Processes Flashcards
Leg length: uneven (one short)
Achilles tension: high/tight on short side
90 degree flexion: even
Fixation: upper cervical spine, on short side
Process A
Process A (state & chakra)
Over mental state
Crown & third eye chakra
Process A
Physical symptoms
Neck tension, headache, insomnia, overthinking, ruminating, thinking instead of feeling, wired but tired, brain fog, eye issues, colds
Process A
Metaphysical symptoms
Dominante in the headspace, unable to control thoughts, obsessive thinking, low quality of sleep, sympathetic dominance, type A personality, procrastination, high achiever, difficulty switching off.
Process B
Physical symptoms
Hayfever, runny nose, hearing issues, throat conditions, cough, neural problems, neuritis.
Process B
Metaphysical symptoms
Feelings of uncertainty around identity, purpose, and self-expression. Trouble voicing wants and needs. In a transitional stage or phase of life. Questioning what is the meaning of everything. Feeling stuck, feeling unworthy.
Process B
Leg Length: Even (two short legs)
Achilles Tension: High/tight on both sides
90-Degree Flexion Leg Length: Even
Fixations: Mid-cervical spine, on both sides
Process A
Leg Length: Unever (one short leg)
Achilles Tension: High/Tight on the short leg side
90-Degree Flexion Leg Length: Even
Fixation: Upper cervical spine, on the short leg side
Process B
State and chakra
Hidden self state
Throat chakra
Process C
State and chakra
Protected heart state
Heart chakra
Process C
Physical sx
Tension felt in upper and/or mid-back, unbalanced or shallow breath, stomach/gut upset, chest conditions, kidney/urinary problems.
Process C
Metaphysical sx
Relationship pain, heartache, rejection, overwhelmed with responsibility, grief, sadness, closed off to self and/or others, emotionally unavailable and/or anxious. Feelings of loneliness and yearning for connection.
Process C
Fixations: Found in the thoracic vertebra
Observation: Increase or decrease in curvature of the thoracic spine. Lack of movement or connection in the thoracic area during treatment of another process.
Important: This process is never activated first or on its own. It always follows another process.
Process D
State and chakra
Unsupported external state
Solar plexus chakra
Process D
Physical sx
Lower back discomfort, disc issues, pain or numbness in legs, circulation issues, digestive issues, constipation. Possible reproductive, menstrual, bladder disruption.
Process D
Metaphysical sx
Lack of support, instability, uncertainty, ridged, inflexible, repressed emotions, does not feel secure.
Process D
Fixations: Found in the lumbar vertebra
Observation: Increase or decrease in curvature of che lumbar spine. Lack of movement or connection in the lumbar area during treatment of another process.
Important: This process is never activated first or on its own. It always
Process E
State and chakra
Untrusting internal state
Sacral chakra
Process E
Pelvic discomfort. Discomfort throughout hips, legs. Fatigue, feeling disconnected from libido, aliveness, instinct.
Process E
Doubt, regret, searching for authentic self, uncertainty, difficulty making clear decisions, listening to others’ opinions over own, living for others, approval seeking, lack of confidence, lack of clarity. Self-abandonment.
Process E
Leg Length: Unever (one short leg)
Achilles Tension: Low/Loose on the short leg side
90-Degree Flexion Leg Length: Uneven
The short leg from the leg length test will either remain short on 90-degree flexion, which means the fixation is in the low sacrum.
Or the short leg from the leg length test will go higher on 90-degree flexion, which means the fixation is in the high sacrum.
Fixation: Sacrum, on the short leg side
Process F
State and chakra
Fearful anxious state
Root chakra
Process F
Physical sx
Pain in the coccyx, sore joints, hot or cold feet, digestion and/or appetite disruption.
Dysregulated nervous system: fight, flight, freeze and/or fawn response.
Process F
Metaphysical sx
Anxiety, feelings of instability, panic attacks, a concern of past or future, overly independent or dependent, survival mode, fearful, sensitive and/or reactive to environment and people around them.
