Privacy Flashcards
§164.530(c)(2)(i) PRIVACY Personnel:
How is access to PII, PHI or ePHI safeguarded from unauthorized access in your area.
1) Keys
2) Card swipes
3) Other
4) Permissions
§164.530(c)(2)(i) PRIVACY Personnel:
How is your staff trained on privacy and security?
1) Are there any checklists for in-department on-boarding.
2) Are there any policies or procedures documented.
Please describe your termination process for both voluntary (resignation) or involuntary termination’s.
1) Are there any special processes such as the requirement to take office keys or building keys.
How are people terminated from your ________ department/special applications.
Please describe the process.
1) Who notifies IT?
Collection of Fees / PCI. DSS:
Are you required to collect any fees for services such as: medical records fees, parking fees, etc.
Please describe the process.
Collection of Fees / PCI DSS:
What form of payment do you accept?
How are the credit cards processed?
How are checks processed?
How is cash processed?
Collection of Fees / PCI DSS:
If they use a card swipe terminal is that device connected to the network, phone line or is it a stand-alone (cell service) device.
When was the last PCI audit performed on the terminal.
Is information ever taken via the phone and or written down?
What happens to that paperwork once you’re completed with it?
§164.530(c)(2)(i) PRIVACY Personnel:
Please describe your staff, their roles and responsibilities as well as any third parties you may work with.
(a) Inquire of management as to whether administrative, technical,
and physical safeguards are in place to protect all PHI.
(b) Obtain and review procedures and policies and evaluate the
content to determine if administrative, technical, and physical
safeguards are in place to protect all PHI (e.g., electronic PHI,
written PHI, rules about speaking about PHI).
(d) Observe and verify whether the safeguards in place are
Is information ever taken via the phone and or written down?
What happens to that paperwork once you’re completed with it?
Do you utilize a departmental drive?
What information is stored on your departmental drive?
How would someone gain access to that share?
Contingency planning:
Do you have a documented emergency disaster recovery plan.
Where is the plan kept.
How was the plan updated.
When was the last time the plan was updated.
How is the plan tested.
When was the last time you tested the plan.
Medical records:
Where is the legal medical record kept? system / paper / other locations?
Please describe the process for a record that has been placed on the legal hold.
Medical records:
Are any medical records left out during the night?
Please describe the process for safeguarding the medical record.
Medical records:
Do you send ePHI to other facilities?
How do you send the ePHI?
Medical records:
How are medical records check in and out of the department?
Please explain the process.
Medical records:
Do you have a checklist for QA of the record that staff utilizes?
Please explain the QA process.
Medical records:
How long do you keep medical records for, both computerized and a paper records.
Please explain the archival process.
Medical records:
Please describe the process for access to medical record by third parties.
Are any records sent electronically?
Are any records sent via UPS? How?
Do you send any records to a PO Box?
Medical records:
How are consents verified?
Do you have a documented process?
Medical records:
If a fax is misdirected what process do you follow?
Is it documented?
Do you have a formal policy?
Please describe the process.
Do you complete a risk form and forward it to risk management?
How do you provide in-service and/or security reminders to your staff?
Please describe your process.
- Weekly/monthly etc staff meetings.
- Email correspondence.
Food Service:
Please describe the process for intake of a patient.
What software do they use?
How is access controlled to that software.
Food Service:
How are the meal tickets produced?
What information is printed on the meal ticket?
We’re looking for any PHI or double identifier that may be printed on the meal ticket.
Physical Security:
Are you in an open area or in a private office?
What’s the area your staff sits in?
Please describe all areas within your department.
Physical Security:
It’s in a private office, do you lock your office when you’re not inside (this includes trips to the restroom).
Describe how the area is secured.
Physical Security:
Do you use any third-party’s within the area such as night cleaning crew etc.?
Describe how is your area police/tidied up at end of day.
Application usage:
What applications does your department utilize?
How is access granted to those applications?
Do they all go through a central location or are some created locally?
How was the applications installed if it’s not on the system?
Food Service:
How are the meal tickets reconciled once the meal has concluded?
Are all the meal tickets returned?
How are they destroyed?
What if a meal ticket is not returned?
Physical Security:
Are you in an open area or in a private office?
What’s the area your staff sits in?
Please describe all areas within your department.
Physical Security:
It’s in a private office, do you lock your office when you’re not inside (this includes trips to the restroom).
Describe how the area is secured.
Physical Security:
Do you use any third-party’s within the area such as night cleaning crew etc.?
Describe how is your area police/tidied up at end of day.
Application usage:
What applications does your department utilize?
How is access granted to those applications?
Do they all go through a central location or are some created locally?
How was the applications installed if it’s not on the system?
Physical Security:
Are there any cameras within your area?
How are those cameras how do those cameras work doesn’t work 24 x 7 recording if there’s a miss you how can you tell.
Physical Security:
Are there any cameras within your area?
How are those cameras how do those cameras work doesn’t work 24 x 7 recording if there’s a miss you how can you tell.