Principles of payroll Flashcards
What is the purpose of the strict rules and regulations around payroll? P109
- Correct amount - on/ before due date
- deadlines - HMRC, pension, external bodies
- prompt changes
When must a person/ business register as an employer ? P109
- Employ staff
- Only employing themselves
When in time must a business/ person register as an employer ? P110
- Before the first payday
- Not 2 months
How long does it take a business to receive its PAYE reference number ? P110
- 5 working days
What does the HMRC require for a business to register as an employer online, if it has an online tax account ? P110 - 10 points
- Unique Tax reference
- name
- address
- first payment date
- employee numbers
- register for CIS
- expenses and benefits
- sole trader/ director name
- sole trader/ director national insurance numbers
Why are employers required to use computerised payroll software , and what process does it use to submit information to the HMRC ? P110
- Up to date info to HMRC
- Who they employ
- what they are paid for
- Real time information (RTI)
What type of payroll software can a business use, depending on its size ? P110
- Commercial payroll bureau - HMRC behald of client
- purchase payroll software - recognised by HMRC
- payroll software - fewer than 10 employees
Will the HMRC recommend payroll software ? P110
- No
- will test - paid for/ free
- PAYE info - online/ RTI
What does the government set for each year, and when does the tax year run from and until ? P111
Tax rate and allowances - updated for each tax year
6th April - following 5th April
When should a business ensure that it updates it payroll software ? P111
- From 6th April earrlier
- latest rates and threshold - income tax, national insurance, and student loan repayment
When do tax months run ? P111
- 6th of one month to 5th of next
What records do the HMRC requre an employer to collect and keep ? P111 - 7 points
- Employees pay and deduction
- reports - HMRC
- Payment - HMRC
- Emplyees leave and sickness absence
- Tax code notices
- Expenses / benefits
- Payroll - scheme documents
How long should the records for payroll be kept? P111
- 3 years after end - tax year
- 6 year option - retention of other tax and accounting records
- electronic storing
What is the fine for failing to keep payroll records ? P111
The employees have the right to be told what about their data ? P112
- Records kept about them - how they’re used
- confidentiality
- training and development aid
How long does an employer have to respond if an employee asks to see data kept about them ? P112
- 30 days - copy of information
What regulation requires businsses to protect personal information they collect ? P113
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
What law controls how personal information is used by organisations, businsses, or the governemnt ? P113
Data Protection Act (2018)
What do data protection principles require from organisations ? P113
- Fairly, lawfully, and transparently
- explicit purposes
- adequate, relevant , limited to neccesity
- kept up to date
- no longer than necessary
- appropriate security
How does the HMRC go about checking the PAYE records of a business ? P113
- write/ phone
- visit
- failure = penalty
- reasonable excuse
What will the HMRC do once it’s checked the PAYE records of a business ? P113
- Written results
- Paid too much = refund & interests (HMRC at fault)
- Paid too little = 30 days = interests from day due = sometimes penalty for reason
What is gross pay ? P114
- before deduction - e.g. N.I
- annual amount
- per period
- per month
- hourly rate
- lump sum
What are additional/ alternative pay that employees may be entitleed to ? P115
- Holiday pay
- sick pay
- maternity pay
- paternity pay
What is taxable pay ? P115
- Gross pay - tax free elements
- Income tax charged
Is additional / alternative pay to gross pay subject to tax ? P115
- Yes
- Certain thresholds ( levels) exceeded
What is tax relief ? P115
- voluntary deduction permission - before income tax
- tax saved = tax relief
- ALSO - employee contributions - company pension
What is payroll giving ? P115
- Donations - charity
What is net pay ? P115
- Take home pay
- (total pay + allowances) - total deductions
What is a statutory deduction ? P116
Required by law
What is a non statutory deduction ? P116
emplyee must agree
What are the statutory deductions made from gross pay ? P116
- Pay as you earn (PAYE)
- National insurance contribution (NICs)
- student loans
- pensions
What is PAYE ? P116
- Sytem
- Income Tax
What is the amount of tax that an employee pays on their earnings determined by ? P116
Tax code
What does the number element of a tax code represent ? p116
- Multiply by 10
- Free pay
- untaxed pay
- employee’s personal allowance
What is pay over the personal allowance for tax taxed as as ? P116
- basic rate percentage ( 20%)
- > higher rate threshold = higher rate percentage ( 40%)
- additional rate tax (45%) - above additional rate threshold
What does the letter in the tax code show ? P116
- Number adjustment = general changes
- avoids - new tax code notifications
What does the change of tax code during the tax year usually represent ? P116
- Employees - paid too much / too little
- collection / refund
- reinstating free pay entitlement
When is the only time an employer can change the tax code of an employee ? P116
- HMRC notification
- from next payday
- HMRC instruction
What is national insurance contributions ? p117
- compulsory payments
