Problems in pregnancy Flashcards
Hyperemesis Gravidarum : Diagnosis
- 5% pre-pregnancy weight loss
- dehydration
- electrolyte imbalance
Severity scale : PUQE score
Hyperemesis Gravidarum : Diagnosis
- 5% pre-pregnancy weight loss
- dehydration
- electrolyte imbalance
Severity scale : PUQE score
Hyperemesis Gravidarum : Risk factors
- increased levels of beta-hCG
*multiple pregnancies
*trophoblastic disease - nulliparity
- obesity
- family or personal history of NVP
Hyperemesis Gravidarum : Diagnosis
- 5% pre-pregnancy weight loss
- dehydration
- electrolyte imbalance
Severity scale : PUQE score
Hyperemesis Gravidarum : Management : First line
- Antihistamines: oral cyclizine or promethazine
- Phenothiazines: oral prochlorperazine or chlorpromazine
Hyperemesis Gravidarum : Management : Second line
- Oral Ondansetron
Risk : First trimester is associated with a small increased risk of the baby having a cleft lip/palate - Oral Metoclopramide or Domperidone:
Risk : metoclopramide may cause extrapyramidal side effects. I
t should therefore not be used for more than 5 days
Epilepsy in pregnancy : Epileptic drugs risk (3)
- Sodium valproate : risk of neural tube defects
- Carbamazepine : teratogenic
- Phenytoin : cleft palate
Epilepsy in pregnancy : Epileptic drugs risk - Phenytoin
- Phenytoin : cleft palate
-Vitamin K needs to be given in last month of the pregnancy to prevent clotting disorder in the new born
Epilepsy in pregnancy : Epileptic drugs risk - which anti-epileptic is the safest in pregnancy?
Although - doses may need to be increased
Epilepsy in pregnancy : Breastfeeding
Breast feeding is considered safe for mothers taking antiepileptics
Pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy : Management
Tight glycemic control
* Weight loss : for women with BMI of > 27 kg/m^2
* Stop oral hypoglycaemic agents : apart from metformin, and commence insulin -
Higher risk of developing foetal neural tube defects
* Folic acid 5 mg/day from pre-conception to 12 weeks gestation -
Higher risk of cardiomyopathy 2nd to hyperglycaemia
* detailed anomaly scan at 20 weeks including four-chamber view of the heart and outflow tracts
* tight glycaemic control reduces complication rates
Gestational diabetes : Definition
- Glucose intolerance during pregnancy -> maternal and foetal hyperglycaemia
- Resolves after deliver } Placenta is delivered and Human placental lactogen is no longer produced
Gestational diabetes : Physiology in normal pregnancy
- Placenta secreted Human placental lactogen
- hPL binds to systemic insulin receptors and causes insulin resistance } more glucose available for foetus
- This in turn causes Pancreatic beta cell hyperplasia
- Gestational diabetes occurs when}
- Insulin resistance > Beta cell hyperplasia leading to hyperglycaemia
Gestational diabetes : Foetal complications
- Macrosomia } increased risk of shoulder dystocia
Respiratory distress syndrome :
Impaired lung surfactant development : High insulin levels reduce surfactant production, leading to impaired lung development -
Jaundice / Cardiomyopathy :
Increased erythropoiesis }
Polycycthaemia } less iron available to developing organs }
3x increased risk of congenital malformations + excess red cell break down at birth - Hypoglycaemia : Beta cell hyperplasia
Gestational diabetes : Risk factors
- BMI > 30
- Previous gestational diabetes or Macrosomia in foetus
- First degree relative with diabetes or Ethnic origin with high prevalence of diabetes
Gestational diabetes : Investigation
Oral glucose tolerance test : 24 - 28 weeks
Gestational diabetes : Diagnosis
fasting glucose is >= 5.6 mmol/L
2-hour glucose is >= 7.8 mmol/L
Gestational diabetes : Management
- Glucose self monitoring initiated
* Fasting plasma glucose < 7
i) Diet and exercise : 1-2 weeks
ii) + Metformin
ii) + Insulin
- Insulin should be started first line if;
i) Fasting glucose > 7
ii) Plasma glucose 6 - 6.9 and evidence of complications such as macrosomia
Hypertension in pregnancy : Normal Physiology of BP
- Blood pressure falls in the first trimester } especially diastolic
- Continues to fall until 20-24 weeks
- BP increases to pre-pregnancy levels
Hypertension in pregnancy : Pre existing hypertension
Definition : >140/90 before 20weeks
1. Switch to oral labetamol or nifedipine and hydralazine (if asthmatic)
1. Aspirin 75mg from 12 weeks
Hypertension in pregnancy : Gestational hypertension
Definition : >140/90 after 20 weeks without proteinuria
* Increases risk of pre-eclampsia
* Aspirin 75mg from 12 weeks
Jaundice in pregnancy : Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy : Features + Incidence
* Third trimester
* Most common liver disease in pregnancy
Clinical features
* Pruritus in palms and soles
* Raised bilirubin
Jaundice in pregnancy : Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy : Risk to foetus
- Risk of preterm labour
- Stillbirth
- Foetal distress
Jaundice in pregnancy : Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy : Management
- Sx relief : Urseodeoxycholic acid
* Weekly LFTS
* Induced at 37 weeks
Jaundice in pregnancy : Acute fatty liver of pregnancy : Features + Incidence
* Third trimester / immediate following delivery
Clinical features
* Abdominal pain, N`+V
* Jaundice
* Hypoglycaemia
* } ? Following HELLP syndrome in pre=eclampsia