Processes Flashcards
The activities undertaken to ensure the business has the right number of employees with the correct skills, expirience and attitude
- Internal environment - Businesses goals (Growth/downsizing, improving customer service or quality)
- External enviroment - Economic conditions, technology, competition, legal & politcal.
- Identify staffing needs
- Recruitment
- Selection
Acquisition - IRS
Identitify staffing needs
Forecasting futre demand for staff
- Analysing the jobs in the business and the skills, knowledge and abilties that are needed in order to ensure the business can perform at full capasity
HOW? A job analysis includes areas such as;
- Job description
- Equitment used on the job, working conditions
- Education
- Skills & Expirience
A job analysis Typically consists of two parts;
- Job Descritpion - Written statement describing the employees duties, tasks and responsibliities associated with the job
- Job Specification - A list of the key qualifications needed to perform a particular job in terms of education, skills and expirience.
Identifying Staffing Needs CASESTUDY
Opened approximately 30 new stores in 2018
- Primarily located in Brazil, China and India
- Assist with further expanding their geographical markets and increase their market share
- Has created a necessity to acquire additional employees with specific skills to operate these new stores
- Retail employees such as Genius Bar specialists, store managers and training managers are some of the positions and skillsets that will be required.
- With Apple’s move into self-driving electric cars, Apple identified the need for employees with specialist technical skills
Acquisition - IRS
Finding and attracting potential job candidates
WHY is recruitment important to business?
- The main role of recruitment is to attract the right people with the skills, knowledge and abilities needed by the business.
- Seek to maximise pool of job applications.
- Internal recruitment occurs when a business decides to appoint someone already within the business such as a promotion
- External recruitment is used to find suitable applicants from outside the business such as
Acquisition - IRS
INTERNAL Recruitment Implics
- Employees are already known to the employer, so choice may be easier.
- Applicants are already familiar with the business and its objectives, culture and processes.
- Incentivises current employees
- Costs of advertising the position are reduced, and no external agencies need to be paid.
- There may be no-one suitable from within the business.
- If there is more than one internal applicant, it can lead to conflict or jealousies between those employees
- Applicants may be set in their ways and not open to new ideas.
- The successful applicant from within may have to be replaced, so an external recruitment process may be necessary anyway.
Acquisition - IRS
External Recruitment Implics
- There is a wider range of applicants to choose from.
- Outside applicants may bring new ideas and fresh approaches to tasks
- Different qualifications or experience from those already within the business can be specified in the advertising process.
- This method allows for rapid growth of the business because it allows for an increase in actual staff numbers.
- The applicants are all unknown, so the choice may be more difficult.
- There are costs associated with advertising the position.
- The field of applicants may be larger, so the process of selection may become more time-consuming
- Qualified employees from within the business may resent outsiders coming in, particularly if it is a managerial or supervisory position.
Recruitment CASESTUDY
As a best practice employer, Apple is more easily able to attract employees with appropriate skills/abilities - Evident by Forbes
- 99% of all positions are advertised internally first.
- Uses both internal and external recruitment strategies.
- Sophisticated recruitment process involving four rounds of interviews with up to 10 people
• Employee referral bonus program for successful placement of candidate
• Also encourages employees to develop a better understanding of corporate culture, which has
resulted in high consistency in mission, vision and values with Apple.
- External recruitment - targeted recruitment campaigns at females through promoting ‘CareerMum’ - mothers wanting to return to the workforce to consider working for Apple retail
Acquisition - IRS
The means by which the employer chooses the most suitable applicant for a vacancy.
WHY is selection so important to a business?
- The choice of employee will affect the business’ efficiency and productivity. The employee is critical to the success of the business.
- Involves identifying the skills, qualifications and experience of each applicant, and relating them to the skills, qualifications and experience listed in the job specification, to achieve the closest possible match.
Acquisition - IRS
- Written application
This will usually include a curriculum vitae or résumé as well as any other relevant information including
references. Many businesses are moving towards video applications.
- Testing
- Psychological tests or personality tests, which attempt to measure an applicant’s personal characteristics;
- Aptitude tests, which attempt to measure the skills that might be relevant to the job description
- Physical and health test (particularly for some professions e.g. police, pilot)
- Interviews
- The interview is perhaps the most important procedure in the selection process. Interviews should be well structured and cover a set of common questions to ensure consistency between applicants.
- Background checks
- Referees can be contacted to verify the accuracy of an applicant’s previous experience, and to gain an assessment of their performance in a previous position.
Recruitment & Selection Implics
- Evaluating and hiring qualified job applicants who are motivated and have values and goals aligned with the business and its culture
- A fair, non-discriminatory and legally compliant selection policy and process
- Giving applicants a realistic understanding of their job description and responsibilities
- Using strategies that will prove useful for later selection and placement decisions.
