Problem 2: Language comprehension Flashcards
substituting sentence with nothing
‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’
connection because of lexical relationship
direct matching
match of underlying concepts
no direct antecedent
reading span task
examine tradeoff between storing and processing information in WM –> results: correlation between reading span, WM capacity and reading comprehension
surface representation
remember the exact word read
propositional representation
specifies meaning apart from exact word read
situation model
model of situation: spatial or causal
relationship memory and representation?
memory increases with the complexity of the representation: situation model>proposition>surface
Zwaan, Stanfield & Yaxley (language comprehenders represent shapes of images)
Goal: investigate if we represent shape
Exp 1: indicate if sentence and image match –> faster responses for matches
Exp 2: replication, see if it was not due to response inhibition/facilitation –> Still effect found
Conclusion: people activate perceptual symbols during language comprehension
sensorimotor theories of language comprehension
representation of language is sensory/motor (speech act?)
symbol & abstract representation of language
representations are functionally separate from perceptual systems = abstract
grounding by interaction hypothesis
conceptual knowledge is inherently abstract but not complete without perceptual and motor knowledge (intermediate pov)
Kurby & zacks (modality specific representations during discourse comprehension)
Goal: use fMRI to investigate the activation of modality specific representations during discourse comprehension
Exp 1: read text then comprehension task + vividness rating –> only auditory and motor activation
Exp 2: story vs scrambled condition –> only motor & auditory, higher imagery for story condition
Conclusion: imagery strength depends on discourse level processing