Professional-1 Flashcards
vanish (Verb)
Mary vanished without a trace
yok ol-; kaybol- (Verb)
clarity (Noun)
netlik (Noun)
pipeline (Noun)
süreç akışı (Noun)
interval (Noun)
after his departure, there was an interval of many years without any meetings
aralık; süre [not spacing] (Noun)
condition (Noun)
a condition of misery
durum; koşul (Noun)
bir sefalet durumu
wireframe (Noun)
sitili olmayan; temel bir tasarım (Noun)
threat (Noun)
hurricane damage poses a major threat to many coastal communities
tehdit (Noun)
kasırga hasarı birçok kıyı topluluğu için büyük bir tehdit oluşturuyor
invalidate (Verb)
geçersiz kıl- (Verb)
regression (Noun)
it is easy to blame unrest on economic regression
gerileme (Noun)
Huzursuzluğun suçunu ekonomik gerilemeye bağlamak kolaydır
pitch (Noun)
saha (Noun)
momentum (Noun)
itme (Noun)
shortcut (Noun)
kestirme (Noun)
obey (Verb)
uy-;itaat et- (Verb)
padding (Noun)
dolgu malzemesi (Noun)
chute (Noun)
oluk (Noun)
pairing (Noun)
eşleştirme (Noun)
expose (Verb)
ortaya çıkar- [not reveal] (Verb)
scrum (Noun)
meeting;hücum toplantıları (Noun)
initiator (Noun)
başlatıcı (Noun)
replacement (Noun)
yenisi ile değiştirme (Noun)
bundling (Verb)
paketle- (Verb)
topology (Noun)
topoloji (Noun)
liquify (Noun)
sıvılaştırma (Noun)
gap (Noun)
boşluk (Noun)
pinch (Noun)
tutam (Noun)
attitude (Noun)
she took a tough attitude toward other people’s indulgences
tutum; davranış (Noun)
perception (Noun)
algı [not sense] (Noun)
maintenance (Noun)
bakım (Noun)
flame (Noun)
alev (Noun)
strike (Noun)
vuruş (Noun)
possibility (Noun)
olasılık (Noun)
clipboard (Noun)
pano (Noun)
droplet (Noun)
damlacık (Noun)
owe (Verb)
borçlan-; borcu ol- (Verb)
logic (Noun)
mantık (Noun)
highlight (Verb)
vurgula- [not underscore] (Verb)
scaffold (Noun)
iskele (Noun)
inset (Noun)
ek (Noun)
consonant (Noun)
sessiz(ünsüz) harf (b;c;d;f;g;h) (Noun)
majority (Noun)
çoğunluk (Noun)
resolving (Verb)
çözümle- (Verb)
vibrance (Noun)
titreşim (Noun)
crumble (Noun)
ufalanmak; en ufak olmak (Noun)
proof (Noun)
kanıt [not evidence] (Noun)
drawback (Noun)
dezavantaj (Noun)
reliance (Noun)
the farmer’s reliance on pesticides
pesticide(böcek zehiri)
güven (Noun)
compilation (Noun)
derleme (Noun)
scale down (Verb)
azalt- [notreduce] (Verb)
manifest (Noun)
manifesto; bildirge (Noun)
delegate (Noun)
temsilci (Noun)
diagnostic (Noun)
tanı (Noun)
introduction (Noun)
giriş [not ingress] (Noun)
outline (Noun)
anahat;taslak (Noun)
distinguish (Verb)
it was too dark to distinguish anything more than their vague shapes
ayırt et- (Verb)
configure (Verb)
yapılandır- (Verb)
prevent (Verb)
engel ol- (Verb)
inception (Noun)
başlangıç (Noun)
arrange (Verb)
düzenle- (Verb)
allot (Verb)
equal time was allotted to each
tahsis et- [not allocate] (Verb)
detect (Verb)
tespit et- (Verb)
workface (Noun)
iş gücü (Noun)
transformation (Noun)
dönüşüm (Noun)
prefer (Verb)
tercih et- (Verb)
