification of red cells antigens and their corresponding antibodies.
Immunohematology and Blood Bank
Study of fungi and viruses as agents of diseases with emphasis on epidemiology, laboratory identification, and characterization, and prevention control
Mycology and Virology
Concepts of laboratory management which are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling
Laboratory Management
Laws, administrative orders, and other approved legal documents related to the practice of Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science
Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics
Concepts of blood like the formation, metabolism
of cells, laboratory assays, correlation with pathologic conditions, special hematology evaluations are given emphasis.
Hematology 1
Hemostasis, and abnormalities involving red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets.
Hematology 2
Study of urine and other body fluids
Clinical Microscopy
Physiologically active soluble substances and waste materials present in the body fluids, particularly in the blood.
Clinical Chemistry 1
Further dealing with the concepts in CC1 and also covers the study of endocrine glands and hormones and their formation, laboratory analyses, and clinical correlation.
Clinical Chemistry 2
Current laboratory analyses used in the practice
of medical technology.
Seminars 1 and 2
Nucleic acid and protein molecule interaction within the cell to promotes proper growth, cell division, and development.
Molecular Biology and Diagnostics