- state assistance - sick, unemployed , or retired, pension, job seeker’s
What is the type of national insurance paid by employers and employees called ? P117
Class 1
What must individuals have to be eligible for a full state pension ? P117
- 35 years of wages > low earning limit for NI (£123) per week
- employees NI contribution > £242 week
What does the amount of class 1 NIC deducted from an employee’s pay depend on ? P117
- earning within certain bands
When do employers pay class 1 NIC ? P117
£175 per week exceeded (758 per month)
most emplyees = 13.8% pay
What is employment allowance ? P117
- Staff recruitment
- reduce their NIC liability
What makes a business/ charity eligible for employment allowance ? P117
- Previous tax year
- Employers’ class 1 national insurance Liabilities £100,000 >
What does employment allowance allow ? P118
- Reduce NI liability by up to £5000 or less
- employer’s class 1 NIC less each payroll
- max £5000 reached/ end of tax year = end of allowance
Where is the claim for employment allowance made ? P118
- Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
How is student loan paid back? P117
- Payroll at 9%
- annual earning threshold - government
What are pensions ? P118
- Saving for retirement
- employers offer - workplace pension scheme/ occupational works
- percentage of pay - pension scheme
- employer contribution most cases
- employee get tax relief
- automatic enrollment
When does automatic enrollment within pensions apply ? P118
- Classified as worker
- between aged 22 and state pension
- at least £10,000 per year
- work in UK
Can an employee still join a workplace pension if they’ve not been automatically enrolled ? P119
- Yes
- employer cannot refuse
What does the amount of payment into the pension scheme depend on ? P119
- Pension scheme - employer has chosen
What must be contributed into a pension scheme ? P119
- Employer Minimum of 3 %
- employee - 5%
- total minimum contribution = 8 %
What is included in pension scheme payments ? p119
- Salary / wages
- bonuses and commissions
- overtime
- statutory sick pay
- statutory maternity , paternity, adoption pay
When must an employer contribute to a pension, once the employee has voluntarily enrolled ? P119
- More than:
- £520 per month
- £120 a week
- £480 over 4 weeks
- nothing - these amount or less
What are examples of non statutory deductions other deductions from gross pay ? P119
- charitable giving - before tax , after NIC
- union membership fees
- private medical insurance - no tax relief
- Saving schemes
What documents is an emplyer supposed to provide as part of the payroll process ? p121
- Payslip
- P45
- P60
- P11D
What is a payslip ? P121
- Net pay calculated
- layout not defined by law
When must a payslip be provided and what format can this be in ? P122
- On / before payday
- physical copy/ electronically
What must a payslip show ? P122
- Gross amount - before deductuons
- Deduction - fixed and variable - purpose
- net amount
- number of hours worked
What must empoyers issue an employee, once the employee has left the role ? P122
What does the P45 do ? P122
- Summarises information - employee and pay to date
- HMRC informed online - final payment
- handed - date of termination
- handed - date of final payment (employee’s agreement)
What are the three parts of the P45 ? P123
Part 1 - Employee’s copy
2 - new employer copy
3 - completed by new employer
What does part 3 of the P45 contain ? P123
- Bottom section
- employer’s name - reference, name , and address
- new employee’s details - payroll records
- online submission to HMRC - first payment
When is the the HMRC advised of the employee leaving a business ? P123
Final payroll info submission - online
Does a P45 include any details of NIC? P123
What is a P60 ? P125
- Tax paid tax year
- more than one job = more than one P60
When must the employer give the employee the P60 ? P125
- Working 5th April
- P60 on 31st May - paper / electronically
What is the P60 primarily needed for ? P125
- How much tax on salary
- claim back - overpaid tax
- apply 4 tax credits
- proof of income - loan / mortgage
What is the P11D used for ? P125
- Benefits employee receives
- e.g. company car and health insurance
- increase employee’s taxable pay
Who submits the P11D and when are these submitted ? P125
- Employer
- 6th July after end of tax year
- part of employee’s pay - employer’s pay Class 1A NIC
- provided to employee - 6th July
- Employer’s pay by 22nd July
What does FPS tell the HMRC ? P128
- Payment and deductions to employees
What should the final payment submission (FPS) include ? P128
- Everyone who has been paid
- submitted on / before payday
When must the FPS be submitted to HMRC? p128
- Before the employees’ payday
- Inc usual date - ignore bank holiday etc
- not too early - correct FPS changes in info e.g. tax code change
- FPS in new tax year (6th April) - not before March
How must the FPS be completed ? P128
- PAYE reference and account office reference entered - payroll system
- insturctions on completion
What can the employer do in the following tax month after the FPS has been submitted ? P129
- Log into HMRC account - view FPS
- 12th of Month - how much tax and national insurance owes HMRC
When does the employer payment summary need to be submitted , to apply for any reduction on the FPS amount owed ? P129
- 19th following month
- e.g. statutory sick pay, employment allowance
What should an employer send if its not paid any of it’s employees in the tax month ? P129