gain (Verb)
kazan- (Verb)
cling (Verb)
sarıl-; yapış- (Verb)
blur (Noun)
bulanıklık (Noun)
agreement (Noun)
anlaşma [not deal; compromise] (Noun)
preferences (Noun)
tercihler (Noun)
scope (Noun)
kapsam; dürbün (Noun)
composition (Noun)
kompozisyon; bileşim (Noun)
evidence (Noun)
kanıt [not proof] (Noun)
occur (Verb)
meydana gel- [not consist] (Verb)
instance (Noun)
durum/örnek (Noun)
overflow (Noun)
taşma (Noun)
mission (Noun)
misyon (Noun)
splash (Noun)
sıçrama (Noun)
wizard (Noun)
sihirbaz (Noun)
provider (Noun)
sağlayıcı (Noun)
fade (Verb)
sol- (Verb)
expense (Noun)
gider (Noun)
frame (Noun)
çerçeve [not framework] (Noun)
reminder (Noun)
hatırlatıcı (Noun)
restriction (Noun)
kısıtlama (Noun)
refactor (Verb)
yeniden düzenle- (Verb)
establish (Verb)
kur- (Verb)
spit (Verb)
tükür- (Verb)
deal (Noun)
anlaşma [not agreement; compromise] (Noun)
institution (Noun)
kurum (Noun)
observability (Noun)
gözlemlenebilirlik (Noun)
consume (Verb)
tüket-;harca- (Verb)
displace (Verb)
yer değiştir- (Verb)
node (Noun)
düğüm (Noun)
fullfilment (Noun)
yerine getirme (Noun)
minority (Noun)
azınlık (Noun)
exposure (Noun)
poz (Noun)
correction (Noun)
they’re still looking for the market to go up and believe we are just going through a correction
düzeltme (Noun)
puppet (Noun)
kukla (Noun)
gradient (Noun)
eğim;gradyan (Noun)
grayscale (Noun)
gri tonlama (Noun)
remark (verb)
he remarked the man’s inflamed eyelids
söyle-; belirt- (verb)
privilege (Noun)
ayrıcalık (Noun)
manner (Noun)
what manner of man is he?
biçim (Noun)
reveal (Verb)
ortaya çıkart- [not expose] (Verb)
foreground (Noun)
ön plan (Noun)
sustain (Verb)
sürdür- [not maintain] (Verb)
spacing (Noun)
aralık [not interval] (Noun)
concatenate (Verb)
birleştir- (Verb)
habit (Noun)
this can develop into a bad habit
alışkanlık (Noun)
despise (Verb)
tiksin- (Verb)
deploy (Verb)
dağıt- [not distribute] (Verb)
concurrency (Noun)
eş zamanlılık (Noun)
preview (Noun)
ön izleme (Noun)
tooltip (Noun)
ipucu [not hint] (Noun)
breaking (Noun)
kırılma; bozma (Noun)
complete (Verb)
tamamla- (Verb)
promise (Verb)
söz ver- (Verb)
session (Noun)
oturum (Noun)
screencast (Noun)
ekran kaydı (Noun)
swap (Noun)
takas [not interchange] (Noun)
datagram (Noun)
veri birimi (Noun)
bring (Verb)
getir- (Verb)
enhance (Verb)
genişlet- [not expand] (Verb)
hint (Noun)
ipucu [not tooltip] (Noun)
suspect (Noun)
şüpheli (Noun)
evolve (Verb)
the populations are cut off from each other and evolve independently
evrim geçir- (Verb)
expand (Verb)
genişlet- [not enhance] (Verb)
innovation (Noun)
yenilik (Noun)
comprise (Verb)
the country comprises twenty states
içer- [not contain; involve] (Verb)
linkage (Noun)
bağlantı (Noun)
upsize (Verb)
büyült- (Verb)
texture (Noun)
doku; yapı (Noun)
shift (Verb)
değiştir- [not alter] (Verb)
infrastructure (Noun)
altyapı (Noun)
stack (Noun)
yığın [not chunk] (Noun)
framework (Noun)
çerçeve [not frame] (Noun)
