Production Elements Flashcards
Actor’s Neutral
Involves standing in a position without emotion/character. The body is relaxed, back straight, feet apart, and facing forward.
Cheating Out
Involves turning your body out so that the audience can see more of you.
Refers to an actor or object physically hiding/obscuring the view of an actor on stage.
Refers to the physical movement on stage. These movement are planned ahead of time and rehearsed. .
A line or action that tells you you are on. Can refer to when one enters the stage or when one needs to say a line. This is also useful to tech.
The Fourth Wall
“Invisible” and separates the actors from the audience. It is “broken” when an actor aknowledegs the audience.
A term used before a performance or show to ensure everyone is ready. This happens right before the blackout to commence the show or performance.
When an actor draws or steals attention away from another performer or the action of the show. It causes the audience to look at them and not what they should be looking at. It’s NOT a good thing!
Curtain Call
This is when the actors come on stage at the end of the performance and bow. It is organized and rehearsed as part of the performance.
When actors have completely memorized their lines. In other words, they will be rehearsing without a script in their hands.
To put all of the set pieces and props on stage.
To deconstruct or put away all set pieces and props.
Costume Design
Any article of clothing an actor wears on their body. It helps the audience understand who the character is (job, personality, status, role in the story, likes/dislikes, etc).
Prop Design
An item held/used by a character that is either part of the character or related to the scene. It helps create the setting or understand who the character is (cane, book, pen, pencil, etc).
Set Design
Tells the audience where the action takes place.
Made up of furniture, flats, props and scenery that represent the setting for the audience.
Lighting Design
Focus: where you want the audience to look and what you want them to see
Mood: the feeling you want to emphasize for the audience
Modeling: shaping an object with lights and shadows
Setting: time of day etc.
Sound Design
Conveys emotion and meaning. It can be used to describe setting, circumstances, characters & convey action. Options include:
1. Dialogue 3. Music 2. Sound Effects 4. Silence
Hair/Makeup Design
Ensures that actors’ facial expressions are visible to the audience
Supports costume design by helping to present a character to the audience ex. Aging technique may be used to add wrinkles to an older character.
Proscenium Arch
The large opening that allows the audience to see what’s happening onstage. Think “photo frame” of the stage.
Where the audience sits. These areas are given from the audience’s perspective.
Extends past the proscenium arch and moves out towards the house. In some theatres, the ______can be removed to reveal an orchestra pit!
These are the areas directly offstage located left and right, where actors enter & exit from. Some people call them backstage.