Pro Tools Shortcuts Flashcards
Advance marker to nearest measure-start
2 on the num pad
Bounce to Disk
Option + CMD + B
Clear all meters (clear reds/overs)
Option + C
Close the current session without quitting the application
Shift + CMD + W
Create a group for current track selection(s)
Create a marker at the current time
Enter (on the numpad)
Create new track(s)
Shift + CMD + N
Display Global automation (for enable/disable)
CMD + 4 (on the numpad)
Display Session properties (session setup)
CMD + 2 (on the numpad)
Display the big counter
CMD + 3 (on the numpad)
Start/stop playback
Space bar
Display Transport window
CMD + 1
Half Speed Playback
Shift + Space bar
Import Audio
Shift + CMD + I
Import Session Data
Shift + Option + I
Jump to the beginning of the session
Mute the track(s) containing the edit cursor
Shift + M
Narrow Mix Channel appearance in the Mix Window
Option + CMD + M
Open the memory Locations Popup Menu
CMD + 5 (on the numpad)
CMD + Z (or Z)
Quit Protools
Shift + CMD + Z
Rewind marker to neareste measure-start
1 (on the numpad)
Save the current session
Select All
Show Beat detective menu
CMD + 8 (on the numpad)
Show Task manager
Option + ‘ (apostrophee)
Solo the track(s) containing the edit cursor
Shift + S
Suspend all group
Shift + CMD + G
Switch beetween the edit and mix windows
CMD + =
Toggle Bypass for all inserts on selected tracks
Shift + A
Toggle Count-off
8 (on the numpad)
Toggle loopplayback
4 (on the numpad) or Shift + CMD + L
Toggle metronome/Click
7 (on the numpad)
Toggle mute of all sends for selected tracks
Shift + Q
Toggle Quick punch
6 (on the numpad)
Arm track(s) for recording wich contain the edit cursor
Shift + R
Open the most recent session
Shift + CMD + O
Move edit selection/cursor Up one track
(In volume or Pan view) create automatic linear fade between start and end of selection
Add new track : cycle through track typpe (Audio-Midi-Instrument-VCA)
CMD + Up or Down arrow
Add new track : select if new track is mono or stereo
CMD + Left or Right arrow
Add tracks : add/remove additional row in the new tracks dialogue box
Shift + CMD + Up or Down arrow
Begin Recording
3 (CMD+Spacebar or F12)
Copy current selection
Duplicate selected tracks
Shift + option + D
Insert silence into selected region
Shift + CMD + E
Link timeline and edit selection (toggle)
Shift + /
Lock/Unlock tool-mode change with keyboard
Control + Shift + T
Move cursor back to previous region boundary or Sync Point
Move cursor forward to next region boundary or sync point
’ (apostrophee)
Move edit selection/cursor down one track
; (semi-colon)
Cycle through track view (Waveform/playlist/ect) on selected track
Control + CMD + Left arrow
Nudge timeline selection nodes to the left
< (or minus on numpad)
Nudge timeline selection nodes to the right
> (or + on the numpad)
Place start of timeline selection in the middle of the edit window
Play selection made on the timeline
) (paranthesis)
Play the edit selection on the current track
( (paranthesis left)
Toggle dynamic transport
Control + Cmd + P
Toggle insertion follows playback
Mute/unmute selected clip(s)
Trim Clip/region to selection
Trim from cursor to end of Region
Trim from start of region to cursor
Cycle through track view (waveform / playlist / ect) on all tracks
Control + option + CMD + Left arrow
Toggle between waveform and volume view
- (hyphen or minus not on numpad)
Select shuffle Edit mode
Enable snap to grip while in shuffle or spot or slip edit mode
Shift + F4
Cycle through edit modes (shuffle/spot/slip/grid)
` (before 1 not on the numpad)
Cycle through selection of edit tools
Select Scubber tool
Select Selector tool
Select Pencil Tool
Select slip edit mode
Select Spot Edit Mode
Select the Smart tool
F6 + F7 (or F7 + F8)
Select/toggle Grabber tool
Select / toggle Grid Edit Mode
Select/toggle trim tool
Copy the selection to the main playlist
Control + Option + V
Create a new playlist for all tracks
Control + option+ Backslash
Create a new playlist for selected tracks
Control + option + Shift + Backslash
Create a new playlist for the first selected track in the session
Control + Backslash
Display previous/next playlist as main playlist (with edit cursor on main playlist)
Shift + Up or Down arrow
Duplicate the main playlist for all tracks
Control + option + CMD + Backslash
Duplicate the main playlist for selected tracks
Control + option + CMD + Shift + backslash
Duplicate the main playlist for the first selected track in the session
Control + CMD + Backslash
Midi editor - Send to back
Shift + Option + N
All midi notes off (Midi Panic)
Shift + CMD + >.
