Prof. Kelsey's Flashcards
Population structure?
= spatial structure divided into smaller local populations.
F(IS) = (Hs - Hi)/Hs ?
= measures the reduction of heterozygosity within a subpopulation.
R = h²S ?
= determines the amount of selection due to evolutionary change.
R = response to selection.
h² = heritability.
S = selection differential.
Inbreeding coefficient?
= determines how much of inbreeding is occurring in populations.
● F = (Ho - H)/Ho
Ho = expected heterozygosity = 2pq.
H = actual observed heterozygotes.
F 0 —> 1 for inbreeding coefficient?
Suggests inbreeding.
Selective agent?
= environmental cause of fitness differences among organisms with different phenotypes.
Eg. Seeds eaten by Darwin’s finches.
w = fitness of individual/average fitness
= relative fitness of individual in the population in terms of selection.
F(ST) = Ht - Hs (with dash on top) / Hs (with dash on top) ?
• measures differentiation among subpopulations.
- gives you a # 0<x<1
- close to or = to zero, little difference.
- close to one, more differentiated.
• tells you how different the subpopulations are from one another.
F(IT) = Ht - Hi (dash) / Ht
• reduction in individual hetero relative to metapopulation.
Hi (dash) = average reduction of heteroz in one individual.
Ht = reduction heteroz in total metapopulation.
Absolute fitness
Relative fitness
• average number of offspring produced by a genotype over its lifetime.
0 < w < 1 will die most fit
• (w) relative difference between genotypes.
w = absolute fit of interest/ absolute fit of most fit genotype
Indirect selection?
• takes place on correlated traits
- one trait target of selection, 2nd is not target, but may appear to be due to correlation with target.
• changes in correlated trait not affecting fitness.
= selection gradient.
• measure of direct selection.
• partial regression of slopes.
• when positive: direct selection active.
• + or - depicts + or - slxn.
Ne = 4NmNf / Nm+Nf
Nm + Nf = Na
• determines magnitude of genetic drift when or more assumptions are violated (¹ #sexes; ² no sex/nat slxn; ³ subpop same in next generation).
Nm = males.
Nf = females.
Population genetics?
= study of naturally occurring genetic differences between organisms and populations.
• homogenizes the population.
• increases allelic variation.
- movement of individuals between populations.
- proportion of individuals that move between populations in a generation.
• ultimate source of genetic variation.
• changes allele frequency because it can change actual allele.
• 4 kinds of mutation.
How do you identify selection agent based on selection gradients?
• partition fitness into various fitness components.
• look at fitness components & see what selection is acting on.
Adaptive radiation?
= evolution of ecological diversity within ecological habitats.
• closely related species evolving to live in varying habitats.
Selection vs Migration?
• local adaptation from local selection; variation among subpopulations.
• relative activity of each can mean the difference of homogenizing a population or adaptation.
Frequency of alleles?
= proportion of alleles present in a population.
Target of selection?
= trait that helps the organism deal with challenge in the environment, i.e., selective agent.
• phenotypic traits that selection acts directly upon.
Genetic drift?
= fluctuations in allele frequency that are due to random chance.
- important in small populations.
Increases variance among subpopulations.
Decreases variation within subpopulations.