What is neutral detergent fibre (NDF)?
- Plant cell wall material
- Fibre insoluble in neutral detergent
- Residue containing CW materials = Hemicellulose + Cellulose + Lignin
What is acid detergent fibre (ADF)?
- Fibre insoluble in acid detergent
- Residue contains CW material = lignin + cellulose
What does NSC stand for?
And what is NSC fraction composed of?
- Non-structural carbohydrates
- NSC fraction composed of Starch + WSC (water-soluble carbohydrates)
What is WSC fraction composed of?
Simple sugars + fructan
State some factors that affect grass growth/productivity and briefly describe them.
Stage of growth
- Most important factor in nutritional value of grass
- e.g. increased lignin content lowers grass nutritional value
Time of year
- Most rapid in spring & early summer (April - June)
- Season e.g. reduced growth below 5C
- Climate, topography, soil type
- Light, temperature, rainfall
- Increased productivity in warm & wet conditions
Soil status
- Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium
- Nitrogen fixing plant species
- Soil pH i.e. most grasses thrive on slightly acidic pH
Grass species
- Ryegrass, Timothy, fescue, cocksfoot are high yielding
General management
Cutting & grazing strategies
What are the desirable characteristics of low DM silage?
Low pH, low butyrate, low NH3-N, high lactate
Why is HT forage high in nutritional value?
Young herbage utilised
Rank the starch content of oats, barley and maize from highest to lowest.
Maize, barley, oats
What oilseed meal is most commonly used?
Soya bean meal
What term is most often used for digestibility?
Apparent digestibility
How is in vitro digestibility assessed?
Through work in labs
How does increased feeding level in ruminants change ruminal retention time and thus digestibility?
Reduces ruminal retention time and digestibility
State the relationship between GE (Gross energy), DE (Apparent digestive energy), ME (Metabolisable energy) and NE (Net energy).
GE (Gross energy) is measured by converting food to heat energy;
GE - Faecal energy = DE
DE - (urine + gaseous energy) = ME
ME - heat increment = NE
State the energy system for ruminants, pigs, poultry, dogs & cats, and horses.
Briefly explain why that energy system is used when possible.
Ruminants (ME)
- Use k factor for maintenance, milk production, work & growth
Poultry (ME)
- Easy to measure, since urine and faeces are voided together
- Less fibre in diet, limited range of feeds
Dogs & cats (ME)
- Effectively linked to BW
Pigs (DE)
- Rationale, simpler system than ruminant with less fibre in diet & limited range of feeds
Horses (DE)
- Calculated based on BW basis
Which nutrient has the greatest nutrient density?