Show/Hide event Operations - Change duration
Option + P
Show/hide Event operations - Quantize
Option + 0
Show/Hide Event operations - Select/Split notes
option + Y
Show/Hide Event operations - transpose
Option + T
Identify beat
Import Midi
Option + CMD + I
Midi editor - bring to front
Option + N
toggle midi merge/replace mode
9 (on the numpad)
Show/hide Midi real-time properties
option + 4
Show/hide event operations - Quantize/transpose/duration
option + 3
Show/hide tempo operation window
Option + 2
Show/Hide Time operation window (meter)
option + 1
Show/hide Midi editor window
Control + =
Show/hide event list
option + =
Show/hide score editor window
control + option + =
Toggle automatic clip spotting
option + Cmd + P
Toggle Pre/post-roll
Nudge selected clip gain nodes to the right
Control + Shift + > (or +)
Add a clip gain node at the current edit location
Control + Shift + E
Clear Clip Gain envelope from selected region
Control + Shift + B
Clear Selected clips (remove files from disk)
Shift + CMD + B
Consolidate selection(s) into single clip(s)
Shift + option + 3 (not on the numpad)
Copy Clip Gain (nodes from clip gain envelope/line)
Control + Shift + C
Create a crossfade with fade settings defined in preferences
Cut clip gain (nodes from clip gain envelope/line)
Control + Shift + X
Duplicate selected region
Fade in from beginning of region to cursor
Fade out from cursor position to end of region
Toggle Elastic properties window for selected clip
Option + 5
Nudge selected clip gain nodes to the left
Control + Shift + < (or - on the numpad)
Nudge the selected clip gain nodes down
Control + Shift + Down arrow
Nudge the selected clip gain nodes down
Control + Shift + up arrow
Open Batch Fades dialogue for selected clips
Paste Clip Gain
Rename Selected Clips
Shift + CMD + R
Separate/Split clip at current time
Strip Silence on selected regions
Toggle clip gain Info
Control + Shift + =
Toggle the clip Gain line
Control + Shift + - (hyphen or minus)
Heal separation of clips
Select/toggle Zoom Tool
Increase/Decrease the height for track lanes selected by cursor
Control + Up or Down arrow
Fit session on screen horizontally
Control + option + A
Recall one of the five horizontal zoom presets
1/2/3/4/5 on the keyboard
Revert amplitude zoom (on clip waveform display) to default height
Control + Option + CMD + ( (left bracket)
Zoom midi to fit all notes vertically
Control + Shift + CMD + ( (left bracket)
Toggle zoom of edit selection
Vertical zoom in/out in the midi editor window
Shift + CMD + ( ) (left or right bracket)
Zoom in/out amplitude of waveformes
Option + CMD + ( ) - left or right bracket
Zoom in horizontally
Zoom out horizontally
Toggle Bypass for Modulation Inserts on selected tracks
Shift + W
Open new worspace browser
Option + I
Display workspace browser / Cycle through open worksapces
Option + ;
Stop recording and delete take permanentaly
CMD + >
Workspace browser - bring to front
Option + J
Workspace browser - send to back
Shift + option + J
Half speed record
Shift + CMD + Spacebar
Toggle bypass for delay insert on selected tracks
Shift + D
Toggle Bypass for Dynamics inserts on selected tracks
Shift + C
Toggle Bypass for EQ inserts on selected track
Shift + E
Toggle bypass for insert A-E on selected tracks
Shift + 2
Toggle bypass for inserts F-J on selected tracks
Shift + 3
