PRINCPLES OF LEARNING + TYPES ONLY for adult Learning Flashcards
like a story, a question, or a picture, a case or a new article
or final challenge
usually an announcement of an exam
defined learning as a”change in human disposition or capability that persists over a period of time, individuals go through the following processes and come out capable of knowing, doing or feeling something different.
Over time, all learning begins with the learner’s motivation, which may be extrinsic or intrinsic.
can be established, however, as long as the learners are interested in the tasks.
the learners then proceed to attending to the lesson
if the interest is sustained, the learners then find a way to connect the present topics with related tasks they have experienced or encountered in the past.
depending on the intensity of the learning process and the connection of the code, the newly learned lessons are stored in the short- or long- term memory
can be retrieved when the need arises
as learners discover that new learning can be transferred to similar situations, they can create generalizations of all related topics or tasks acquired.
continuous use of the new learning means learners perform, and doing so generates feedback from others.
depending on this feedback, learners keep the newly learned topics or tasks as is, or expand and multiply them, giving to new learning.
our job as a ________ is to create an external environment that will make as many learners as possible to pay attention to the materials we want them to learn. there is no end to the variety of activities that teachers may use in consistency with the creation of this external environment.
teaching’s ultimate aim is __________
Stimulus in the environment. leads to change in behavior. Application results to learning that promotes standardization of the outcome.
Behavioral theories
Focus learning in the mental and psychological processes of the mind, not on behavior. They are concerned with perception and processing of information
Cognitive learning theories
influenced adult education by making educators responsible for creating, facilitating access to and organizing experiences in order to facilitate learning
Experimental learning theories
explains the motivation to learn main limitation: exclusion of context and social mechanism of constructing meaning and knowledge
concept of andragogy
adults can plan, conduct, and evaluate their own learning described as the goal of adult education
self directed learning
the catalyst trigger to review own views/perspectives. “knowing that you don’t know”
Disorienting dilemma
mezirow identifies different forms of reflection in transformation of meanings, structures, context, process and premise
critical reflection - mezirow (1990) identifies different forms of reflection in transfo
recognizes the importance of intrinsic motivation, and considers that three basic needs must be fulfilled to sustain it
Self-determination theory
concerns participation by adults in learning projects three internal motivating factors are interrelated: self-evaluation, attitude about education, and importance of goals and expectations
chain of response model
reflection leads to action and change.
Reflective-change models
information professionals who train or instruct others can use ____________ to write learning objectives that describe the skills and abilities that they desire their learners to master and demonstrate
Blooms taxonomy
reflect on a teaching session and use learner feedback and assessment results to judge the value of the session, they engage in evaluation
entails creating a novel product in a specific situation