Production of Materials - POLYMERS Flashcards
Functional groups
The group of atoms that determine the properties of the compound
Homologous series
A ‘family’ of chemicals that all have the same functional group e.g. alkanes, alkanols
Addition of alkane minus 1 H
Addition of hydroxyl group
- primary alkanol: -OH is terminal [end of C chain] therefore the C-OH is only attached to one other C atom
- secondary alkanol: the C-OH is attached to 2 other C atoms
- tertiary alkanol: the C-OH is attached to 3 other C atoms
Alkanoic Acid
Addition of carboxylic acid group
Addition of halogen
Alkanone [ketone]
Addition of oxygen
Alkanal [aldehyde]
addition of oxygen and hydrogen [separately]
Alkyl alkanoate [ester]
y is named first [alkyl]
x is followed by ‘oate’
Alkanoxyalkane [ether]
- oxygen is in the middle of two alkyls [oxy]
- shortest alkyl group named first
Aminoalkane [amine]
Addition of amino group [-NH2]
Alkyl alkanamide [amide]
- y named first [alkyl]
- x followed by ‘amide’
Ethene Production
- dehydrating ethanol using a concentrated catalyst H2SO4 [formula seen in image below]
- cracking of fractions produced in the refining process of crude oil
decomposition involving the breakdown of organic molecules
Hydrocarbon cracking
Steam/thermal cracking [pyrolysis occurs at high temperatures of 700-900oC]
- non-catalytic
- mixtures of alkanes are passed through very hot metal tubes with steam to decompose into smaller alkenes
- e.g. ethane → ethene
Catalytic Cracking
- heavy crude oil is heated in the presense of a zeolite [Al silicate]
- catalyst allows allows cracking to occur at lower temperature [approx. 500oC]
- this process is carried out because of the high demand for short chain molecules e.g. ethene in petrochemical indutry
- example equation:
Hydrocarbon Safety Issues [C1 - C4]
C1 - C4:
- highly flammable [high autoignition temp therefore will not spontaneously ignite]
- volatile gases [low flash point] therefore must be stored in high pressure cylinders
- these cylinders must be checked for leaks regularly
- simple asphyxiants - can cause death as a result of lack of oxygen
- mild anaesthetics [except methane]
Hydrocarbon Safety Issues [liquid hydrocarbons]
- volatile [vapourise readily] therefore stored in heavy metal containers
- containers stored in well ventilated areas
- low flash point therefore never handled near naked flames
Hydrocarbon Safety Issues [benzene]
- volatile liquid
- flammable
- carcinogen