Privacy Laws in Pharmacy Powerpoint Flashcards
What does PIPEDA stand for?
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
What is PIPEDA?
A federal privacy law for private-sector organizations.
What is PIPEDA for?
It sets out the ground rules for how businesses must handle personal information in the course of commercial activity.
Who does PIPEDA apply to?
Every organization that collects, uses, or discloses personal information in the course of commercial activities.
What does PIPA stand for?
Personal Information and Protection Act
What is PIPA for?
It protects personal information collected, used and disclosed by private sector organizations.
What qualifies as personal information under PIPA?
Name Birthdate Income Gender Address Religion Education Employment Physical description Medical History
What does FOIP stand for?
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
What is the purpose of FOIP?
Protects the privacy of individuals by controlling how personal information is collected, used and disclosed.
What does HIA stand for?
The Health Information Act
What does the HIA do?
Governs the collection, use and disclosure of health information by custodians
Is PIPEDA a Canadian Act or a Albertan Act?
Is PIPA a Canadian Act or an Alberta Act?
Alberta Act
Is FOIP a Canada Act or a Alberta Act?
Alberta Act
Is HIA a Canadian Act or an Alberta Act?
Alberta Act