contain (Verb)
içer- [not involve; comprise] (Verb)
seem (Verb)
görün- (Verb)
pair (Noun)
çift [not couple] (Noun)
interchange (Noun)
takas [not swap] (Noun)
post (Noun)
ileti (Noun)
flip (Verb)
çevir- (Verb)
razor (Noun)
ustura (Noun)
vowel (Noun)
sesli(ünlü) harf (a; e; ı; i; o; ö; u; ü) (Noun)
healing (noun)
iyileştirme [not refinement] (Verb)
surround (Noun)
çevreleme (Noun)
bachelor (Noun)
üniversite mezunu (Noun)
manipulation (Noun)
manipülasyon (Noun)
exeqution (Noun)
uygulama [not implementation] (Noun)
proposal (Noun)
teklif;öneri (Noun)
situation (Noun)
durum (Noun)
outcome (Noun)
it is the outcome of the vote that counts
sonuç [not conclusion; consequence] (Noun)
deviation (Noun)
sapma (Noun)
quote (Verb)
alıntı yap- (Verb)
couple (Noun)
çift [not pair] (Noun)
encapsulate (Verb)
kapsülle- (Verb)
assign (Verb)
ata- (Verb)
niche (Noun)
niş (Noun)
resistance (Noun)
direnç (Noun)
consequence (Noun)
sonuçlar [not conclusion; outcome] (Noun)
marker (Noun)
işaretleyici (Noun)
pinned (Noun)
sabitlenmiş (Noun)
mass (Noun)
kütle (Noun)
task (Noun)
görev (Noun)
intent (Noun)
niyet (Noun)
scale up (Verb)
artır- [not augment] (Verb)
resolution (Noun)
çözüm; çözünürlük (Noun)
hypertext (Noun)
köprü metni (Noun)
confidence (Noun)
Kendinden emin (Noun)
extract (Verb)
ayıkla-;çıkar- (Verb)
collision (Noun)
a collision between experience and theory
çarpışma (Noun)
picker (Noun)
seçici;toplayıcı (Noun)
probe (Verb)
he began to probe into Donald’s whereabouts
incele- [not examine] (Verb)
candidate (Noun)
aday (Noun)
latency (Noun)
gecikme (Noun)
saturation (Noun)
doyma; doygunluk (Noun)
phrase (Noun)
ifade [not expression] (Noun)
conclusion (Noun)
sonuç [not outcome; consequence] (Noun)
step (Noun)
adım (Noun)
accelerate (Verb)
inflation started to accelerate
hızlandır-; hızlan- (Verb)
realize (Verb)
farket- (Verb)
canvas (Noun)
tuval (Noun)
assurance (Noun)
güvence (Noun)
referral (Noun)
referans (Noun)
interpret (Verb)
the evidence is difficult to interpret
yorumla- (Verb)
emboss (Verb)
They used special tools to emboss the leather
kabart- (Verb)
brush (Verb)
fırçala- (Verb)
long term (Noun)
uzun vadeli (Noun)
survey (Noun)
the flight involved a detailed aerial survey of military bases
anket (Noun)
stain (Noun)
leke (Noun)
distribute (Verb)
dağıt- [not deploy] (Verb)
syntax (Noun)
söz dizimi (Noun)
admit (Verb)
I have to admit that …
itiraf et-; kabul et- (Verb)
backdrop (Noun)
arkaplan; zemin (Noun)
bunch (Noun)
demet [not bundle] (Noun)
leak (Noun)
sızıntı (Noun)
opportunity (Noun)
fırsat (Noun)
fallback (Verb)
the offering will hit the market after a fallback from record highs
geri çekil-; geri çekilme (Verb)
accomplishment (Noun)
the accomplishment of planned objectives
başarı (Noun)
thickness (Noun)
kalınlık (Noun)
bundle (Noun)
demet [not bunch] (Noun)
instruction (Noun)
the school offers personalized instruction in a variety of skills
