Probation Terminology Flashcards
Confidential report prepared by probation officer to assist in sentencing person convicted of a crime.
Includes information related to criminal history, background and options for community supervision.
Presentence Investigation Report
Agreement between prosecutor and defendant to resolve charge without going to trial.
Principles of Effective Intervention
Legal process that seals a record
Could be an arrest, adjudication or conviction.
Program that delivers services in the way it was intended with a high degree of accuracy and consistency.
Program Fidelity
Roadmap for supervising and addressing probationers needs, structuring activities and prioritizing goals.
Based on results of assessments, treatment recommendations and court orders.
- MUST be completed as a condition of probation.
Case Plan
Agreement between the child and child’s parents, guardian, custodian, or attorney and probation officer to refrain from certain acts without formal delinquency petition.
Informal Adjustment
Collaborative, goal-oriented method of communication focused on enhancing intrinsic motivation to change.
Motivational Interviewing
Non-criminal act considered delinquent because they are a minor.
Include truancy, running away, curfew violation, and underage use of alcohol.
Status Offense
Characteristics that place individuals at risk for committing crime or delinquent act.
AKA criminogenic need.
Risk Factors
Criminal offense punishable by 1+ year in jail or prison.
An informal investigation into the facts and circumstances of an alleged delinquent offense to determine if interests of the public or child require further action.
Preliminary Inquiry
Factors related to criminal offending or delinquent behaviors.
Causes of crime/delinquency that may be changed with treatment.
Community-based supervision following release from prison during which they are supervised by a parole agency and subject to the parole board.
Order by juvenile court that transfers a juvenile delinquency case to a court that would have jurisdiction if offense was committed by an adult.
Reward used to encourage a desired behavior or attitude.
Positive Reinforcement
Designated by judge to direct and supervise probation department.
Chief Probation Officer
Provides a service for people charged with or convicted of infraction, misdemeanor, or a felony that provides assessment, intervention, education, referral, or treatment under operation of a court.
Court-Administered Alcohol and Drug Program
Court-ordered rule or requirement of probation.
Condition of Probation
Appointed by the court to represent juvenile in court.
Represents best interest of child.
Guardian Ad Litem (GAL)
Screening tools/assessments completed in addition to primary risk and needs assessment.
Assists in developing individualized case plans when specific risk, need or responsivity factors are identified.
Complementary Assessments
Identify participants risk to reoffend
Tools used at sentencing or post-sentence supervision to evaluate criminogenic needs for case planning.
Indiana Risk-Assessment System (IRAS)
Identify youths risk to reoffend
Tools used at sentencing or post-sentence supervision to evaluate criminogenic needs for case planning.
Indiana Youth Assessment System (IYAS)
Modifications to probationers treatment intended to address unmet clinical or social service needs.
Therapeutic Adjustment
Appointed by the court to represent defendants who cannot afford private counsel.
Public Defender
Elected official who brings states case against criminal defendant.
Jail or prison sentence delayed while an offender receives treatment or is supervised in the community.
Suspended Sentence
Characteristic that places individuals at risk for committing a crime or delinquent act but is not changeable.
Static Risk Factor
Written accusation returned by a grand jury charging an individual after determining probable cause.