Probate Flashcards
What court has probate jurisdiction?
Circuit court
Where is the venue for probate?
Where D resided
Where D owned property
Where D owned personal property
When must will proponents offer a will for probate?
No time limit but after a year since T’s death, a BFP of real property from an heir or devisee is protected
What is the person appointed by T to administer estate called?
What is Someone the court appoints to dispose of estate?
When are missing persons presumed dead?
Absent from VA and not heard from in 7 years
6 months if lost at sea on boat or in a plane crash
What are examples of non-probate assets?
Life insurance
Employee benefits
Bank accounts (joint or POD)
Inter vivos trusts
Promissory notes
Can non-probate assets be disposed of by will?