2018: extend edit selection up by one track
(Control) + Shift + P
Toggle bypass for reverb inserts on selected tracks
Shift + V
Toggle mute of sends A-E on selected tracks
Shift + 4
Extend the selection to the next clip boundary
Shift + Tab
Increase/ Decrease the nudge value
Option + CMD + plus or minus +-
Increase/Deacrease the Grid value
Control + option + plus or minus +-
Halve the current edit selection
Control + shift + option + CMD + L
Double the current edit selection
Control + Shift + option + CMD + ‘ (apostrophe)
Remove the top track from the edit selection
Control + option + P
Remove the bottom track from the edit
Control + option + ; (semicolon)
Move edit selection left by duration of selection
Control + option + CMD + L
Move edit selection right by duration of selection
Control + Option + CMD + ‘ (apostrophe)
Extend edit selection down by one track
Control + Shift + ; (Semi-colon)
2018 : Increase/Decrease velocity of midi notes by 15
Shift + CMD + Up or Down arrow
2018 : Copy audio from next playlist into the edit selection (w/cursor on main playlist)
Shift + CMD + Down arrow
2018 : Copy audio from previous playlist into the edit selection (w/cursor on main playlist
Shift + CMD + Up arrow
2018 : Display target playlist as main playlist
Shift + right arrow
Make main playlist the target playlist (w/cursor on main playlist)
Shift + CMD + right arrow
Move (not copy) selection to target playlist
Shift + option + T
2018 : toggle between current and most recent playlist (w/cursor on main playlist)
Shift + left arrow
2018.3 Retrospective Midi record
Shift + option + Z
2018 : Increase/Decrease velocity of Midi notes by 5
CMD + up or down arrow
2018 : Transpose Midi notes up or down a semitone
Up or down arrow
2018 : Transpose Midi notes up or down an octave
Shift + up or down arrow
2018 : transpose midi notes up or down in the scale designated by the key ruler
Control + up or down arrow
2018 : trim end of midi note by grid value
Option + left or right arrow
2018 : trim start of midi note by grid value
Control + left or right arrow
2018 : Duplicate selection and extend selection to the end of the duplicate
Control + Shift + option + CMD + D
Restore last selection
Option + CMD + Z
Nudge edit selection
Nudge the content of edit selection
Nudge the start time of a selection
Nudge the end time of a selection
Trim clip start
Trim clip end
+ or -
Shift + or -
Control + plus or minus +-
Option + Shift + plus or minus +-
CMD + Shift + plus or minus +-
Option + plus or minus +-
CMD + plus or minus +-
Import a video
VIDEO track online
Video Universe
Alternate takes on clip
Paste special > repeat to fill selection
Edit Lock (clip)
TIME LOCK (clip)
EDIT tool/mode keyboard Lock
TCE edit to timeline Selection
(with link edit and timeline selection disabled)
(edit > TCE edit to timeline selection)
- Target playlist for a track
- Show the target playlist as main playlist
- Toggle betwwen most recently viewed Main
- Main Playlist : cycle through alternates takes
- Copy selection to target playlist
- Copy selection to new playlist
- Move selection to target playlist
- Move selection to new playlist
- CMD+SHIFT+Right arrow
- SHIFT+Right arrow
- SHIFT+Left arrow
- Option+SHIFT+Up arrow
- Option+Shift+Down arrow
- Option+SHIFT+T
- Option+SHift+N
Track> save track preset
Option + SHIFT + P