Productive Skills: Writing Flashcards
What is ‘process writing’?
Process-writing cycle: students write first draft -> teacher gives feedback -> students rewrite until final draft is finished. In other words, none of the writing steps are graded, only the final product.
Name four aspects of writing that distinguish it from the other skills (other than the fact that it is written).
Permanent: can be reread, rewritten, edited
Dense: No redundancy, takes more effort so everything is written densely
Time-independent: Time-lapse between production and reception
The person (or audience) is not physically present when the text is produced
Produced slowly: that is why it is used least in real-life communication
Learnt, high-prestige form: Spoken language -> learned intuitively, Written -> in school, something acquired, developed
Standard forms: Written -> usually more uniform, Spoken -> varies in accent, lexis, grammar etc.
Name two tasks that promote writing to give information.
Write a newspaper article (real or imaginary)
Write a short paper (Info on a person, event, invention previously researched)