- Smart businesses are using tools to identify gaps in skills and recruiting strategically to fill these gaps.
- Using strategies that are aligned with other human resource strategies and the business’s needs.
- If the business is seeking to increase gender equity, there should be female representation on the selection panel, equitable remuneration and benefit packages, and training and promotion opportunities.
Selection involves a several rounds of interviews with up to 10 people on the interview panel
- Described in an interview by Forbes (2015) that Apple “hires for attitude and trains for skill”
- Interviews target areas such as strong communication, interpersonal and leadership capabilities
- Assists Apple with acquiring the best candidate for each position by having greater diversity of questions which allows for the demonstration of knowledge of their perspectives
- Use background checks and situational testing
• Allows Apple to holistically examine and identify the most appropriate applicant to maintain their outstanding business performance and corporate culture.
Aquistion Positive Implics
- Assist a business with attracting the most suitable candidates
- Assists with appropriate candidates applying for the job
- Improve efficiency of the business - ensuring there is no job overlaps
- Acquiring employees who have shared goals and values
- Needs to be fair, non-discriminatory process (links: legal influences)
- Job specifications and descriptions need to be realistic
The process of developing and improving the skills, abilities and knowledge of staff, through induction, ongoing training and further professional development.
- Development of employees increases their skill and performance resulting improved productivity.
- Induction
- Training
- Organisation development
- Mentoring and coaching
- Performance appraisals
The process used to welcome new employees to a business and prepare them for their new role
- Gives employees a positive attitude to the job and the business
- Builds a new employee’s confidence in the job
- Stresses the safety policies & procedures
- Helps establish good working relationships with co-workers and
- supervisors
- Apple Australia’s first 6 months of employment are typically probationary, meaning that
- Apple or the employee may terminate employment by giving only one week notice
- All new staff undergo induction training (offered every six weeks)
Seek a long-term change in employees’ skills, knowledge, attitudes & behaviour in order to improve work performance in the business
- On the job or off - Outsourced training
- Leadership training
- Webinars
- Allows a business to strategically target weaknesses
- Employees are better able to adapt to a changing environment
- Can give a business a competitive advantage
- Increased training → ↑ Productivity → Quality business output → ↑ Employee satisfaction → Decreased staff turnover.
All employees get mandatory annual or bi-annual training on Privacy, Respect at Apple, and Inclusion and Diversity.
- Employees receive between two and five hours of training annually, depending on location and the risks and responsibilities of their role.
- Additional required and recurring training includes Anti-Corruption, Antitrust, Export and Sanctions, and manager-specific training.
Management training for corporate employees, thus improves the managerial dynamic of Apple’s corporate workplace furthermore leading to a more productive and positive corporate culture
- Apple uses real-life examples and scenarios to illustrate their policies. Apple employees complete mandatory annual Business Conduct training customised for their line of business.
Topics include workplace behaviors, conflicts of interest, gifts, confidentiality, competition, privacy, and other important laws and values.
In 2020, Apple employees together completed over 555,000 individual courses to help them navigate and understand application of company policies.
- Managers receive supplementary resources and legal training, including topics such as disability and accommodations, and discriminatory behavior.
- Managers also receive specific training outlining their responsibilities to receive and report all allegations of misconduct.
80% of Apple Australia’s development processes are achieved through training (webinars and on-the-job)
92% of Apple employees have been trained in ‘Apple Fundamentals’.
- Apple’s off-site Genius Training program has been replaced by an in-store, self-guided experience using company-provided reference materials. The training now involves watching web-based seminars through the Apple Technical Learning Administration System, or ATLAS.
Organisational Development
Shift from hierarchical to flatter organisational structure
- Team and project-based structures
- Job enlargement- Increasing the breadth of tasks in a job
- Job rotation - Multiskilling employees
- Job enrichment- Increase responsibilities & challenges
- Job sharing - Where two people share the same job
Organisational Development CASETUDY
- Apple’s process largely revolves around the promotion of employees within the business both to up-skill them but also to satisfy hierarchical business needs
- In 2020/21 there were 37 promotions in Apple Australia, further, 99% of vacant positions within Apple were filled internally, reflecting that Apple has utilised promotion or transfer.
Mentoring and Coaching
- A mutually agreed role where experienced employees transfer knowledge and skills through succession planning.
- Usually informal/unstructured.
- Focused on improving skills and performance, and on helping individuals manage specific work roles more effectively. Usually more formal/structured.
- Shared skills and transfer of knowledge
- Improved employee morale and satisfaction (for both mentor and mentee)