talimat (Noun)
widget (Noun)
araç (Noun)
indicator (Noun)
gösterge (Noun)
blending (Noun)
karıştırma (Noun)
switch (Noun)
anahtar(devre) (Noun)
decompose (Verb)
ayrıştır- [not parse] (Verb)
tutorial (Noun)
a tutorial on English poetry
öğretici (Noun)
dodge (Verb)
bartering can be seen as a tax dodge
atlat- (Verb)
charset (Noun)
karakter kümesi (Noun)
dependency (Noun)
bağımlılık (Noun)
compromise (Verb)
an ability to listen to two sides in a dispute, and devise a compromise acceptable to both
anlaş- [not deal; agreement] (Verb)
utilization (Noun)
steps to increase the utilization of resources
kullanım (Noun)
velocity (Noun)
hız (Noun)
overseas (Noun)
deniz aşırı (Noun)
ruin (Verb)
the ruin and heartbreak wrought by alcohol, divorce, and violence
mahvet- (Verb)
circuit (Noun)
elektronik devre (Noun)
reach (Noun)
ulaşmak (Noun)
crash (Noun)
kaza (Noun)
shader (Noun)
gölgelendirici (Noun)
empower (Verb)
movements to empower the poor
güçlendir-; yetkilendir- (Verb)
interpolation (Verb)
the interpolation of songs into the piece
ekleme yap- (Verb)
mask (Noun)
maske (Noun)
extensibility (Noun)
genişletilebilirlik (Noun)
allocation (Noun)
more efficient allocation of resources
paylaştırma; tahsis (Noun)
seek (Verb)
ara-; araştır- [not browse] (Verb)
downsize (Verb)
küçült- [not shrink] (Verb)
justify (Verb)
the situation was grave enough to justify further investigation
savun- (Verb)
posterize (Verb)
posterleştir- (Verb)
strength (Noun)
güç; kuvvet (Noun)
implement (Verb)
the regulations implement a 1954 treaty
uygula- [not exeqution] (Noun)
bottleneck (Noun)
darboğaz (Noun)
isolate (Verb)
izole et-; yalıt- (Verb)
blindness (Noun)
körlük (Noun)
bolster (Verb)
the fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence
destekle- (Verb)
bevel (Noun)
a very small 45° bevel is ground on the top surface
eğim (Noun)
transaction (Noun)
işlem [not process] (Noun)
snippet (Noun)
parça (Noun)
reinforce (Verb)
paratroopers were sent to reinforce the troops already in the area
güçlendir-;pekiştir- (Verb)
necessity (Noun)
a good book is a necessity when traveling
gereklilik; zorunluluk (Noun)
approvement (Noun)
onay (Noun)
predict (Verb)
it is too early to predict a result
tahmin et- [not estimate] (Verb)
stamp (Noun)
damga;kaşe (Noun)
transcript (Noun)
kopya;suret (Noun)
eyedropper (Noun)
damlalık (Noun)
appearance (Noun)
the appearance of the railroad
dış görünüş; görünüm (Noun)
conclude (Verb)
an attempt to conclude a ceasefire
sonuçlandır- (Verb)
thread (Noun)
iş parçacığı (Noun)
roll out (Verb)
açarak yay- (Verb)
substitution (Noun)
a tactical substitution
yer değiştirme (Noun)
troubleshoot (Verb)
follow the error messages to troubleshoot
sorun gider- (Verb)
existence (Noun)
the plane was the oldest Boeing remaining in existence
varoluş (Noun)
recursion (Noun)
the repeated application of a recursive procedure or definition.
