Procedures 5 Flashcards
Who is responsible for collecting information that is used to determine eligibility requirements for employee benefits?
- Risk Management Department
- City Employees Retirement Board of Trustees
- the Police Department
The Police Department, 5.01 page 2
Who is responsible for determining eligibility for employee benefets?
a. Risk Management Department
b. City Employees Retirement Board of Trustees
c. The Police Department
Risk Management Department, 5.01 page 2
True or False?
The Police Department does not grant or deny benefits.
True - 5.01, page 2
True or False?
Employees should be encouraged to file claims when they believe they may be entitled to receive benefits.
True. 5.01, page 2
True or False?
No supervisor shall discipline, transfer, or threaten - implicitly or explicitly - an employee because the employee has filed an application for benefits.
True, 5.01, page 2
Does the term “communicable disease” apply to mumps?
No, it does not apply to common childhood illnesses like the mumps or chicken pox., 5.01, pg. 2
What is the definition of communicable disease?
A disease that is not normally found in the general population.
What is the definition of Intimate Contact as it relates to communicable disease?
Close contact with an individual know to have a communicable disease.
What is the definition of Casual Contact as it relates to the section on communicable diseases?
Passive contact with a diseased individual.
Exposure to contaminated bodily fluids is an example of intimate or casual contact?
Shaking hands is an example of intimate or casual contact?
Searching a subject is an example of intimate or casual contact?
Who is responsible for immediately reporting to their supervisor any on-duty injury or illness?
The employee
Failure to report in a timely basis could result in denial of:
a. Workers’ Compensation Coverage
b. Industrial Leave
c. the 4850 Benefit
d. all of the above
d. all of the above
Who is responsible for promptly investigating the injury or illness?
The employee’s supervisor
The employee’s supervisor is responsible for promptly investigating the injury or illness and immediately forwarding the reports to who?
Their commanding officer
Once an employee’s supervisor investigates an injury and forwards reports to their c.o., what then does the c.o. do with them?
Sent them to the Department’s Medical Assistance Unit
Who is responsible for presenting Worker’s Compensation Benefits forms to the employee?
The employee’s supervisor
Which form is an explanation of Worker’s Compensation Benefits?
The Employee Claim for Workers’ Compensation Benefits form (RM-1642)
When does an employee need to complete a Medical Status Report for Occupational Injury or Illness form (RM-1634)?
When injuries result in medical treatment or absence from work at any time following the day of the injury.
If, because of injuries, an employee is physically unable to complete the appropriate forms, who is responsible for completing and submitting the form for the employee?
It shall be the supervisor’s responsibility to complete and submit the form for the employee
Who is responsible for reporting injuries requiring medical treatment and telephoning Risk Management’s Injury Call-In Center?
The supervisor
Within how many hours should the supervisor make the call to Risk Managment?
24 hours
What are the hours of the Injury Reporting Call-in Center?
The Injury Reporting Call-In Center is staffed 24/7.
If you have a question regarding a minor injury, is it appropriate to call the Call-In Center?
The Call-In Center is for reporting injuries only, not for questions, minor injuries or exposures not requiring medical treatment.
The call-taker will ask you which six questions?
a. injured employees name
b. injured employees city i.d. # (PERNR)
c. date of injury
d. where injury occurred
e. body part affected
f. how injury occurred
It is necessary that injury reports be completed and forwarded immediately. If the injured employee’s supervisor is not available and there will be a delay in investigating the injury, then what happens?
A supervisor on duty shall conduct the investigation
True or false?
It is the employees responsibility to make sure the doctor completes the “Doctor’s Evaluation” portion of the form (RM-1568) Minor Injury Report.
False. A Minor Injury Report form is not used when an employees requires medical care as a result of a job related injury.
In the case that an employee is injured at work and requires medical treatment, which form must be completed by both the employee and doctor?
Medical Status Report for Occupational Injury or Illness Form (RM-1634)
Who is responsible for ensuring that the “Doctor’s Evaluation” portion of the form is completed and signed by the treating physician?
The injured employee