Productive Emails Flashcards
Save your time by writing effective emails
Subject line for dinner invitation
Bad: Dinner
Good: Dinner party at Starbucks
Best: Dinner party at Starbucks this Sat (Nov/2) @ 8pm
Subject for report submission
Bad: Report
Good: Revenue Report for Q2
Best: Project X Revenue Q2 Report w/ notes and comments
Subject for sharing survey results
Bad: Tracking
Good: Tracking specs for blog
Best: Google Analytics tracking specs for
Subject for workshop announcement
Bad: Workshop
Good: Email productivity workshop
Best: Live email productivity workshop Nov/7 @ 3pm PDT
Subject for contact requirement
Bad: Alice
Good: Call Alice Samson
Best: Call Alice Samson at 111–123–1234 ASAP
Subject line for calling to import action
Bad: Contact list
Good: Import contact list
Best: Import contact list (attached) into CRM before this weekend
Subject for something urgent
URGENT – Building maintenance tomorrow.
Subject for sending general information
FYI – Donuts in the kitchen courtesy of Bob.
Subject for emails with empty body
Today’s meeting is at 6pm. EndOfMessage.
Subject for emails that no response is needed
Comming 15m late. Start without me. NoReplyNeeded.
Formal greetings
- Dear Sir/ Madam,
- Dear Sir or Madam,
- To whom it may concern:
- Dear Mr/ Mz Jones,
- Dear Dr Smith,
Informal greetings
- Hi Alice,
- Hello Bob,
- Dear Mum,
Formal reasons for writing/replying
- I am writing to make a reservation/ to apply for the position of…/ to confirm my booking/ to ask for further information about …
- I am writing with regard to the sale of …/ to the complaint you made on 29 February
- Thank you for your e-mail of 29 February regarding the sale of… / concerning the conference in Zurich.
- With reference to our telephone conversation on Friday, I would like to let you know that…
Informal reasons for writing/replying
- Just a quick note to invite you to…/ to tell you that…
- This is to invite you to join us for a picnic on 20 May.
- Thanks for your e-mail, it was wonderful/great to hear from you.
First contact to unknown person
- I found your name in the references of X’s paper on …
- I am writing to you because …
- Your address was given to me by …
- Your name was given to me by …
Chasing your previous mail
- Did you get my last message sent on … ?
- I was wondering whether you had received my email (see below).
- May we remind you that we are still awaiting your reply to our message dated … ∗
- We would be grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.
- Sorry, but given that I have not heard from you I am worried that I did not explain the situation clearly.
Formal making a request or asking for information
- Could you please let me know if you can attend the fair/ if you are available for a meeting on 12 December?
- I would appreciate it if you could send me a brochure/ if you could reply within two days.
- Could you possibly arrange a meeting with my secretary?
- I would also like to know if there are any swimming pools in your area.
- Please, let me know how much the tickets cost.
Informal making a request or asking for information
- I was wondering if you could come and see me sometime next week.
- Would you mind coming early to help me clear up the place?
- Do you think you could call Jerry for me?
- Can you call me/ get back to me asap? (as soon as possible)
Showing awareness that you are taking up recipient’s time
- I realize you must be very busy at the moment but if you could spare a moment I would be most grateful.
- If it wouldn’t take up too much of your time then I would be very grateful if you could …
- Clearly, I don’t want to take up too much of your time but if you could …
- Obviously, I don’t expect you to …. but any help you could give me would be much appreciated.
Asking to receive papers
- I would like to receive a copy of your PhD Thesis “Deep learning and its applications”.
- Last week I attended the workshop on X. I was interested in your presentation on “Y.” Have you by any chance written a paper on that topic? If so, I would very much appreciate it if you could email me a copy.
Trying to understand the problem
- I am not completely clear what the problem is.
- I’m sorry but I don’t seem to be able to understand the problem. If possible could you give me more details to clarify the situation.
- I’m not really clear about this—please clarify.
- So if I have understood correctly, the problem is …
- So you are saying that …
Formal offering help or giving information
- We are happy to let you know that your article has been selected for publication.
- I am glad to inform you that we will be holding our annual conference in Zurich on 20 September 2014.
- We regret to inform you that the show has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions.
- We are willing to arrange another meeting with the CEO.
- We would be glad to send you another statement if necessary.
- Please, let me know if I can be of further assistance.
- Should you need any further information/assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.
Informal offering help or giving information
- I’m sorry, but I can’t make it tomorrow. (= I can’t come tomorrow.)
- I’m happy to tell you that John and I are getting married next month.
- Would you like me to come early and help you clear up the place?
- How about I come and help you out?
- Do you need a hand with moving the furniture?
Withdrawing acceptance
- I am sorry to have to inform you that I am no longer able to …
- Due to family problems I am sorry to have to inform you that …
- I am sorry to give you such short notice and I sincerely hope that this won’t cause you too much trouble.
