Principles of Radiation Protection Flashcards
Xray discovery when?
what is the purpose of radiation protection?
Ionizing radiation can cause
injury in human tissue
Must reduce the potential
likeliness of harmful biological effects
four main aspects of radiation safety
- patients should not be subjected to unnecessary radiographic procedures
- the patient must be protected from excessive radiation exposure
during the examination. - personnel within the facility must be protected from excessive exposure to radiation during the course of their work.
- personnel and the general public in the vicinity of such facilities require adequate protection
Cardinal principles of radiation
- Time
Patient: reduce the amount of x-ray beam ‘on’ time, reduce repeats (reciprocity
does not apply)
Personnel: shortening length of time in room - Distance
Patient: maximize distance
Personnel: maximize distance ex. mobiles - Shielding
Patient: appropriate gonadal and or specific area shielding if required
Personnel: behind lead walls/protective barriers
Concepts of Dose Limits (DL’s)
The concept of radiation exposure and of the associated risk of
radiation-induced malignancy is the basis of the effective dose
limiting system
Medical imaging professionals must be familiar with previous,
existing, and new guidelines for radiation safety
- They share the responsibility for patient safety from radiation exposure.
- They are subject to radiation exposure in the performance of their duties.
Advisory groups
Advisory Groups
Advisory groups and regulatory agencies involved in formulating risk
estimates of somatic and genetic effects of irradiation
Create language around radiation principles
Focus of Agencies (for Radiography) - Genetic damage
Directive vs. Recommendation
Protective gonad shields for patients must have a lead equivalent of at
least 0.25 mm Pb and should have a lead equivalent thickness of 0.5
mm at 150 kVp.
Radiation Measurements
Exposure- Coulomb per kg (C/kg) or milliroentgen (mR)
Absorbed Dose - milligray (mGy)
Effective Dose - millisievert (mSv)
Dose Limits
others (public)
worn by occupationally exposed personnel - anyone at risk of exceeding Public DL of 1 mSv
TLD always worn under lead apron
additional dosimeters may be required if pregnant