Priorities Flashcards
Priority between unperfected secured parties?
If both security interests are unperfected, the first to attach has priority.
Priority between unperfected and perfected secured parties?
Generally, a perfected security interest prevails over an unperfected security interest, even if the perfected secured party takes her security interest with knowledge of the earlier unperfected security interest
General rule for priority between perfected secured parties?
The general rule is that priority goes to whichever party was the first to either file or perfect, whichever is earlier, provided that there is no period thereafter when there is neither filing nor perfection
What is the special priority rule for investment property?
A security interest perfected by control has priority over a security interest perfected by any other method.
- If there are conflicting security interests perfected by control, they rank according to the time of obtaining control
What is the special priority rule for deposit accounts?
A security interest in a deposit account that is perfected by control has priority over a conflicting security interest that is perfected by another method. Conflicting security interests that are perfected by control rank according to the time of obtaining control, subject to the following exceptions:
- a secured party who has obtaining control by putting the deposit account in the party’s name has priority over all other secured parties with control; and
- a bank that has control because it maintains the deposit account has priority over all secured parties with control, other than the party that has obtained control by putting the account in her name
PMSI “superpriority”
PMSIs enjoy a superpriority–they are superior to prior perfected security interests in the same goods if certain conditions are met.
PMSI in inventory
A PMSI in inventory has priority over a conflicting security interest in the inventory itself , proceeds that are chattel paper, proceeds that are instruments, and any identifiable cash proceeds that are received on or before delivery to a buyer if:
- the PMSI in inventory is perfected at the time the debtor gets possession of the inventory (the filing must take place before the inventory is delivered to the debtor); and
- any secured party who has filed her security interest in the same inventory receives an authenticated notification of the PMSI before the debtor receives possession of the inventory, and the notification states that the purchase money party has or expects to take a PMSI in inventory of the debtor described by kind or type (this notification is effective for deliveries of the same type of collateral for five years)
Consignor has PMSI in inventory
Under Article 9, a consignor’s interest in the consigned goods is considered to be a PMSI in inventory. Therefore, a consignor can acquire PMSI superpriority in consigned goods if she complies with the requirements for gaining PMSI superpriority in inventory.
PMSI in goods other than inventory and livestock
Such a PMSI has priority over conflicting security interests in the same goods and their identifiable proceeds only if the interest is perfected before or within 20 days after the debtor receives possession of the goods
- No notification requirements
PMSI in software
Remember: a PMSI in software arises if there is a PMSI covering both the software and the computer. This PMSI in software and its identifiable proceeds has the same priority as the security interest in the computer in which the software is used.
- So, if the computer is inventory, the PMSI in software has superpriority if the PMSI in the computer has superpriority
- If the computer is not inventory, the PMSI in the software has superpriority if the PMSI in the computer has superpriority under the applicable rule for noninventory goods
Conflicting PMSIs
If more than one party has PMSI superpriority in collateral, the following rules apply:
- a secured party who has a PMSI in collateral as a seller has priority over a secured party who has a PMSI in the same collateral as a lender
- Otherwise, the first secured party to file or perfect prevails
“Purchasers” of Chattel paper - special rules
If a purchaser of chattel paper in good faith gives new value and takes possession of the chattel paper in the ordinary course of business (or takes control of ECP), the purchaser will have priority over:
- a security interest in chattel paper that arises merely as proceeds of inventory, as long as the chattel paper does not indicate that it has been assigned to anyone other than the purchaser; and
- any other security interest in the chattel paper as long as the chattel paper purchaser acquired its interest without knowledge that its purchase violated the rights of the secured party. Any notation on the chattel paper stating that the chattel paper has been assigned to a secured party is sufficient to give the purchaser knowledge that the purchase violates the rights of the secured party.
“Purchasers” of instruments - special rules
A purchaser of an instrument has priority over a perfected security interest in the instrument if the purchaser gives value and takes possession of the instrument in good faith and without knowledge that the purchase violates the rights of the secured party.
- any notation on the instrument stating that the instrument has been assigned to a secured party is sufficient for knowledge
- here, the purchaser does not have to give “new” value or take possession “in the ordinary course of business.”
How is the priority in proceeds determined?
