PrivateLink 1 Flashcards
Interface Endpoints
Are client interface endpoints regional, zonal, or global?
Zonal: separate endpoint in each Subnet in AZs.
Interface Endpoints
How do clients control access to an Interface Endpoint?
Security groups and NACLs
Interface Endpoints
What are interface endpoints in a VPC?
Just ENIs.
Interface Endpoints
Is PrivateLink HA?
Technically no, you need to deploy Interface Endpoints in multiple subnets across AZs.
Interface Endpoints
Are Interface Endpoints based on routing?
Nope DNS: just points DNS to a private IP. “local” routing handles delivery like anything else.
Interface Endpoints
What networking protocols are supported by Interface PrivateLink?
IPv4, TCP only
Interface Endpoints
I set up an Interface Endpoint for a purchased service, but all traffic is leaving my VPC! What happened?
No PrivateDNS so URL resolves to public IP of service. Need PrivateDNS or use Endpoint DNS name
Interface Endpoints
Is PrivateDNS on by default for new Interface Endpoints?
Interface Endpoints
Can I route across a VPC Peer to an Interface Endpoint to reach a service?
Interface Endpoints
Can I route across a DX to an Interface Endpoint to reach a service?
Interface Endpoints
Can I route across a VPN to an Interface Endpoint to reach a service?