process control section 2 Flashcards
The transfer function for an ideal proportional
plus reset controller (reset time T) is
a. Kc(1 + 1/TS)
b. Kc(1+TS)
c. Kc/(1+TS)
d. Kc(1+T/S)
A non-linear chemical system is exemplified by
a. isothermal CSTR
b. Mixer
c. non-isothermal CSTR
d. none of these
The frequency response of a first order system,
has a phase shift with lower and upper bounds given
a. ∞, π/2
b. -π/2, π/2
c. -π/2, 0
d. 0, π/2
Gas chromatography is used for the measurement
a. Temperature
b. Pressure
c. Concentration
d. flow rate
Which of the following thermocouples can
measure the maximum temperature?
a. Platinum-rhodium
b. Tungsten-molybdenum
c. Chromel-alumel
d. Iron-constantan
Radiation pyrometers as compared to
a. has a slower speed of response.
b. can measure higher temperature.
c. can’t measure the temperature of moving
d. is more affected by corrosive atmosphere.
Liquid flow rate in a small channel is best
measured by a/an
a. Weir
b. pitot tube
c. vane meter
d. venturimeter
Specific gravity of a liquid can not be measured
by a/an
a. Anemometer
b. specific gravity bottle
c. Pycnometer
d. hydrometer
__________ temperature scale assigns 0° to the
‘ice point’ and 80° to the ‘steam point’.
a. Celcius
b. Rankine
c. Reumur
d. Farenhite
Dead zone is the
a. same as time constant.
b. same as transportation lag.
c. maximum change in the variable that does
not change the reading of the instrument.
d. none of these.
Which of the following thermometers is not
suitable for distant reading up to 60 metres?
a. Vapor pressure thermometer
b. Mercury in glass thermometer
c. Constant volume gas thermometer
d. Resistance thermometer
Degree to which an instrument indicates the
changes in measured variable without dynamic
error is called its
a. speed of response
b. Reproducibility
c. Fidelity
d. static characteristics
Thermistors are made of
a. ultra pure metals
b. metal oxides
c. iron-copper alloys
d. nickel-chromium alloys
A barometer measures the __________
a. Absolute
b. Gauge
c. absolute as well as gauge
d. dynamic
Humidity of air can be determined by a
a. Chromatograph
b. sling psychrometer
c. mass spectrometer
d. polarimeter
Thermocouple in a thermal well behaves as a
a. first order system.
b. second order system (overdamped).
c. multiple first order system.
d. second order system (underdamped).
The transfer function for a P-D controller is
a. Kc(1+τD s)
b. Kc(1 +1/τD s)
c. Kc τD s
d. Kc/τD s
Bode diagram is a plot of
a. log (AR) vs. log (f) and (Φ) vs. log (f).
b. log (AR) vs. f and log Φ vs.f.
c. AR vs. log (f) and Φ vs. log (f).
d. none of these.
Working principle of disappearing filament type
optical pyrometer is based on the
a. Wien’s law
b. Seebeck effect
c. Kirchoff’s law
d. Peltier effect
Strain gage uses an electrical conductor wire,
which when elastically stretched increases in length
and reduces in diameter. Both these dimensional
changes result in __________ in the electrical
resistance of the wire.
a. no change
b. Decrease
c. Increase
d. exponential decrease
Pick out the wrong statement
a. Proportional controller is normally used for
level control in industrial applications.
b. CSTR can be considered as a distributed
parameter system.
c. Distributed parameter approach gives
partial differential equation.
d. Non-linear behaviour is exemplified by an
on-off controller.
Range of hydrogen gas constant volume
themometer is __________ °C.
a. -10 to 20
b. 0 to 100
c. 100 - 500
d. 400 - 1000
The initial value (t=0) of the unit step response
of the transfer function [(s + 1)/(2s + 1)] is
a. 0
b. 1⁄2
c. 1
d. 2
The __________ of a vapor pressure
thermometer is a primary element.
a. Pointer
b. Bourdon tube
c. Bulb
d. none of these
The time constant of a first order process with
resistance R and capacitance C is
a. R + C
b. R - C
c. RC
d. 1/RC
A sinusoidal variation in the input passing
through a linear first order system
a. becomes more oscillatory (frequency
b. becomes less oscillatory (frequency
c. gets amplified (magnitude increases).
d. gets attenuated (magnitude decreases).
Nitrogen gas constant volume thermometer is
suitable for measuring a temperature of
__________ °C.
a. 0-100
b. < 0
c. > 100.
d. > 50
What is the overall transfer function (C/R) of
the following block diagram if G = G1. G2. G3 and
H = H1.H2.
a. 1/(1+GH)
b. G/(1+GH)
c. H/(1+GH)
d. G/(1-GH)
Pick out the most suitable instrument for
measuring temperature in the range of-40 to 425°C.
a. mercury thermometer
b. bimetallic thermometer
c. radiation pyrometer
d. none of these
Accurate temperature measurement
performance of a radiation pyrometer can not be
affected, if the
a. enhancement or attentuation of redia-tion
occurs in the sighting path.
b. object and surrounding are at almost the
same temperature.
c. object has varying emissivity.
d. object is transparent.
Relationship between absorption/evolution of
heat at the thermocouple junctions and the current
flow in the circuit is given by __________ effect.
a. Peltier
b. Thomson
c. Seebeck
d. none of these
Configuration of Bourdon spring tube is never
made of __________ shape.
a. circular
b. semi-circular
c. helical
d. spiral
Thermodynamic celcius scale of temperature
measurement is
a. defined on the basis of melting point of ice
and evaporation temperature of water
b. defined on the basis of melting point of ice
and condensation temperature of water
c. having an interval of 100° between ice
point to steam point.
d. both (b) and (c)
According to Bode stability criterian, a system
is unstable, if the open loop frequency response
exhibits an amplitude ratio exceeding unity at
frequency for which phase lag is
a. 0°
b. 45°
c. 90°
d. 180°
In a closed loop system, the process to be
controlled is an integrating process with transfer
function l/2s. The controller proposed to be used in
an integral controller with transfer function 1/T1s.
When a step change in set point is applied to such a
closed loop system, the controlled variable will exhibit
a. overdamped response.
b. underdamped response.
c. undamped response.
d. unstable response.
Resistance of a gas in a vessel is given by
(where, P = pressure, V = volume of the vessel, n =
no. of moles of the gas, R = gas constant)
a. V/nRT
b. nRT/V
c. nRT/P
d. P/nRT
Measurement of pressure in ammonia reactor is
done by
a. Bourdon gauge
b. U-tube manometer
c. Inclined tube manometer
d. Pirani guage
The fluid used in hydraulic controller is
a. Water
b. Steam
c. Air
d. oil
Flow rate of a river is measured by a/an
a. pitot tube
b. vane meter
c. kennison nozzle
d. open weir
Which of the following thermocouple materials
does not contain nickel?
a. Alumel
b. Chromel
c. Constantan
d. None of these.
Flow rate of those fluids which are insensitive
to changes in their density, viscosity or flow
velocity profile can be best measured by a
a. magnetic flowmeter
b. pitot tube
c. flow nozzle type flowmeter
d. turbine flowmeter
Identify an unbounded input from inputs whose
transfer functions are given below
a. 1
b. 1/S
c. 1/S^2
d. 1/(S^2 + 1)
“A control system is unstable, if the open loop
frequency response exhibits an amplitude ratio
exceeding unity at the crossover frequency.” This is
__________ criterion.
a. Bode stability
b. Nyquist
c. Routh stability
d. none of these
Feed forward controller accounts for the
__________ changes.
a. set point
b. Load
c. both (a) & (b)
d. neither (a) nor (b)
Which thermocouple can be used to measure a
temperature of around 1400°C?
a. Copper-constantan
b. Aluminium-chromel
c. Platinum-platinum+rhodium
d. None of these
Which of the following filled system expansion
thermometer has the capability to measure the
lowest temperature?
a. Mercury in glass thermometer
b. Mercury in steel thermometer
c. Alcohol in glass thermometer
d. Fused metal (Na or K) in steel thermometer
Concentration of sugar solution can be
determined by the
a. Polarimetry
b. flame photometry
c. emission spectroscopy
d. oscillometry
In a single tank system, the transfer function of
__________ to inlet flow rate is 1/TS+1.
a. outlet flow rate
b. Level
c. both (a) & (b)
d. neither (a) nor (b)
Which of the following can not measure a
temperature of 1600°C?
a. Platinum resistance thermometer
b. Thermocouple
c. Photo-electric pyrometer
d. Radiation pyrometer