Pritomny Priebehovy Cas Flashcards
Boli ma zub
My tooth is aching
Pomáhajú jej
They are helping her
Umýva si hlavu/vlasy on
He is washing His hair
Robím si du
I am doing my homework
On hľadá svoje kľúče
Shés looking for her keys
Tešíme sa na to
Wére looking forward to it
Pripravujem raňajky
Íam preparing some/The breakfast
Čašník prináša jedálni lístok
The waiter is bringing The menu
Korytnačka sedí pod stolom
The turtle is sitting under The table
D tertl
Môj brat di opravuje bycikel
My brother is reparing His bicycle
Ty ma nepocuvas!
You are not listening to me!
Ale o tomto nehovoríme
But wére not speaking about that
Necítim sa dnes moc dobre
I am not feeling very well today
Moja sestra u nas teraz nebýva
My sister isńt living with us now
V týchto cvičeniach netobim ziadne chyby
I am not making any mistakes in these exercises.
Pada sneh?
Is It snowing?
Pracuje on dnes dopoludnia?
Is He working this morning?
Čakáte na mna?
Are you waiting for me?
Sedim na vašom mieste?
Am i siting in your place?
Premýšľať o ňom?
Are you thinking About him?
Vas syn tento rok opúšťa školu?
Is your son leaving school this year?
Udeme dobre?
Are we going The right way?
Hovoria pravdu?
Are they telling The truth?
Co sa deje?
What is happening?
Co počítas?
What are you counting?
Kto vyhráva?
Who is winning?
Kam idete?
Where are you going?
Kam nas vezies?
Where are you taking as?
Preco odchádza?
Why is He leaving/going?
Preco jazdis tak rýchlo?
Why are you driving so fast?
Aký film dávaju tento týžden ?
What film are they showing this week?
Kolko zarabas vo svojej novej praci?
How much are you earning in your new job?
Na čom sedíš?
What are you sitting on?
O čom hovoria oni?
What are they talking about?
Komu píšeš?
WHO are you writing to?
S kým chodí oba?
WHO is she going out with?
Komu ju kupujes?
Who are you buying them for?
Hju arju baing themfoor
Na ktorej kapitole pracujete?
Which chapter are you working on?
Z ktorého pohára pijes ty?
Which glass are you drinking from?
V ktorom hoteli býva on?
What hotel is He staying in?
V ktorom hoteli bývaš?
Which hotel are you staying at?
O koho dieta sa staráte?
Whose children are you looking after?