Procedures for prescribing medication Flashcards
A prescription is a legal document that contains the information required to dispense the medication. Prescription drugs require a written prescription by an accredited authorized prescriber provider.
Some commands utilize computer order entry, the Composite Health Care System (CHCS) to process patient’s prescriptions and these substitute for a hand- written prescription.
Non-Prescription drugs, commonly referred to as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs such as aspirin, antacids and cold remedies can be purchased anywhere without the services of a physician or pharmacist.
Authorized prescribers will use electronic order entry (CHCS), DOD prescription (DD 1289), or poly- prescription (NAVMED 6710/6). Controlled substances shall be written only on the DD 1289, never on a poly-prescription.
Prescriptions must be written in ink, indelible pencil or typewritten and must show the following:
(1) Patient’s full name.
(2) Date prescription written.
(3) Patient’s age or date of birth
(4) Full name of drug, form of drug, dosage size or strength written in the metric system, and quantity to be dispensed.
5) Directions for the patient.
(6) Legible signature of the provider.
(7) Refill authorization.
Hospital Corpsman on independent duty are not required to use the DD1289 for prescribing drugs, other than controlled drugs, unless directed by the Commanding Officer or higher authority.
IDC must complete proper SOAP note documentation, including drug administered, quantity, and directions.