Procedure and Labs Flashcards
What does ABG stand for?
ABG = arterial blood gas
What does BS stand for?
BS = blood sugar
What does CABG stand for?
CABG = coronary artery bypass graft
What does CBC stand for?
CBC = complete blood count
What does CK stand for?
CK = creatinine kinase
What does CPR stand for?
CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation
What does CT/CAT scan stand for?
CT/CAT scan = computer tomography diagnostic procedure
What does D&C stand for?
D&C = dilation and curettage
What does EKG/ECG stand for?
EKG/ECG = electrocardiogram
What does ESR stand for?
ESR = sedimentation rate
What does ESWL stand for?
ESWL = extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
What does FBS stand for?
FBS = fasting blood sugar
What does FHT stand for?
FHT = fetal heart tones
What does HCT stand for?
HCT = hematocrit
What does Hct/hgb stand for?
Hct/hgb = hematocrit and hemoglobin
What does Hgb Alc stand for?
Hgb Alc = glycosylated hemoglobin
What does I&D stand for?
I&D = incision and drainage
What does IP stand for?
IP = intravenous pyelogram
What does KUB stand for?
KUB = x-ray of kidney, ureter, and bladder
What does LP stand for?
LP = lumbar puncture
What does MRI stand for?
MRI = magnetic resonance imaging
What does PE stand for?
PE = physical exam
What does PT stand for?
PT = protime
What does PTT stand for?
PTT = partial thromboplastin time
What does ROM stand for?
ROM = range of motion
What does T&A stand for?
T&A = tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
What does VS stand for?
VS = vital signs
What does WNL stand for?
WNL = within normal limits