Probability Distributions Flashcards
What is a random variable (RV)? and what are the two types or RV?
is a function that from the space sample Ω assigns a number x (real/natural/integer) to an outcome o. X(o)=x
Discrete random variable (DRV) which only takes discrete values and continuous random variable (CRV)
What are the set of values SX of a RV X?
The set of values of the sample space Ω that are mapped under the RV X
X= result of a coin toss, X(H)=1, X(T)=-1, SX={-1,1}
What is the probability mass function (PMF) fx ?
Probability mass function (PMF) fx maps a discrete random variable X onto the probability measure P
What are the conditions of a PMF and PDF ?
- Positivity (non-negativity) f(x)≥0 for all x∈S
- Normalisation (total probability is ∑x∈S f(x) = 1 and
∫ from −∞ to ∞ fX (x)dx = 1
What is a probability density function (PDF) fx?
The probability density function maps a continuous variable X to the probability that the random continuous variable X takes a value between x and x+dx.
P(a < x < b) = ∫ from a to b f X(x) dx
What is the cumulative distribution fucntion (CDF) ?
A function FX that goes from [0,1] that maps a random variable to a probability that the random variable X takes a value smaller or equal to the given value x.
X (x) = P (X ≤ x)
What is the relation between the cumulative probability distribution function (CPF) and the probability mass function (PMF) / probability density function (PDF)
What is the definition of mean? is it always a possible outcome? write the matematical definition
What is the definition of Variance Var(X) or σ^2? write the definition
Is the standard measure for the spread of the random variable X
What is the definition of standard deviation? write the mathematical formula
σ = Var(X)
What are the properties of the mean and of the variance?
- The mean is linear: E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b
- The variance is nonlinear V r(aX + b) = a^2var(X)