Formal complaining
- I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with… / to complain about…
- I regret to say that I was not completely satisfied with the room you provided us.
- We regret to inform you that your payment is considerably overdue.
- I would like to receive a full refund and compensation for the damages.
- I am interested to hear how your company can compensate us for the distress we suffered.
Informal complaining
- I’m sorry to say that you’re late with the payments.
- I hope you won’t mind me saying that the place you’d recommended to us wasn’t as nice as we’d expected.
Formal apologizing
- We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
- Please accept our apologies for the delay.
- Please let us know what we can do to compensate you for the damages caused.
- We will make sure that this will not happen again in the future.
- I am afraid I will not be able to attend the conference.
Informal apologizing
- I’m sorry for the trouble I caused.
- I apologize for the delay.
- I promise it won’t happen again.
- I’m sorry, but I can’t make it to the meeting.
Changing the meeting time
- Sorry, I can’t make the meeting at 13:00. Can we change it to 14:00? Let me know.
- Re our meeting next week. I am afraid something has come up and I need to change the time. Would it be possible on Tuesday 13 at 15:00?
- We were due to meet next Tuesday afternoon. Is there any chance I could move it until later in the week? Weds or Thurs perhaps?
Cancelling the meeting or teleconference
- I am extremely sorry, but I am afraid I will not be able to participate in the teleconference that was arranged for next week.
- I am sorry to leave this so late, but it looks like I won’t be able to make the conference call tomorrow.
- Due to family problems I will not be able to…
Formal attaching files
- I am attaching my CV for your consideration.
- I am sending you the brochure as an attachment.
- Please see the statement attached.
- Please find attached the file you requested.
- I am afraid I cannot open the file you have sent me.
- Could you send it again in (…) format?
Informal attaching files
- I’m attaching/sending you the holiday photos.
- Sorry, but I can’t open it. Can you send it again in (…) format?
Formal ending
- I look forward to hearing from you.
- I look forward to hearing when you are planning to visit our town.
Telling recipient by when you want a reply
- I look forward to hearing from you in the near future / soon / before the end of the week.
- Please could you get back to me by the end of today / this morning / as soon as possible.
- I hope you can reply this morning so I can then get things moving before leaving tonight.
- We would appreciate an early reply.
- Please let me have your feedback by Friday so I can send you a draft schedule next week.
- I know it is a very sharp deadline. So if you don’t have time to answer my question, please don’t worry about it.
When you will reply
- I should be able to send you the document tomorrow / within the next two days / first thing Thursday morning.
- I’ll get back to you before the end of the day.
- I’m sorry but I won’t be able to give you any response until …
Informal ending
- Hope to hear from you soon.
- I’m looking forward to seeing you.
Formal closing formula
- Yours faithfully, (when you start with Dear Sir/ Madam,)
- Yours sincerely, (when you start with the name e.g. Dear Ms Collins)
- Sincerely Yours,
- Sincerely,
- Yours Truly,
Informal closing formula
- Love,
- Thanks,
- Take care,
- Yours,
- Best regards,
- Dear Sir/ Madam,
- Dear Sir or Madam,
- To whom it may concern:
- Dear Mr/ Mz Jones,
- Dear Dr Smith,
Formal greetings
- Hi Alice,
- Hello Bob,
- Dear Mum,
Informal greetings
- I am writing to make a reservation/ to apply for the position of…/ to confirm my booking/ to ask for further information about …
- I am writing with regard to the sale of …/ to the complaint you made on 29 February
- Thank you for your e-mail of 29 February regarding the sale of… / concerning the conference in Zurich.
- With reference to our telephone conversation on Friday, I would like to let you know that…
Formal reasons for writing/replying
- Just a quick note to invite you to…/ to tell you that…
- This is to invite you to join us for a picnic on 20 May.
- Thanks for your e-mail, it was wonderful/great to hear from you.
Informal reasons for writing/replying
- I found your name in the references of X’s paper on …
- I am writing to you because …
- Your address was given to me by …
- Your name was given to me by …
First contact to unknown person
- Did you get my last message sent on … ?
- I was wondering whether you had received my email (see below).
- May we remind you that we are still awaiting your reply to our message dated … ∗
- We would be grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.
- Sorry, but given that I have not heard from you I am worried that I did not explain the situation clearly.
Chasing your previous mail
- Could you please let me know if you can attend the fair/ if you are available for a meeting on 12 December?
- I would appreciate it if you could send me a brochure/ if you could reply within two days.
- Could you possibly arrange a meeting with my secretary?
- I would also like to know if there are any swimming pools in your area.
- Please, let me know how much the tickets cost.
Formal making a request or asking for information
- I was wondering if you could come and see me sometime next week.
- Would you mind coming early to help me clear up the place?
- Do you think you could call Jerry for me?