Article 9 divides collateral into “filing collateral” and “non-filing collateral.” Filing collateral is collateral in which a secured party would normally achieve priority by filing a financing statement (goods, accounts, commercial tort claims, general intangibles, and nonnegotiable documents). Non-filing collateral is collateral in which a secured party would normally achieve priority by possession or control, rather than filing (e.g., cash, chattel paper, NDAs, negotiable documents, instruments, and IP).
What is the general rule for priority in proceeds?
Generally, under the “first to file or perfect” rule, a perfected security interest in proceeds will have the same date of priority as the perfected security interest in the original collateral, as long as the perfection of the security interest in the proceeds extends beyond the 20-day temporary perfection period.
Special rules for priority in proceeds
A secured party has priority in the proceeds of non-filing collateral if:
- she has priority in the original collateral,
- her security interest in the proceeds is perfected, and
- the proceeds are cash proceeds or proceeds of the same type as the original collateral
If the proceeds are proceeds of proceeds, all intervening proceeds must either be cash proceeds, proceeds of the same type as the original collateral or accounts relating to the collateral.
What is the exception for filing collateral that comes as proceeds of non-filing collateral?
If a security interest in original collateral that is non-filing collateral is perfected by a method other than filing, and the proceeds of the original collateral are filing collateral, the first secured party to file a financing statement covering the proceeds has priority in the proceeds.
What is the general rule for the priority of a security interest in a fixture over a security interest in the real estate to which the fixture is attached?
Fixtures are goods that become so attached or otherwise related to real property that an interest in them arises under real property law. A security interest in fixtures generally is not valid against someone with a conflicting interest in the real property unless:
- the security interest was perfected by making a fixture filing, and
- the real property interest arose after either the goods were affixed or the security interest was perfected, whichever occurred later
What is a “fixture filing”?
To gain priority over a holder of an interest in real property, a party with a security interest in a fixture must perfect by making a fixture filing. A fixture filing is accomplished by filing a financing statement in the office of the clerk of the circuit court. The financinc statement must ALSO contain a description of the real property to which the fixture is attached.
Exceptions to the general rule re: perfected security interest in fixtures
A perfected security interest in fixtures has priority over a conflicting interest in the related real property if:
- the security interest was perfected pursuant to Florida’s certificate of title law;
- the security interest was created in a manufactured-home transaction; or
- the party with a real property interest consented to the security interest or disclaimed an interest in the fixtures
What is the general rule for the priority of a security interest in an accession over a security interest in the goods to which it is attached?
Accessions are goods that are physically united with other goods in such a manner that the identity of the original goods is not lost. The general rules for priority apply to accessions
Exception to the general rule re: accessions
However, if the accession becomes a part of the whole that is subject to a security interest perfected by notation on a certificate of title, the security interest in the whole (e.g. the car) has priority over the security interest in the accession (e.g., a new motor)
Secured party vs. buyer or other transferee
A purchaser of goods acquires whatever rights in the goods his transferor had the power to transfer, to the extent of the interest purchased. However, in certain situations, the buyer can take to goods free of their attached security interest.
Unperfected secured party vs. buyer
General Rule
The general rule is that the buyer prevails. A buyer of collateral (or a lessee of goods) takes free of a security interest covering the collateral IF she both gives value and receives delivery of the collateral without knowledge of the security interest before it is perfected.
Buyer of receivables
The purchaser is not considered a “buyer.” Rights between such purchasers of receivables and other holders of security interests in the same accounts are governed by the rules applicable between conflicting security interests.
PMSI Grace Period
If a secured party attaches a PMSI in the debtor’s collateral before the buyer or lessee without knowledge pays value and receives delivery, the secured party will have priority over the buyer or lessee if she files within 20 days after the debtor receives the collateral
Perfected secured party vs. buyer
Generally, a perfected security interest in goods is good against subsequent buyers. There are, however, some cases in which the buyer will defeat even a perfected prior security interest.
Perfected Secured Party vs. Buyer
Secured party consents to sale
If the secured party consents to a sale, lease or other transfer of the collateral free of the security interest, the transferee will take free of the secured party’s perfected security interest.
