Principles of Fire Science Flashcards
process involving rapid oxidative, exothermic or heat releasing reactions in which part of released energy sustains the process.
what does fire tetrahedron show?
four components required for the existence of a fire.
Fire Tetrahedron
- Fuel: necessary to provide a source of material for exothermic reaction.
- Oxidant: usually oxygen in air, must be present.
- Source of heat: must also be present for a fire to be initiated and sustained.
- Relative concentrations of fuel, vapours & oxygen entering flame must be appropriate to initiate / sustain the complex chain reactions that characterise flame chemistry.
source of heat can be in the form of…
a spark, a flame or perhaps just a heated environment.
Ways to stop a fire
- Starvation
- Smothering
- Cooling
- Inhibition
- Removal of Fuel
- Flaming will clearly stop if fuel vapours are eliminated
Example of Starvation
shutting off the gas supply system in event of an unwanted fire involving gas stove.
- Removal of Oxygen
- Fire can also be suppressed by preventing oxygen from reaching a flame
- in practice, this is the most difficult to achieve
Example of smothering
covering it with a blanket
- Removal of Heat
- Heat is routinely removed from a fire by the application of water streams by fire-fighters or automatic sprinkler systems.
- Interference by Removal of Free Radicals
- Chain reactions within the flame can be inhibited by the suitable application of special chemicals such as clean agents (Halon, now banned) and to a certain extent, dry powders.
Fire as a chemical reaction
- Fire can be represented by a word equation for a hydrocarbon
- As O2 is restricted, combustion is generally incomplete.
- Results in formation of CO, soot and other chemical species.
- Visible smoke and appearance of a flame is due to presence of soot due to incomplete combustion.
- Well-ventilated flaming combustion does not generate much CO to be a threat to occupants.
- Hence, the less well-ventilated a fire is, the larger the yield of CO and soot.
Forms of Fuels
- Fuel for fires can be in the form of a vapour, liquid or solid.
- However, flaming combustion has to be in the gaseous phase.
- Hence, liquids and solids must first be vaporised to generate vapours for the flame.
How a Liquid Fuel burns
- Flammable liquid fuel itself does not burn.
- At pool surface, liquid molecules have enough energy to vaporise & these liquid vapours will mix with oxygen from the air.
- If vapour mixture is within flammability limits & ignited by a pilot heat source, burning will begin.
- Reach flashpoint temp, flames will flash across the surface of liquid, but flames will not be sustained.
- Flash point is defined as the minimum temperature at which liquid forms a vapour above its surface in sufficient concentration that it can be ignited.
Fire Point of a Liquid
- For flaming to continue, temperature of mixture has to be raised to fire point.
- Fire point is at higher temperature than flash point at which burning will be sustained once vapours have been ignited.
- Reason is cuz when fire point is reached, energy which is generated in reaction in gaseous phase is transferred back to liquid surface, thereby vaporising more potentially combustible material & burning continues.
How is flammability of liquids classified?
its flashpoint
what is the flashpoint?
lowest temperature at which an air and vapour mixture will combust at its surface.
Classification of Flammability of
Liquids: Flashpoint
- Flash point is directly related to liquid’s ability to generate vapour, AKA its volatility.
- Vapour generation is the primary factor in determining fire hazard.
- Hence expression ‘low flash point - high hazard’ applies & flashpoint temp. is taken as measure for classifying flammability & volatility of liquid fuels to ensure their storage & safe handling.
What happens when a liquid is heated up to the auto-ignition temperature?
liquid will burn without any external heat source.
Auto-ignition temperature
- Auto-ignition temp of fuel is the lowest temperature at which it will spontaneously ignite in normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition.
- High enough for the liquid to supply the activation energy needed for combustion.
Petroleum products are divided into the following classes:
- Class 0
- Class I
- Class II
- Class III
Class 0
Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Class I Flash point
below 23°C
Class II
Flash point between 23°C and 60°C
(both inclusive);
Class III
Flash point above 60°C but not more
than 93°C
Who/How are Class 0, I & II petroleum are regulated
Licensable product of Class III patroleum
How a vapour fuel burns
- Vapour fuel will ignite with heat source when have oxygen only when mixture is within UFL and LFL at a minimum temperature, the flash point.
- Above the UFL the mixture is too rich in fuel to sustain combustion & below LFL too little fuel is present to maintain heat generation at level high enough to sustain the reaction.
LFL stand for
Lower Flammability Limit
UFL stand for
Higher Flammability Limit
What does LFL mean?
- the flame is too lean to burn
LFL air & propane percentage
Air: 100% - 97.9%
Propane: 0% - 2.1%
UFL air & propane percentage
Air: 0% - 90.5%
Propane: 9.5% - 100%
How a vapor fuel burns
- Vapour fuel will ignite with heat source in presence of oxygen only when mixture is within UFL and LFL at a minimum temperature, the flash point.
