Problem of Evil AO1 and AO2 Flashcards
moral evil
result of morally wrong human actions. Deliberately done and well within human control
natural evil
caused by natural world, beyond human control yet science can lessen impact
Epicurean paradox
If god is willing, but not able then he is not omnipotent
If he is able but not willing then he is malevolent
If he is able and willing then when cometh evil
If he is neither able nor willing then why call him God
J.L Mackie
“a wholly good being eliminates evil as far as it can”
David Hume
- inconsistent triad: ‘god is omnipotent’, ‘god is all-loving’, ‘there is evil in the world’
- logically inconsistent and cannot all be true, at least one of them must be false
-God is defined as “infinite goodness” impossible for evil to exist amongst infinite goodness, God doesn’t exist.
William Rowe
- Amount of pointless animal and human suffering in the world makes it unlikely that there is a God
- example of a dawn trapped in a forest fire suffering a slow painful death
- privatio boni= evil is not created rather caused by a privation of good
- adam and eve destroyed the balance through their free will causing original sin
-argued that most religious believers would argue that people must turn to God out of their own free choice, otherwise faith holds no value therefore justifies risk of evil
Alvin Platinga
-although humans sometimes freely choose good, if God had designed them so they would always choose God, they would not be free rather they’d be robots
-logical contradiction in a perfect world that can go wrong
John Hick
- Vale of soul making theodicy:
- humans created imperfectly so they could grow into the image and likeness of God
- the existence of evil allows humans to develop the positive qualities of love, honour, courage and so on, and so develop into God’s likeness.
Gil Edwards
-qualities such as trust and courage can only come from suffering
Extent of suffering
-in the holocaust 6 million jews were killed, no need for such an extent of evil, why not 4 million
D.Z Phillips
allowing suffering can never be loving