Problems Solved Flashcards
Reservoir Sampling
Given a stream of numbers, generate a random number from the stream. You are allowed to use only O(1) space and the input is in the form of a stream, so can’t store the previously seen numbers. (since that can be unlimited)
So how do we generate a random number from the whole stream such that the probability of picking any number is 1/n. with O(1) extra space? This problem is a variation of Reservoir Sampling. Here the value of k is 1.
- upon 1st number a0, x = a0
2) Upon 2nd number a1, p=(int)Random(0,2)]; if p<1 x=a1 else x=x
3). Upon 3rd number a2, p=(int)Random(0,3)]; if p<1, x=a2 else x=x
4) upon Nth number aN, p=(int)Random(0,3)]; if p<1, x=aN else x=x
Write a stack client Parentheses that reads in a text stream from standard input
and uses a ______ to determine whether its parentheses are properly balanced. For example,
your program should print true for
[()]{}{()()} and false for [(]).
When pop, next pop must be same as the current pop
Prints the binary representation of N (110010 when N is 50).
See algorithms 4ed, problem 1.3.5 Page 161
Threesum problem:
Give an sequence of integers (Positive/negative)
find all the 3-numbers whose sum is 0
1. brutal force: (O(n^3)) for i = 1 to n for j = 1 to n for k = 1 to n check (i+j+k) == 0
2. improved to avoid duplicates, still O(n^3) for i = 1 to n-2 for j = i+i to n-1 for k = j+1 to n check (i+j+k) == 0
3. use free primitive O((n^2)*logn) quicksort(A) for i = 1 to n-1 for j = i+i to n. find -(i+j) in A ---> O(lgn)
How to devise an algorithm that in a DAG, the queues for nodes closest to the output/leaf has highest priority?
Google MediaPipe
Consider topological sorting within the graph. For example, nodes closer to the output side of the graph have higher priority, while source nodes have the lowest priority
Special/Edge cases
empty single element odd element even element duplicates in input duplicate max/min values