- the authorization may be express, or it may be implied from the type of sale or the seller’s conduct
Perfected Secured Party vs. Buyer
Buyer in the ordinary course of business
A BIOC (one who buys goods in good faith and in the ordinary course of business from a seller who is engaged in the business of selling goods of the kind purchased) generally takes free of a nonpossessory perfected security interest created by the seller of the inventory EVEN IF the buyer knows of it unless the buyer also knows that the sale is in violation of the terms of the security agreement.
Perfected Secured Party vs. Buyer
Buyer in the ordinary course of business
Seller must be in business of selling goods of the kind
A buyer will NOT qualify as a buyer in the ordinary course unless the seller is in the business of selling goods of the kind that the buyer buys
Perfected Secured Party vs. Buyer
Buyer in the ordinary course of business
Buyer takes free ONLY of interests created by his seller
To qualify under the BIOC rule, the security interest must have been created by the buyer’s seller; if the security interest was created by someone else, the BIOC rule does NOT apply
Perfected Secured Party vs. Buyer
Buyer in the ordinary course of business
Note that a buyer may still qualify under the BIOC rule, even if the buyer knows that the inventory is subject to a security interest unless the buyer also knows that the sale violates the security agreement
Perfected Secured Party vs. Buyer
PMSI in Consumer goods
“Garage Sale” Rule
If the buyer of the consumer goods in turn resells them to another consumer, the second buyer takes free of the security interest if he buys without knowledge of it for value and before a financing statement covering the goods has been filed.
Perfected Secured Party vs. Buyer
Future Advances
Generally if a creditor makes a future advance, the time of perfection of the future advances relates back to the time of perfection of the original advance.
- However, a buyer (or lessee) not in the ordinary course of business can gain priority over a secured party who makes a future advance on collateral after the buyer purchases the collateral
- Such a buyer has priority over a future advance made:
- (1) after the secured party learned of the purchase; or
- (2) more than 45 days after the purchase
Secured Party vs. Holder in Due Course (HDC)
A HDC of a negotiable instrument takes priority over any security interest in the negotiable instrument.
Secured Party vs. Transferee of Money or Deposit Account Funds
If a debtor transfers money or deposit account funds to a person, that person takes free of any security interest in the money or funds, unless the transferee acts in collusion with the debtor in violating the rights of the secured party.
Unperfected Secured Party vs. Judicial Lien Creditor
A judicial lien creditor (a person who has acquired a lien on the collateral through judicial attachment, levy, etc) prevails over the holder of a security interest in the collateral IF the lien creditor becomes such before the security interest is perfected.
Unperfected Secured Party vs. Judicial Lien Creditor
Trustee in Bankruptcy
Judicial “lien creditor” includes a trustee in bankruptcy, who is said to be a hypothetical judicial lien creditor in all of the debtor’s property beginning on the date the bankruptcy petition is filed
Unperfected Secured Party vs. Judicial Lien Creditor
PMSI Grace Period Exception
A secured party who attaches a PMSI in the debtor’s collateral before a judicial lien creditor acquires an interest in the collateral will have priority over the judicial lien creditor if it files within 20 days after the debtor receives the collateral
Perfected Secured Party vs. Judicial Lien Creditor
General Rule
A prior perfected security interest in the collateral has priority over a judicial lien creditor’s interest in the same collateral.
Perfected Secured Party vs. Judicial Lien Creditor
General Rule
Prior Filed Security Interest May Also Have Priority
If a secured party files a security interest but does not attach (and therefore does not perfect) before a judicial lien creditor’s interest arises, the secured party has priority over the judicial lien creditor as long as the secured party:
- evidences its security agreement with an authenticated security agreement, possession, or control, and
- eventually attaches and perfects its security interest
Perfected Secured Party vs. Judicial Lien Creditor
General Rule
Lien Has Priority Over Some Future Advances
A judicial lien creditor’s interest can gain priority over certain future advances that would otherwise have priority under the above general rule; that is, under the general rule, the future advances would have priority if they were made pursuant to a perfected security interest that was filed or perfected before the lien arose.
The judicial lien creditor will have priority if the future advance was made more than 45 days after the lien arose unless the future advance was made:
- without knowledge of the lien, or
- pursuant to a commitment made without knowledge of the lien