- Above UFL: mixture is too rich in fuel to sustain combustion
- Below LFL: too little fuel present to maintain heat generation at a level high enough to sustain the reaction.
Common fire prevention measure for vapor burning
- Provide adequate mechanical ventilation in areas where there is a leak of combustible vapors.
- This ensures vapor concentration never reaches the LFL
- Because mixture is diluted.
What is piloted ignition
A mixture within its flammability limits can be ignited by a small ignition source.
What happens to a vapor after (pilot) ignition?
- Following ignition, flaming results in which chemical reactions & hence a flame propagates rapidly through mixture.
- If there is no ignition source / pilot, a mixture within its flammability limits will ‘self-ignite’ if heated to its auto-ignition temperature. Again, flaming follows ignition.
- Lowest temperature at which it spontaneously ignites in normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark.
How a Solid Fuel burns
- It first requires solid to be converted to vapor at the solid surface before mixing with oxygen of air.
- Combustible solids are generally polymeric, which are composed of macromolecules.
What are Macromolecules ?
- Too large to be vaporized directly,
- So as heat is transferred to a solid surface from a flame
- Vapors can only be generated if chemical bonds within macromolecules are broken & smaller molecular species are generated.
What is Pyrolysis?
- A process of thermal decomposition that requires much more energy than simple evaporation in liquids.
- Hence, surface temperature of solid must usually be raised to a much higher level than a liquid before significant amounts of vapor are released & ignition is achieved.
- Temperature at surface of burning solids is usually greater than 350°C.
Burning of Wood
- When wood is heated to temperatures around 100°C, water vapour is driven off.
- At higher temperatures of 200°C to 250°C, wood will discolour as pyrolysis begins.
- However, combustible vapors are not generated in sufficient quantity to cause wood to be ignited until wood reaches a temperature of 350°C to 390°C.
Forming of Char
- Layer of carbonaceous char is left in place due to flames
- As wood continues to burn, pyrolysis zone recedes deeper into solid & char thickens.
- Char layer insulates interior of wood & thereby slows down generation of vapors.
- If not enough combustible vapor given off, flame will cease & allow oxygen to contact hot char & smouldering may begin.
Burning of Plastics
types of plastic
thermoplastics & thermosets.
physical different between thermoplastics and thermosets
- thermoplastics can be remelted
- thermoset plastics remain in a permanent solid state once hardened.
- Highly flammable.
- Melt at temperature lower than ignition temperature.
- Usually linear structures.
- Since molecular structure is not cross linked, thermoplastic when heated will soften & start to melt and flow.
Examples of Thermoplastics
- Examples include polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene
Secondary Hazards of Thermoplastics
- Melt-flow & melt-drip when heated that results in fire spread,
- Thus pose very serious secondary hazard in fires involving situations where polymeric materials are used in construction of doors, windows, ceilings, roofs & curtains.
Thermoset Plastics
- Have three-dimensional cross linked structures.
- Do not melt but decompose to generate vapours & a carbonaceous char.
- Susceptible to smouldering.
- Do not melt but remain in a permanent solid state once hardened.
- Char development on the solid surface may slow down heat transfer
from the flame to the unburnt solid material & thereby reduce burning rates.
- The slow, low-temperature, flameless form of combustion, sustained by the heat evolved when oxygen directly attacks the surface of a condensed-phase fuel.
Common solid materials which can sustain a smouldering reaction
Fibre, wood, cotton and charcoal.
Basic difference between smouldering
and flaming combustion
Smouldering occurs on the surface of the solid rather than in the gas phase.
Other difference between smouldering
and flaming combustion
- Smouldering is a surface phenomenon but can propagate to interior of a porous fuel if it is permeable to flow.
- Temperature & heat released during smouldering are low compared to those in flaming combustion, that is about 600°C vs about 1,500°C.
Characteristics of Smouldering
- Propagates in a creeping fashion, around 0.1 mm/s, about ten times slower than flames spread over a solid.
- Can be a significant fire hazard.
- Emits toxic gases such as CO at a higher yield than flaming fires & leaves behind a significant amount of solid residue.
- Emitted vapours are flammable and could later be ignited, triggering transition to flaming combustion.
Definition of heat transfer in fire
The transport of heat energy from one point to another caused by a temperature difference between those points.
three basic modes of heat transfer
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation.
- Takes place within solids when one side of an object is heated.
- Energy is transferred from heated side of solid to unheated side at a rate dependent on diff in temperature, thickness, thermal conductivity (k) of material & area of solid.
Example of Heat Conduction
- Steel beam located in a room & passing through a wall to another room that is being impinged upon by a fire.
- As the beam/truss heats, temperature increases along the steel beam to the cooler end.
- The end opposite fire heats up, & if it reaches auto-ignition temperature of combustible materials close to it, a second fire will start.
The transfer of heat energy by the movement of heated gases from the source of heat to a cooler part of the environment which could be a solid.
Example of convection
Hot gases from a fire plume transferring heat to the ceiling or
walls of a room.
Significance of Convection in Fires
- Plays a significant role in fires because it is the major means for fire to spread by the heated gases and products of combustion spreading out into the upper portions of a building from room of fire origin.
- Thus why soot & other products of combustion is observed to spread
throughout a structure & even in rooms that are a significant distance away and have no direct flame impingement.
- Transfer of heat energy from a hot surface or gas, the radiator, to a
cooler material, the target, by electromagnetic waves without the need of an intervening medium. - Radiant energy can be transferred only by line of sight & will be reduced or blocked by intervening materials.
Examples of Radiation
- Heat from the sun being radiated to earth through vacuum.
- Heat you can feel that is being radiated from a fire when standing in front of it.
Four Stages of Fire Development in a Compartment
- Ignition and Growth
- Flashover
- Fully Developed Fire
- Decay
Ignition and Growth (Ignition itself)
- After ignition, fire grows & produces increasing amounts of energy, mostly
due to flame spread. - Object burning in a room behaves as if it were burning in the open, which means that there is no restriction on the amount of oxygen, hence, a well-ventilated fire.
- After a short period, however, confinement begins to influence fire development.
Ignition and Growth (Formation of Fire Plume)
- Smoke produced by burning object rises to form a hot gas layer below ceiling.
- Cold gases surround hot gases in the flame and hotter, less dense mass will rise upward due to density difference or buoyancy. Buoyant flow including any flames is called a fire plume.
- As hot gases rise, cold air will be entrained into the plume. This mixture of combustion products & air will impinge on the ceiling of the fire compartment and cause a layer of hot
gases to be formed. This layer heats the ceiling and upper walls. - Thermal radiation from hot layer, ceiling & upper walls then heats all objects in lower part of room boosting both rate of burning of original object & rate of flame spread over its surface.
Ignition and Growth (Formation of Hot Upper Layer)
- Plume flow impinges on ceiling, gases spread across it as a circular jet.
- Energy of jet will trigger smoke and heat detectors & sprinkler head on
ceiling. Ceiling jet eventually reaches enclosure walls and is forced to move downward along wall. - However, as gases are still warmer than surrounding ambient air, flow will turn upward due to buoyancy.
- Thus, layer of hot gases will be formed under the ceiling. Room is divided into two distinct layers: a hot upper layer consisting of combustion products and entrained air, and a cold lower layer consisting of air.
- Hot upper layer will radiate heat on lower part of room, increasing rate of burning of original object including combustible materials on floor getting them ready for flashover.
- Occurs when flames suddenly sweep across room, involving all combustibles in room.
- The transition from the burning of one or two objects in room to full room involvement which occurs when temperature of the upper layer reaches 500 to 600°C. Radiation levels at floor level must reach roughly 20 kW/m2.
- During flashover, it is no longer possible for occupants in the compartment to survive.
- Hence it is important to tackle a fire before it reaches flashover.
Fully developed fire
- Always follows a flashover, where fire bums vigorously for some time until combustibles are mostly consumed.
- This stage the fire is ventilation controlled, flames extend out through opening and all combustible materials in the enclosure is involved in fire.
- Average gas temperature within a compartment during a fully developed fire ranges from 700°C to 1200°C.
- Fully developed fire will burn as long as there is sufficient fuel & oxygen available for combustion.
- Flaming eventually ceases, leaving a mass of glowing embers.
Science of Ignition and Growth
- Ignition produces heat releasing reaction & is characterised by an increase in temperature much higher than the surroundings.
- Occurs mostly by application of a pilot heat source.
- After ignition, fire is said to be fuel-controlled, since there is sufficient oxygen available for combustion & fire growth depends on fuel characteristics & geometry.
- Growth stage can occur very rapidly especially with flaming combustion where heat from first burning material is able to ignite adjacent fuel packages & since there is sufficient oxygen
available in the room.
Science of Flashover
- Transition from the growth stage to fully developed fire where there is total surface fire involvement of combustibles in the room.
- Temperature in the room reaches 500°C to 600°C and radiation to the floor of the room is about 20 kW/m2.
- Flames appear at room’s openings such as windows.
Science of Fully Developed Fire
- Energy released in the compartment is at its highest and is only limited by the availability of oxygen.
- Ventilation-controlled phenomenon.
- However, due to high temperature & pressure, the glass windows would have been broken to allow oxygen to enter compartment earlier.
- Unburnt gases collect at ceiling level & as these gases leave windows they burn, causing flames to stick out through windows.
- Average gas temperature in compartment is high, ranging from 700°C to 1200°C.
Decay Stage
- As fuel is consumed, energy release rate diminishes & thus average gas temperature in compartment declines.
- Fire may go from ventilation- ontrolled to fuel-controlled during this period.