Product Flashcards
Newest Accessibility Standards
WCAG 3.0
As of the writing of this article, WCAG 3.0 is out as a Working Draft. This means AGWG (Accessibility Guidelines Working Group) is satisfied that the draft is ready for public feedback.
WGAC 2.0 finalized in 2008. That’s just one year after Apple released the original iPhone. Obviously, technology has made great leaps since then, which includes web technologies as well as assistive technologies.
Vision and Visual Hearing and Auditory Sensory Intersections Mobility Motor Physical and Sensory Intersections Speech Attention Language and Literacy Learning Memory Executive Mental Health Cognitive and Sensory Intersections
Net Promoter Score
“How likely are you to recommend [BRAND] to a friend or colleague?”
Sticky Element
A sticky element is anything that stays in a fixed position within the browser viewport as someone scrolls down a page.
Deviation identified by end-user while using system.
Any incorrect human action that produces a problem in the system
A program which acts as a dummy module for top down testing
Bottom-most modules or units that are being merged and tested. If the main module is not available, a Driver (program) is used instead.
Levels of Testing Hierarchy
Unit Testing Component Testing System Testing System Integration Testing User Acceptance Testing Production
What is OAuth?
OAuth is an open-standard approval convention or system that describes how inconsequential servers and services can securely enable authenticated access to their assets without really sharing the underlying, related, single login accreditation. OAuth acts as an intermediary on behalf of the end-user, providing services with an access token that authorizes specific account information to be shared.
OAuth is a great property/feature for an API as it provides superior usability for the application developers and other users. Courtesy of the OAuth application users like Xero users are able to interface one application to another via some integration services through authenticating themselves and expressly granting service access to an application.
Hot Fix
Software patch to temporarily fix a bug in a product
Example: Blog post that links back to the website
How to configure an error page
AWS settings have a set your error page
How did domain get onto RF prod?
Dev ops support - tells AWS to point it to prod
What’s something to keep in mind when creating patterns?
Don’t make parts that can’t be flipped upside-down