Processes Flashcards
SFI - FILO duties
Handover of the scene
Access to the scene
Process of examination
Identify and collection of exhibits
Powers and Duties
Enter property on fire or to access Close roads Remove vehicles Remove people in danger or interfering Do anything reasonably necessary to protect life/property
Fire Safety
Cuts from sharp objects Air borne dust Inhaling toxic substance Tripping Ingestion of particles Falling down, over, into obstructions Falling objects
Preserving a fire scene
Prevent looting Prevent interference Identify witnesses Preserve exhibits Exclude & control onlookers Be aware of hot-spots Matter of significance reported to O/C Watch for suspects
Identify suspects Reconstruction Access incoming information Planning enquiries Establish possible motives
Initial Action - Fire
Secure the scene Interview informant Interview incident controller Interview SFI, 1st appliance If fire extinguished, ensure safety If suspicious, conduct a briefing Determine plan of action SITREP to Comms
Systematic Examination - Fire contamination
Limit unnecessary action with the scene
Scope: how big, where
Cordon: Id scene, tape off, wide cordons, natural boundaries
Common approach path
Detailed internal examination
Floor area burn through Under floor inspection Soot deposits Smoke damage and burn patterns Eliminate low false burns Removal of fire debris Spalling (concrete) Damage to wall studs Damage to roof timbers Damage to skirting boards Damage to window sill and door frame
Area of Origin
Point of Origin
Seat of fire
Initial Action - Explosives
Secondary devices in the scene Intrinsically unsafe devises not to be used Evacuate the scene (100 metres) Assistance from Bomb Squad if IED SITREP to Comms
Seat of fire the SFI will consider
Weather conditions When & Where the fire started Witness accounts Presence of 'starting device' Opinion & reports Severity of damage The depth of charring State of fire Colour and of fire and smoke Direction of smoke and fire
Intentional signs for cause of the fire
Accelerant Fire base (stacked furniture) Foreign material & objects Appliances left on Inconsistencies (burn patterns, timings) Removal of valuable property Windows opened to assist Crime committed Tampering (alarms sprinklers)
Suspect enquiries
Identify Suspect by: Forensic, accounts, Montage Prosecution file Arrest and obtain (DNA, Photograph & Fingerprints) Suspect include (owners, workers, students, pyromaniac) Surveillance Interview suspect Obtain full details Negate and corroborate examinations Warrant 4X Motive Charge decisions with supervisor
Explosions - What to look for
Shrapnel marks Overlay of dust Shredding of materials Spread of debris Smell particular to explosives (almond) Cratering
Common materials used in setting fires
Candles Rubbish Electrical apparatus Matches & cigarettes Electric matches Timing devise Molotov cocktails Trailers (rags soaked in accelerant)
Carelessness causes of fire
Smokes Matches (kids playing with) Ash wrapped in newspaper Leave pot on stove Leaving clothes near heating Ironing Stove left on Heater left on Burning rubbish Burning off paint Fireworks
Preliminary internal examination
Missing family photo’s, furniture or personal items
Rifled premises.
Signs of hardship (empty flat, shop to let)
Low stock levels
Open filing cabinets or missing files
Building in need of repair
Separate unrelated seats of fire
Owner occupier attitude when walking through
Unusual odours
Presence of accelerant containers or trails
External examination
Adjoining premises may reveal:
Accelerant containers
Forced entry (Attempts) - Forced doors
Broken windows
Egress or Entry Nearby alleyways / streets / driveways
Yards and outbuildings
Structures peripheries
Distance debris is scattered
Surrounding Area may also reveal: Missing contents from outbuildings Accelerant containers Property is run-down (neglected) Business appears to be struggling.
Structure may also reveal:
Burn patterns above doors or windows ‘V’
Jemmy marks or forced entry
Widows broken before ignition
Police Responsibilities
Conduct Criminal / Coronal Inquiry
Protection, collection and recording of Evidence
Collect & Remove material from the scene
Preservation, analysis and deposition of collected material