What are the three major parts of Augustine’s theodicy?
- Original Sin.
- Salvation.
- Judgement.
What are the two assumptions Augustine rests his theory on?
- Evil did not come from God since God’s creation was perfect.
- Evil came from elsewhere and God was justified in allowing it to stay.
What is Augustine’s blindness analogy?
Blindness is not an entity but the absence of sight just as he thought that evil was not an entity but the absence of good.
Where does Augustine believe evil came from?
Angels and human beings who chose deliberately to turn away from God and use their free will for negative actions.
How did Natural Evil occur?
Human action destroyed the natural order of things by going against God’s will.
Give a quote from Augustine.
“all evil is either sin or punishment for sin.”
What does Plantiga state about Augustine’s theodicy?
Humans sometimes choose good acts, but if God had designed us so that we always choose good, we would not truly be free.
Give a weakness of Augustine’s theodicy.
People who are experiencing great suffering may not find the theodicy a convincing or sufficient explanation when their suffering is very real.
What did Irenaeus’ theodicy begin its focus on?
The creation story in Genesis 1.
What did Irenaeus believe about Adam and Eve?
The serpent was solely to blame for Adam and Eve’s temptation.
What is the divine purpose of evil and suffering according to Irenaeus?
To become children of God and this could not be served in a hedonistic paradise.
What does Irenaeus explain about God’s ‘hands’?
Help to mould us through the existence of natural evil. It is the experience and contact with natural evil that ‘shapes’ us in the image of God.
What are Irenaeus’ two choices which help to support his theodicy?
- A paradise with no pain or sin. Everything is on a plate and easy.
- The real earth with its pain and suffering, love and happiness etc.
What does Hick state in support of Irenaeus’ theodicy?
The world is about soul-making and enabling us to develop good moral characters.
Give a weakness of Irenaeus’ theodicy.
It explains the need for a person making environment but it does not justify the actual extent of human suffering e.g. the Holocaust.
What is natural evil?
Refers to events that have evil consequences or cause suffering when experienced by human beings.
What questions does the existence of natural evil raise about God’s nature?
Either evil is the fault of the devil and not God, or God allowed evil and suffering but must’ve had a good reason for doing so.
Give an attempt to solve the problem of natural evil.
See evil as a just punishment for sin, inflicted upon us by God. We cannot complain about natural evils, because we deserve all that we get.