yineleme (Noun)
differ (verb)
the second set of data differed from the first
farklı ol-; farklılık (verb)
tab (Noun)
get tips on learning how to read guitar tab
sekme; çıkıntı (Noun)
emit (Verb)
coal-fired power stations continue to emit large quantities of sulfur dioxide
yay- (Verb)
parabolic (Noun)
yatay olarak atılan bir nesnenin izlediği eğriyi ifade eden konik kesit (Noun)
requirement (Noun)
gereklilik (Noun)
orientation (Noun)
oryantasyon; yönlendirme (Noun)
runtime (Noun)
çalışma süresi (Noun)
topic (Noun)
başlık (Noun)
postgraduate (Noun)
lisansüstü (Noun)
desire (Noun)
arzu (Noun)
accumulation (Noun)
birikim (Noun)
breadcrump (Noun)
ekmek kırıntısı (Noun)
enumeration (Noun)
numaralandırma;sayım (Noun)
overhead (Noun)
üstünden geçen (Noun)
resilience (Noun)
nylon is excellent in wearability and resilience
dayanıklılık (Noun)
knowledge (Noun)
bilgi (Noun)
margin (Noun)
kenar boşluğu (Noun)
boilerplate (Noun)
basmakalıp; sıradan; yeni bir özelliği olmayan (Noun)
stage (Noun)
sahne (Noun)
tend (Verb)
the Fourier coefficients tend to zero
eğilimli ol-; yönel- (Verb)
wand (Noun)
the fairy godmother waves her magic wand and grants the heroine’s wishes
değnek; asa (Noun)
complain (Verb)
şikayet et- (Verb)
ripple (Noun)
dalgalanma (Noun)
invert (Verb)
invert the mousse onto a serving plate
tersine çevir- (Verb)
clutter (Noun)
the attic is full of clutter
dağınıklık (Noun)
simplify (Verb)
basitleştir- (Verb)
intelligibility (Noun)
being able to see a speaker can improve intelligibility
anlaşılabilirlik (Noun)
unification (Noun)
the costs of German unification
birleşme (Noun)
sampling (Noun)
örnekleme (Noun)
thrive (Verb)
education groups thrive on organization
geliş- (Verb)
fool (Verb)
kandır-; aptal(noun) (Verb)
boolean (Noun)
mantıksal (Noun)
lifting (Noun)
kaldırma (Noun)
decode (Verb)
kodu çöz- (Verb)
char (Noun)
karakter (Noun)
nullity (Noun)
hükümsüzlük;geçersizlik (Noun)
interconnect (Noun)
ara bağlantı (Noun)
threaten (Verb)
tehtid et- (Verb)
dock (Noun)
rıhtım (Noun)
leftover (Noun)
arta kalan; artık (Noun)
adjust (Verb)
she must be allowed to grieve and to adjust in her own way
ayarla- (Verb)
memorize (Verb)
he memorized thousands of verses
ezberle- (Verb)
monetization (Noun)
para kazanma (Noun)
phase (Noun)
evre (Noun)
clip (Verb)
kırp- (Verb)
glow (Noun)
parıltı (Noun)
doupt (Noun)
şüphe (Noun)
privacy (Noun)
gizlilik (Noun)
lasso (Noun)
kement (Noun)
convey (Verb)
ilet- (Verb)
predix (Noun)
ön ek (Noun)
exhibit (Verb)
patients with alcoholic liver disease exhibit many biochemical abnormalities
sergile- (Verb)
timeline (Noun)
zaman çizelgesi (Noun)
decouple (Verb)
ayır- [not segregate] (Verb)
avoid (Verb)
kaçın- (Verb)
sense (Noun)
algı [not perception] (Noun)
examine (Verb)
incele- [not probe] (Verb)
suffix (Noun)
son ek (Noun)
layout (Noun)
yerleşim;düzen (Noun)
alibi (Noun)
she has an alibi for the whole of yesterday evening
mazeret; gerekçe (Noun)
trace (Noun)
we’ve got a trace on the call
iz;işaret (Noun)
fidelity (Noun)
