Problem Solving Flashcards
Occurs when there is an obstacle between a present stage and a goal. It is not immediately obvious how to get around the obstacle.
A problem
The first psychologists to analyze and study problems, problem solving by understanding the perceptions, learning, attitude as and beliefs leading to problem solution.
According to _ psychologists, problem solving is dependent on the representation and the reorganization/restructuring of the representation of the problem.
Gestalt Psychologists
_ in problem solving depends on how it is represented
_ is the process of changing the problem’s representation (attacking the problem from a different angle)
_ is sudden realization of the problem’s solution.
Insight (aha moment phenomenon)
The tendency to focus on one element of the problem that keeps you from reaching the solution.
Type of fixation that focuses solely on the familiar functions of objects
Functional fixation
A tendency to persist with one approach to a problem (Gestalt approach)
A preconceived idea about how to solve a problem (determined by past experience)
Mental set
You are in a room with a cork board on the wall. You are given some candles, matches in a match box and some drawing pins. You must mount a candle on the cork board without dripping wax on the floor.
What is the name, creator and solution to this problem?
The candle problem, Carl Dunker.
Solution: happens when you realize you can use the matchbox as support
How can a participant tie two strings together, if he cannot teach them?
What is this problem called, and who created it?
The two string problem, Maier.