Process F
Leg Length: Even (two short legs)
Achilles Tension: One high/tight. One low/loose
Fixation: Upper cervical spine, on the high/tight side. Coccyx, on the low/loose side
What is the spinal energetics flow?
Activate on major/minor spines
Pull through layers
Activate in layer with most resonance
Pull into chakra
Activate in chakra
What are the 5 layers
Personal soul
Over Mental State
Crown and Third Eye Chakra
Key location: upper cervical spine
Process A
Hidden Self State
Throat Chakra
Key location: mid-cervical spine
Process B
(State, chakra, location)
Protected Heart State
Heart Chakra
Key location: thoracic spine
Process C
Unsupported External State
Solar Plexus Chakra
Key location: lumbar spine
Process D
Untrusting Internal State
Sacral Chakra
Key location: sacrum
Process E
(State, chakra, location)
Fearful Anxious State
Root Chakra
Key location: upper cervical spine and coccyx
Process F
State. Chakra, location
3 rounds of spinal energetics
Check major and minor spines
Activate - major/minor spine, energetic layer, chakra
Fuel and direct energy
Leg Length: Unever (one short leg)
Achilles Tension: High/Tight on the short leg side
90-Degree Flexion Leg Length: Even
Fixation: Upper cervical spine, on the short leg side
Process A
Over mental state
Crown and third eye
Leg Length: Even (two short legs)
Achilles Tension: High/tight on both sides
90-Degree Flexion Leg Length: Even
Fixations: Mid-cervical spine, on both sides
Process B
Hidden self state
Fixations: Found in the thoracic vertebra
Observation: Increase or decrease in curvature of the thoracic spine. Lack of movement or connection in the thoracic area during treatment of another process.
Important: This process is never activated first or on its own. It always follows another process.
Process C
Heart chakra
Fixations: Found in the lumbar vertebra
Observation: Increase or decrease in curvature of che lumbar spine. Lack of movement or connection in the lumbar area during treatment of another process.
Important: This process is never activated first or on its own.
Process D
Unsupported external state
Solar plexus
Leg Length: Unever (one short leg)
Achilles Tension: Low/Loose on the short leg side
90-Degree Flexion Leg Length: Uneven
The short leg from the leg length test will either remain short on 90-degree flexion, which means the fixation is in the low sacrum. Or the short leg from the leg length test will go higher on go-degree flexion, which means the fixation is in the high sacrum.
Fixation: Sacrum, on the short leg side
Process E
Untrusting internal state
Leg Length: Even (two short legs)
Achilles Tension: One high/tight. One low/loose
Fixation: Upper cervical spine, on the high/tight side. Coccyx, on the low/loose side
Process F
Fearful anxious state
3 types of flow
Trauma vibration
Flow resistance
What does trauma vibration look like?
• fast and repetitive shaking, trembling or vibration.
These movements can look intense; however, it is important to note that this is a good thing as it is the body releasing.
What does having trauma vibrations mean?
This type of tremor release allows the body to let go of trauma, stress and accumulated bound tension
oftentimes, the client won’t know exactly what is released from their body as it is just an automatic response.
What to do during trauma tremors
allow the trauma vibration to happen; it will usually pass on its own.
If the trauma vibration is no longer optimal for the client and does not appear to pass, you can ground and slow down the treatment to allow the client to return to a smooth flow:
• Do not activate or fuel a client while they have a trauma vibration
• Instruct the client to breathe deeply and slowly to settle down the vibrations
• You can place your hands on the client if you feel they need extra support or grounding (this is on a case-by-case basis)
Once they have slowed their breath and the vibrations have settled, check in with the client and see how they are feeling.
What does flow resistance look like?
a point along the spine where the energy looks blocked, stagnant, uncertain, stuck or trapped.
You will observe a short movement that looks like it stops the flow, and the breath from moving through the spine.
Often, we will see the flow moving smoothly in one area of the spine and not in the other
What does having flow resistance mean?
can signify that the client’s system is attempting to avoid unfamiliar or uncomfortable sensations, or does not yet know how to integrate what is coming up.
