Private Equity Flashcards
How do most investors invest in PE?
Through PE funds
- Fund of funds
- Some can develop a portfolio of PE Funds
What do you become as a PE investor?
A limited partner
How are gains primarily made in a PE firm?
- Listing
- Sale
- Dividend capitalisation
Why do banks invest in PE?
1) Higher profit
2) Leverage off their other activities
What are the 4 main PE investment categories?
1) Mezzanine Finance
2) LBOs
3) Distressed Companies
4) Venture Capital
Points about venture capital
- Investment in companies in exchange for a share of ownership
- Can be actively involved in management
- startups to later stage small companies
- Small companies don’t have access to bank lending lines
- Investment as partnership
Investment can also take the form of angel investors
Points about Distressed Companies
- Take interest in companies with distressed debt piles
- Restructure debt under more favourable terms
- In exchange, gain some control over strategic decisions
- Aim to improve cash flows and increase price of debt
Points about LBOs
- Banks, Hedge Funds & PE Group lend money to LBO vehicle
- LBO vehicle aims to buy target equity via borrowed money
- Borrowers provide money for high yielding LBO bonds
- New management team then aim to cut costs.
Points about Mezzanine Finance
- Expensive way to raise money as debt is not secured
- Higher yield
- Unsecured in case of bankruptcy
- Ranks between ordinary shares and secured debt
What is an example of a private takeover of a public company
Kraft purchasing Cadburys
Led to a change in how foreign firms buy UK companies
It was considered too easy a process
Why might a PE firm buyout a public company?
5 reasons:
1) Management Buyouts - acquire strong cash flow businesses
2) LBOs - acquire strong cash flow businesses - and be able to pay with debt
3) Financial Distress - help to turn around struggling companies
4) Avoid registration costs - provide capital without costs of public ipo
5) Raise funds when out of favour with investors - help industries that public markets have shunned
Private equity returns?
1) Generally higher than other asset classes
2) Reward for higher risk and lower liquidity
Rank private equity types in order of profit
1) Venture Capital
2) Distressed Companies
3) LBOs
4) Mezzanine
How has PE performed vs US and global equities
Over 25 years to March 2022
1) 14.2%
2) 4.7% more than US
3) 6.7% more than global
Can be seen as compensation for low liquidity
What are 4 risks of Private Equity?
1) Illiquid (complex secondary market)
2) Long term commitment
3) Unique risk of PE is greater (investor needs to be diversified)
4) Cash on demand needed for the investment period (can be 5+ years)
What is the riskiest class of PE
What is the least risky?
1) Venture Capital - junior companies
2) Mezzanine Capital - More mature companies
What is important about a manager and team in PE?
1) Track record of team
2) Due diligence capabilities (strong analyst team)
3) Management Compensation (can effect the success of the performance)
What is information assymetry
Different knowledge / information between buyesr and sellers
What can information assymetry lead to in Private Equity?
1) Adverse Selection
2) Moral Hazard
When does Adverse selection happen
When does moral hazard occur?
1) Before transaction (lack of disclosure, not enough information to make correct choice)
2) After transaction (manager takes money and changes behaviour)
Points about Adverse selection
o Owners and managers known more than investors
o Good points about investment highlighted
o Negatives are hidden
o Able to do this because of lack of mandated public disclosures
o Adverse selection for investor
Points about moral hazard?
o After PE financing is in place, managers may alter behaviour and run the business for their own benefit.
o Risk increases after investors have committed funds.
What is the largest type of PE fund available to investors?
Buyout Funds
Points about buyout funds
- Large Cap or intermediate cap
- Aim to purchase company - privatise then relist
- Profit through IPO
- Dividend capitalisation (a special dividend financed through debt to given to partners)
Who are PE funds offered to?
Qualified investors
Largely due to complxity, risk and large initial investment (millions)
How long do partnerships last?
They have a fixed contract - usually around 10 years
What is the most common form of partnership
Limited form partnership
Points about general partners
- Manager of the investments
- only contributes around 1%
- unlimited personal liability for debts of partnership
- Has industry / entreprenuerial experience
Points about limited partners
- Institutional investors
- Tend to invest the bulk of the money