- Employer payment summary
- not full payment submission
What are the three main penalties that can be incurred for payroll ? P131
- Late submission - payroll filings
- Inaccuracies in payroll
- late monthly payment
What are the two types of pentalies for later submission / non filing of an FPS/ EPS ? P130
- A monthly penalty
- An estimate of any amount due to HMRC
What is a monthly penalty fine for late submission of payroll filings
? P130
- number of employees
- No penalty - first month each tax year filing default
- 11 penalties per tax year
What is the monthly penalty for an employer with 1 to 9 employees relating to late submission of payroll flings ? P130
What is the monthly penalty for an emplyer with 10 to 49 employees relating to late submission of payroll filings ? P130
What is the monthly payment fine for an employer wiht 50 to 249 employees relating to late submission of payroll filings ? P130
What is the monthly payment for an employer with 250 or more for late submission of payroll filings ? P130
What is an estimate of any amount due to the HMRC in relation to late submissions of payroll filings ? P130
Estiamte = previous submissions + interests
How does the HMRC issue penalty notices for late submissions of payroll filings ? P130
- Quarterly filing penalty notice
- penalty notice - filing penalty amount - each tax month in quarter
- additional penalties - returns over three months late
When are penalties not applied for late submission of payroll reports NOT payments? P130
- FPS late - three days of employees’ payday - irregular
- new employer- first FPS late - 30 days of employee pay
- employer - first in tax year
When are penalties incurred for inaccuries within the payroll fillings? P131
- careless
- Deliberate
- deliberate and concealed
What will the level of the pnealty for inaccuries be affected by ? P131
- Disclosure unprompted
- Prompted
What can an employer be charged with for inaccuracies within payroll filings ? P131
Penalty - Percentage of potential loss of revenue (PLR)
What are the percentages incurred for careless behaviour resulting in inaccuracies in payroll filings ? P131
- Unprompted - 0 to 30 %
- Prompted - 15 to 30 %
What are the percentages incurred for deliberate inaccuracies ? P131
- Unprompted disclosure - 20 ot 70 %
- Prompted disclosure - 35 to 70 %
What are the percentages for deliberate and concealed inaccuracies ? P131
- Unprompted disclosure - 30 to 100 %
- Prompted disclosure - 50 to 100 %
How often are employee’s pay, Employer NICs, and student loans paid over to the HMRC? p131
- Monthly basis
- frequency of the payroll = irrevalent
What report must be used to pay tax and NIC to the HMRC ? p131
- full payment submission (previous tax month) - employer payment summary deductions (before 19th current submission)
- electronic pay 22nd/ 19th post - each month
How would an employer go about submitting FPS and EPS, besides making payment to the supplier, with a pay day of 25/09/24. P129
- Tax month - 06/09/24 to 05/10/24
- FPS - on/ before 25/09/24
- EPS- by 19/10/24
- payment - 22/10/24 electronically / 19/10/24 by post
How can an employer paying less than £1,500 a month to pay the HMRC ? P132
- Quarterly , not monthly
- contact HMRC -eligibility
What happens if a payment is late or missed ? P132
- HMRC penalties
- number of defaults
What is the penalty percentage applied to 1 to 3 defaults of payroll payments in their respective tax months ? P132
1 %
What is the penalty percentage applied to 4 to 6 defaults of payroll payments in their relevant tax months ? P132
2 %
What is the penalty percentage applied for 7 to 9 defaults of payroll payments in their relevant tax months ? P132
3 %
What is the penalty percentage applied for 10 or more defaults of payroll payments in their relevant tax months ? P132
4 %
How does the HMRC send out filing penalty notices ? p130
- Quarterly
- filing penalty amount = each tax month in quarter
- July, October, January , April
- July :
- month 1 - 6 April to 5 May
- month 2 6th May - 5th June
- month 3 - 6th June - 5th July
How do additional penalties apply for late monthly / quarterly payroll payments ? P132
- Monthly/ quarterly - 6 months = 5 %
- Monthly/ quarterly - 12 months = total 10 %
- one payment late
What does the paye settlement agreement allow ? P133
- One annual payment - tax and NIC
- minor/ irregular beneifts
What are some examples of minor beneifts/ expenses ? P133
- incentive awards
- telephone bills
- vouchers
- staff entertainment
- small non business expenses - over £5 limit UK / £10 abroad
What are some examples of irregular benefits nad expenses ? P133
- irregular - course of tax year E.G. Staff outing
- no payroll
- not include year -end P11D forms
- not pay Class 1A NICs - will Class 1B National (PSA)
When is the deadline for applying for PSA ?P133
- 5th July - following first tax year
- e.g. 6th April 2023 - 5th April 2024 = 5th July 2024
- expenses in category
When must any tax and national insurance owed under PSA be paid ? P133
- 22nd October - follows tax year which PSA applies
- 19th = payment by posts
When do employers need to make payments for amounts due annually/ occasionally ? P133
- Penalty date
- penalty date = day after due date of payment
- NIC on beneifts = 30 days after due date
What type of penalties will employers have to pay to late amounts due annually / occasionally ? P133
- 5 % = not within 30 days
- additional 5 % = not within 6 months
- further 5 % = not within 12 months