This is very common, and a very natural part of a client’s response, Spinal Energetics is like learning a new language or ‘way’ for the client, so we must be patient, practical and understanding when a client displays resistance flow.
What to do during flow resistance
It is essential that we create safety within the body to have the existence of building blocks that then enable the client to release and integrate what has been reconnected.
We support and encourage the client’s flow resistance by:
• Allow the flow resistance time to unwind on its own without being interrupted
• Encourage connection and smooth flow to the area of flow resistance through activation, fuelling and directing.
• Add in verbal breath cues, instructing the client to breathe into the area of flow resistance
If appropriate, incorporate light touch to the area of flow resistance to bring awareness to the area
What does smooth flow look like?
A smooth flow is the type of flow we aim to achieve in Spinal Energetic treatment.
The spine will move in a fluid-like motion from the sacrum to the cervical spine.
It can look like anything from a small flow, typically seen in Level One, Two or Three
What does having smooth flow mean?
energy is moving freely to release bound tension patterns in the most integrated way.
When you begin treating a client, you might notice that they will have more resistance and ‘stuck’ energy in their flow.
As you treat throughout the session, you may see their flow become smoother. This change is also seen over multiple sessions as their body becomes more open and familiar with the treatment.
What to do during smooth flow
We encourage the smooth flow and aim to build and maintain this movement pattern through all of the skills we have available to us.
What will you observe with introverted response?
Breath: They are breathing deeply, you can witness the rise and fall of their spine with each breath; it will look like a ‘mini-flow’.
Oscillations: mini vibrations, in the neck or skull especially.
Twitches and flinches: their sacrum and pelvis may flicker, their foot may ‘kick’.
Bracing: When searching for their Major or Minor Spine activation point, you may notice their body ‘brace’ and almost tense when you’ve found the most resonate area. You may also notice this when checking their Layers and Chakra for activation.
Re-assess: When you re-assess after the round of treatment is complete, their assessment outcome has changed.
Contraindications for spinal energetics
Pregnancy, 6 months pp
Children under 12
Older than 75
Severe ptsd
Severe mental health conditions (bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis)
Currently taking heavy medication that alters brain chemistry (anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, antipsychotic)
Recent physical injuries, fractures and/or surgeries
History or diagnosis of aneurysms
Cardiovascular problems
History of seizures
Severe Asthma
Heart disease
Heart conditions
Hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition, emotional crisis, or spiritual emergence within the past three years
Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions that would impair or affect their ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and/or emotional release.
Achilles tension
High/tight = cervical spine
Low/loose = sacrum or coccyx
Even vs uneven leg length
Even 90-degree flexion leg length: means higher up in the spine, cervical.
Uneven 90-degree flexion leg length: means lower in the spine, sacrum or coccyx.
How many times do you activate in 1 round of a process?
- Activate major or minor spine
- activate within an energetic Layer.
- activate a Chakra.
How do we know which spine to activate, the Major or the Minor?
We check for resonance in the Major and Minor Spines that correlate with the Process we are working on
Process A fixation location on major spine
Upper cervical
Process B fixation location on major spine
Mid cervical
Process C fixation location on major spine
Process D fixation location on major spine
Process E
Upper and lower sacrum
Process F fixation location on major spine
Coccyx and upper cervical
After assessing a client and knowing what Process they are, what to you do?
first check their Major Spine fixation area for resonance!
then check the Minor Spines to see if we get a more optimate/resonate response from them.
What is the physical layer
• The first layer
• the physical body, physical sensations and some parts of the nervous system.
• usually the most energy-rich and accessible way to make a connection; this is why in Spinal Energetics, we always activate on the physical layer first.
What is the emotional layer
The second layer
takes us into the deep recesses of the emotions, memories and some parts of the nervous system.
where you integrate physical feelings and rhythm with emotional feelings, intuition and instinct.
the portal that can move you from your head into your heart.
