Problem 2 Flashcards
Basal ganglia
Refers to the large + functionally diverse set of nuclei that lie deep within the cerebral hemisphere
a) caudate nucleus
b) putamen
c) Globus pallidus
d) substantia nigra
e) subthalamic nucleus
What is the Input zone of the Basal ganglia ?
The (corpus) striatum that includes the
- Putamen
- Caudate nucleus
–> both are joined by bridges of gray matter that extent through the internal capsule
“striped body”
Medial spiny neurons
Large, spread out dendrites that integrate info from a variety of sources
AND: their firing is associated with the anticipation of movement
What is the output zone of the Basal ganglia ?
The Palladium which includes the
- Globus pallidus
- Substantiv nigra pars reticulata
Which areas are major sources of input to the basal ganglia ?
What are they called ?
- Nearly all regions of the cerebral cortex especially
a) Association areas of FL + PL
b) Temporal, insular + cingulate cortices
- Corticostriatal pathway
–> consists of parallel pathways serving different functions + input is glutaminergic
The cortical inputs to the caudate vs putamen are not the same. These differences in input reflect functional differences between the two nuclei.
Name these functional differences + their sources of input.
- Caudates neurons fire in anticipation of eye movements
–> receives input from
a) multimodal association cortices
b) motor areas from FL that control eye movements
- Putamens neurons fire in anticipation of limb + trunk movements
–> receives input from
a) primary + secondary somatic sensory cortices (PL)
b) visual cortices (OL)
c) premotor + motor cortices (FL)
d) Auditory association cortices (TL)
What does the fact that different cortical areas project to different regions of the striatum imply ?
That the corticostriatal pathway consists of multiple parallel pathways serving different function
What is evidence for the fact that the striatum is functionally subdivided according to its inputs ?
- Visual + somatic sensory cortical projections are topographically mapped within different regions of the putamen
- Cortical areas that are functionally interconnected give rise to overlapping projections in the striatum
–> this means that functionally distinct pathways project in parallel from the Cortex to the striatum
Local circuit neurons
Modulate the effectiveness of cortical synaptic activation arriving from distal dendrites
–> synapse close to the soma
Double inhibiton
Constant activation in pallidum tonically inhibits neurons in the thalamus
–> useful for selecting a response in a competitive system
Direct pathway
- Medial spiny neurons
- Striatum
- Internal segment of Globus pallidus (Pallidum)
- -> inhibited, thus no tonic inhibition - Thalamus
- -> excited - Cortex
–> main function is to remove tonic inhibition which enables the excitability of the thalamus which will drive upper motor neurons
Indirect pathway
- Medial spiny neurons
- Striatum
- External segment of the Globus pallidus
- -> will tonically inhibit the internal segment - Internal segment is excited
- -> increased inhibitory outflow of the BG - Thalamus
- Cortex
–> main function is to increase the inhibitory influences of the basal ganglia, thus antagonizing the actions of the direct pathway
Afferent neurons of the palladium give rise to … ?
GABA-neurons that terminate in the pallidal nuclei
–> converge on specific neurons + broader subsets, which elicits weak influence over many neurons but strong influence over a specific subset
Efferent neurons of the pallidum give rise to … ?
- Thalamus
- -> inhibited by GP internal - Subthalamic nucleus
- -> inhibited by GP external
In which way are the 2 pathways (indirect vs direct) organized ?
In a centre surround fashion
- Direct pathway = centre
- -> focuses on particular functional units + activates intended motor programs - Indirect pathway = surround
- -> focuses on broader range of functional units + inhibits competing motor programs
=> both become active at the same time to simultaneously make recommendations about what to do/not to do