he sought only the strictest fidelity to justice
bağlılık; sadakat (Noun)
process (Noun)
işlem [not transaction] (Noun)
equalize (Verb)
eşitle- (Verb)
slider (Noun)
kaydırıcı (Noun)
visualize (Verb)
görselleştir- (Verb)
embrace (Verb)
their eager embrace of foreign influences
kucakla- (Verb)
participant (Noun)
katılımcı [not respondent] (Noun)
contradict (Verb)
the survey appears to contradict the industry’s claims
çeliş- (Verb)
carve (Verb)
Cliff wouldn’t carve, so she was expected to wield the knife
oy- (Verb)
thumbnail (Noun)
küçük resim (Noun)
action (Noun)
eylem (Noun)
transpose (Verb)
the captions describing the two state flowers were accidentally transposed
aktar- (Verb)
allocate (Verb)
the authorities allocated 50,000 places to refugees
tahsis et- [not allot] (Verb)
spectators (Noun)
around fifteen thousand spectators came to watch the thrills and spill
izleyiciler (Noun)
downgrade (Verb)
sürüm düşür- (Verb)
codebase (Noun)
kod tabanı (Noun)
elevate (Verb)
yükselt- (Verb)
abstraction (Noun)
soyutlama (Noun)
grab (Verb)
I’ll grab another drink while there’s still time
yakala-;kap- (Verb)
persistence (Noun)
companies must have patience and persistence, but the rewards are there
süreklilik; kalıcılık (Noun)
suggest (Verb)
öner- (Verb)
pod (Noun)
a pod exploring one of the more precarious moments in the space exploration program
kapsül (Noun)
principle (Noun)
ilke;prensip (Noun)
payload (Noun)
yük [not load] (Noun)
enclose (Verb)
I enclose a copy of the job description
çevrele- (Verb)
refinements (noun)
iyileştirmeler (noun)
inversion (Noun)
tersine çevirme (Noun)
cause (Noun)
neden (Noun)
deserving (Noun)
the deserving poor
hak eden; layık (Noun)
summarize (Verb)
özetle- (Verb)
discourage (Verb)
the plan is designed to discourage the use of private cars
vazgeçir- (Verb)
prediction (Noun)
the prediction of future behavior
tahmin (Noun)
perform (Verb)
rol yap- (Verb)
estimate (Verb)
tahmin et- [not predict] (Verb)
shrink (Verb)
küçült-;daralt- [not downsize] (Verb)
scenario (Noun)
senaryo [not script] (Noun)
unlock (Noun)
kilit açmak (Noun)
ingress (Noun)
giriş [not introduction] (Noun)
auction (Noun)
açık artırma (Noun)
presentation (Noun)
sunum; tanıtım (Noun)
reduce (Verb)
azalt- [not scale down] (Verb)
response (Noun)
cevap (Noun)
iterator (Noun)
yineleyici (Noun)
thought (Noun)
Maggie had a sudden thought
düşünce (Noun)
firmware (Noun)
gömülü donanım yazılımı (Noun)
cluster (Noun)
küme (Noun)
encode (Verb)
kodla- (Verb)
ranke (Noun)
rütbe (Noun)
credentials (Noun)
kimlik bilgileri (Noun)
marquee (Noun)
kayan yazı (Noun)
interrupt (Verb)
the buzzer interrupted his thoughts
yarıda kes- (Verb)
train (Verb)
the plan trains people for promotion
eğit- (Verb)
syllable (Noun)
I’d never have breathed a syllable if he’d kept quiet
hece (Noun)
underscore (Verb)
vurgula- [not highlight] (Verb)
parse (Verb)
ayrıştır- [not decompose] (Verb)
respondent (Noun)
the respondent firms in the survey
katılımcı [not participant] (Noun)
prerequisites (Noun)
önkoşullar (Noun)