Processing Errors Flashcards
Film exposed to light
Completely black
Error: film exposed to light before processing
Unexposed film
Completely clear
Error: film was not exposed to radiation
Underdeveloped film
Error: inadequate or depleted developer OR developer is too cool
Overdeveloped film
Error: excessive developing time, developer too hot OR developer concentrated
Developer spots
Dark spots
Error: film splashed w/ developer
Fixer spots
Light spots
Error: film slashed with fixer
Yellow brown stains
Yellow, brown color
Error: exhausted chemicals, insufficient rinsing, OR incomplete fixation
Air bubbles
White spots
Air trapped on film after being placed in processing solution
Static electricity
Thin black lines
Packet open too quickly
Backwords film
Herring bone
Film placed backwards in mouth
Scratched film
White lines
Soft emulsion removes from the film by sharp object
Slightly bent film
Elongated roots
Bent film
Severely bent film
Diagonal black line
Film bent severely
Light leak
Exposed area is black
Accidental exposure to light
Fogged film
Gray; lack of contrast
Improper safelight, outdated films, improper film storage, contaminated solutions
Patient not biting on bite block
Air space seen
No apices
Pt did not bite down all the way
Tipped film
Images tipped to one side
Improper film placement
Overlapping contacts
Horizontal placement incorrect
Foreshortened images
Short teeth
Too much vertical angle
Long teeth
Too little vertical angle
Come cut
Unexposed area on film
Central ray not in center of film
Cervical burnout
Radiolucent; May look like decay
Radiolucent artifact seen in areas of different densities