What is the mental layer
Layer 3
• the mind
• Some parts of the nervous system
• the knowledge self and the ‘ego’ self.
a type of “control panel” that likes to be busy with thoughts, opinions, stories and processing of information
in Yogic energetic anatomy, this is called ‘Citta Vritti’ (clutter of the mind), or when in balance ‘Citta’ (consciousness).
What is the spiritual layer
4th layer
indicates your connection to a higher state of consciousness.
linked to universal connection, cosmic energy and the pure - radiant bliss body.
our ability to experience connection with all things and experience a sense of liberation through oneness ‘union’ with the cosmos.
What is the spiritual layer
4th layer
indicates your connection to a higher state of consciousness.
linked to universal connection, cosmic energy and the pure - radiant bliss body.
our ability to experience connection with all things and experience a sense of liberation through oneness ‘union’ with the cosmos.
What is the personal soul layer
5th layer
represents our ultimate journey, dharma (purpose, higher calling).
inhabits your belonging in the world, your reason for being here in this lifetime and experience.
strongly connected to your ‘Spiritual’ layer however the ‘Personal Soul’ is more specific to you and your journey.
How do we know where to activate
The assessment tells us what Process the client is
first activate the Major or Minor Spine point that corresponds with that Process.
We then activate the second time in the most resonate Energetic Layer.
We then activate a third time in the corresponding Chakra.
Why do we activate as a Spinal Energetics practitioner?
Activations are how we communicate with a client’s spine/nervous system/energy field. This is the bedrock of a Spinal Energetics treatment.
Activation is how we facilitate awakening and unwinding in our clients, these activations are where we see the main changes in our clients, and they are assisted by fuelling and directing the energy flow.
• Think of activation one as: opening a portal, through the major or minor spines.
• Think of activation two as: how deep that portal is, through the energetic layers.
• Think of activation three as: integrating the chakra into that portal.
What is fueling
Fuelling happens after activations to enhance and build energy within the client’s system and energetic field
the reason we want to build energy is to assist the client in releasing and unwinding their bound tension patterns.
sometimes fuelling is for maintaining and directing where you want the energy to go, and how you want the energy to integrate and inform the movement of the client.
Fueling style 1 and 2
Fuelling style one: enhances and builds energy
Fuelling style two: maintains and directs energy
How do we know where to fuel
We fuel into and from the areas we activated: the Major or Minor Spine, the Layer and the Chakra.
We want to encourage a smooth flow, and to create movement in the bound tension-fixation area.
How do we know when to fuel:
when we observe a need for more energy to encourage the client to have enough energy to ‘move’ with a smooth flow.
to maintain and direct where we want the energy to go
example, if you observe stagnation of a resistance flow, you may fuel into an activation point to build energy, and then direct that fuelled energy to the area of fixation, stagnation or resistance.
How do we fuel:
by blending our hand and/or whole body gestures with intention and sound.
When do we use sound
We involve sound when we:
Leg Length: Unever (one short leg)
Achilles Tension: High/Tight on the short leg side
90-Degree Flexion Leg Length: Even
Fixation: Upper cervical spine, on the short leg side
Process A
Leg Length: Even (two short legs)
Achilles Tension: High/tight on both sides
90-Degree Flexion Leg Length: Even
Fixation: Mid-cervical spine, on both
Process B
Assessment: N/A
Fixation: in the thoracic spine
Process C
Assessment: N/A
Fixation: in the lumbar spine
Process D
Leg Length: Uneven (one short leg)
Achilles Tension: Low/Loose on the short leg side
90-Degree Flexion Leg Length: Uneven
Uneven 90-degree flexion leg length: the short leg from the leg length test will either remain short on 90-degree flexion, which means the fixation is in the low sacrum.
Or the short leg from the leg length test will go higher on 90-degree flexion, which means the fixation is in the high sacrum.
Fixation: Sacrum, on the short leg side
Process E
Leg Length: Even (two short legs)
Achilles Tension: One high/tight. One low/loose
Fixation: Upper cervical spine, on the high/tight side. Coccyx, on the low/loose side
Process F
Layer 1
Physical: physical sensations and some parts of nervous system