- Can you call me/ get back to me asap? (as soon as possible)
Informal making a request or asking for information
- I realize you must be very busy at the moment but if you could spare a moment I would be most grateful.
- If it wouldn’t take up too much of your time then I would be very grateful if you could …
- Clearly, I don’t want to take up too much of your time but if you could …
- Obviously, I don’t expect you to …. but any help you could give me would be much appreciated.
Showing awareness that you are taking up recipient’s time
- I would like to receive a copy of your PhD Thesis “Deep learning and its applications”.
- Last week I attended the workshop on X. I was interested in your presentation on “Y.” Have you by any chance written a paper on that topic? If so, I would very much appreciate it if you could email me a copy.
Asking to receive papers
- I am not completely clear what the problem is.
- I’m sorry but I don’t seem to be able to understand the problem. If possible could you give me more details to clarify the situation.
- I’m not really clear about this—please clarify.
- So if I have understood correctly, the problem is …
- So you are saying that …
Trying to understand the problem
- We are happy to let you know that your article has been selected for publication.
- I am glad to inform you that we will be holding our annual conference in Zurich on 20 September 2014.
- We regret to inform you that the show has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions.
- We are willing to arrange another meeting with the CEO.
- We would be glad to send you another statement if necessary.
- Please, let me know if I can be of further assistance.
- Should you need any further information/assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.
Formal offering help or giving information
- I’m sorry, but I can’t make it tomorrow. (= I can’t come tomorrow.)
- I’m happy to tell you that John and I are getting married next month.
- Would you like me to come early and help you clear up the place?
- How about I come and help you out?
- Do you need a hand with moving the furniture?
Informal offering help or giving information
- I am sorry to have to inform you that I am no longer able to …
- Due to family problems I am sorry to have to inform you that …
- I am sorry to give you such short notice and I sincerely hope that this won’t cause you too much trouble.
Withdrawing acceptance
- I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with… / to complain about…
- I regret to say that I was not completely satisfied with the room you provided us.
- We regret to inform you that your payment is considerably overdue.
- I would like to receive a full refund and compensation for the damages.
- I am interested to hear how your company can compensate us for the distress we suffered.
Formal complaining
- I’m sorry to say that you’re late with the payments.
- I hope you won’t mind me saying that the place you’d recommended to us wasn’t as nice as we’d expected.
Informal complaining
- We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
- Please accept our apologies for the delay.
- Please let us know what we can do to compensate you for the damages caused.
- We will make sure that this will not happen again in the future.
- I am afraid I will not be able to attend the conference.
Formal apologizing
- I’m sorry for the trouble I caused.
- I apologize for the delay.
- I promise it won’t happen again.
- I’m sorry, but I can’t make it to the meeting.
Informal apologizing
- Sorry, I can’t make the meeting at 13:00. Can we change it to 14:00? Let me know.
- Re our meeting next week. I am afraid something has come up and I need to change the time. Would it be possible on Tuesday 13 at 15:00?
- We were due to meet next Tuesday afternoon. Is there any chance I could move it until later in the week? Weds or Thurs perhaps?
Changing the meeting time
- I am extremely sorry, but I am afraid I will not be able to participate in the teleconference that was arranged for next week.
- I am sorry to leave this so late, but it looks like I won’t be able to make the conference call tomorrow.
- Due to family problems I will not be able to…
Cancelling the meeting or teleconference
- I am attaching my CV for your consideration.
- I am sending you the brochure as an attachment.
- Please see the statement attached.
- Please find attached the file you requested.
- I am afraid I cannot open the file you have sent me.
- Could you send it again in (…) format?
Formal attaching files
- I’m attaching/sending you the holiday photos.
- Sorry, but I can’t open it. Can you send it again in (…) format?
Informal attaching files
- I look forward to hearing from you.
- I look forward to hearing when you are planning to visit our town.
Formal ending
- I look forward to hearing from you in the near future / soon / before the end of the week.
- Please could you get back to me by the end of today / this morning / as soon as possible.
- I hope you can reply this morning so I can then get things moving before leaving tonight.
- We would appreciate an early reply.
- Please let me have your feedback by Friday so I can send you a draft schedule next week.
- I know it is a very sharp deadline. So if you don’t have time to answer my question, please don’t worry about it.
Telling recipient by when you want a reply
- I should be able to send you the document tomorrow / within the next two days / first thing Thursday morning.
- I’ll get back to you before the end of the day.
- I’m sorry but I won’t be able to give you any response until …
When you will reply
- Hope to hear from you soon.
- I’m looking forward to seeing you.
Informal ending
- Yours faithfully, (when you start with Dear Sir/ Madam,)
- Yours sincerely, (when you start with the name e.g. Dear Ms Collins)
- Sincerely Yours,
- Sincerely,
- Yours Truly,
Formal closing formula
- Love,
- Thanks,
- Take care,
- Yours,
- Best regards,
Informal closing formula