Problems of law and order Flashcards
How did the American civil war have a significant impact on lawlessness?
- Young men from the defeated southern states often resented the victorious US government and its laws
- Large numbers of young men had been traumatised by the experience of the war and found it hard to fit in to “regular society”
- the war devastated the south’s economy, leaving many without jobs
what was “hell on wheels”
new towns created by the railroads in the West
Why were “cow towns” the most lawless railroad towns of all?
because cowboys who had just been paid after weeks driving cattle enjoyed drinking and fighting
what was “hell on wheels” towns notorious for?
gambling, heavy drinking and prostitution
what did cowboy pay-day celebrations attract?
soloons and brothels to the towns; along with gamblers, swindlers, prosititutes and outlaws
How did Abilene’s ( a cow town) population boom and why was this bad?
it bommed from 500 to 7,000 once railroad reached it in 1867 which lead lawlessness to boom too
In 1870, who did Abilene appoint as town marshal?
Thomas Smith
What did Thomas smith do?
he issued a ban on carrying guns and established a forceful reputation, using his boxing skills to knock out cowboys who disobeyed - this enforced the law quite successfully
When and how did Thomas smith die?
Novemeber 1870 he was shot and then killed with an axe while trying to arrest a suspected murder
Who did Abielene appoint after Thomas smith and when?
Bill Hickok in april 1871
How effective was Bill Hickok at enforcing the law?
- commanded fear and respect among the cowboys
- did very little to enforce the law, spent all his time gambling in the saloons
- by the end of the year the town leaders sacked him.
What did the town leaders after sacking Bill Hickok decide to do.
they decieded to stop the cowboys and their herds from coming to the town
Trains replaced stagecoaches for transporting valuables. This made them a target for what?
train robberies
What was the reno gang?
a group of civil war deserters, con-men and thieves who terrorised communitites in the West.
They also bribed local law officers to avoid arrest
What did the Reno Gang do?
In 1866, they carried out a train robbery, breaking open a safe to get away with $16,000
What did the owners of the safe that was robbed by the Reno Gang do?
they hired detectives from the Pinketon National Detective agency to hunt down the gang - they caught John Reno
What was the Pinketon National Detective agency
a private dective company which were used extensively in the West to track down outlaws and bring them to justice
How did the railroads and electric telegragh lead to an overall increase in federal government influence?
improved communication between law officers
Gangs of outlaws who were too powerful to control, intimidated ………
whole communities into supporting them