Procedures Flashcards
Why is a coronary artery bypass performed?
To bypass blood around the clogged arteries in the heart
During a procedure, when might it be appropriate to code adhesions?
When they are dense and strong or create a problem during the procedure.
How is an internal mammary bypass graft performed.?
By loosening the mammary artery from the normal position and using it to bring blood to the heart
What is the coding axis for internal mammary bypass graft?
Whether one or both internal mammary arteries are used
What is excisional debridement?
The surgical removal or cutting away of tissue
What is non-excisional debridement?
The mechanical nonsurgical brushing irrigating scrubbing or washing of tissue
What is the most common treatment for a fracture?
What is the first axis for coding a reduction?
Whether the reduction is open or closed
What is the second axis of a fracture reduction?
The use of internal fixation
What is an internal fixation device?
Screws pins rods Staples and plates
What is an example of an external fixational device?
Cast, splint, traction device Kirshner wire Steinman pin
When would you code and aftercare code ?
When the patient is receiving routine care during the healing phase. For example cast change removal of device and medication adjustment.
True or faults false, it is acceptable to code a G.I. hemorrhage even if there is no hemorrhage noted on the current encounter?
True. Patient may be admitted for an endoscopy after a history of G.I. bleeding
When would you use codes from 365.7?
As additional codes to identify the stage of glaucoma
Do UHDDS requires what type of inpatient procedures be coded?
All significant procedures including those that are surgically nature carries an anesthetic or surgical risk or require specialized training.
What is the procedure that was performed for a definitive?
The principal procedure.
When a definitive procedure has been performed which approach is not coded separately?
The operative approach
When laparoscopic,thorascopic, or arthroscopic procedure is converted into an open one what is coded?
Code only the open procedure
What code describes when a laparoscopic, thorascopic, or arthroscopic procedure is converted into an open one?
V6 4.4 X
What type of biopsies are performed percutaneously by needle brush aspiration or endoscopy?
Closed biopsies
What type of biopsy involves an incision into the body part?
open biopsy
What code should be used for procedure that is canceled after admission?
Category V64
Dxs is still reason for admission
How would you code for a procedure that it started but cannot be completed? What is an example?
Go to the extent that the procedure was performed for example if a leave the incision was made to the incision site. If it endoscopic approaches used to the endoscopy.
What are the two types of pulmonary edema?
Cardiogenic or noncardiogenic
What is pulmonary edema a manifestation of?
heart failure
Give three examples of conditions in which pulmonary edema is included (therefore not separately codable)
hypertension, heart failure, rheumatic heart disease.
When does noncardiogenic acute pulmonary Edema occur?
In the absence of heart failure or other heart disease
What should be the primary code when a patient is admitted for rehabilitation?
code from category V57
Then code the condition
What code would be used for a patient being treated for more than one type of rehabilitation?
The v57.89
When a patient is admitted for acute respiratory failure and another condition what will be the primary diagnosis?
It will depend on the patient’s condition and the chief reason that cause admission
Who can report the initial hospital care codes? E/M
the admitting physician
With what frequency can the initial hospital care codes be reported?
Only once per hospitalization
What is the term for a woman who has given birth to one child?
On inpatient procedure coding, how would you code the same procedure on two sites?
Code both procedures (eg 86.22,86.22) use icd9 for location
What is BPH?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia