principles of anaesthetics Flashcards
what is the triad of anaesthesia ?
how do general anaesthetic agents work ?
GABA receptor agonists - open chlorine channels
hyperpolarise neurones so less likely to fire
where is the initial surge in IV anaesthetics ?
what is the usual sequence of general anaesthesia ?
IV induction
inhalation maintainance
what are central CVS effects of general anaesthetic ?
depress CV centre
reduce sympathetic outflow
negative inotropic/chronotropic effect on heart
reduced vasoconstrictor tone
what are the effect of GA on the respiratory system ?
reduce hypoxic and hypercarbic drive
decrease tidal volume and increase rate
paralyse cilia
what are indications for muscle relaxant ?
ventilation and intubation
immobility essential
body cavity surgery
what are problems with muscle relaxants ?
incomplete reversal - airway obstruction and ventilatory insufficiency in post op
what are signs and symptoms of local anaesthetic toxicity ?
lingual numbness and tingling light-headedness tinnitus, visual disturbance muscular twitching drowsiness CV depression convulsions coma cardiorespiratory arrest