Principles in surgery asepsis Flashcards
Important decisions need to be made long ______ administration of anesthesia
• Think informed consent as well as surgical plan
What are the 2 basic necessities for surgery?
Visibility and Assistance
- Adequate access
- Retraction of soft tissues
- Surgical flap creation
- Adequate light
- Surgical field free of excess blood/saliva/irrigant
• Visibility
What type of stroke is used when incising tissue?
Use a firm continuous stroke
• No repetitive or tentative strokes
When designing a flap, should the apex or base be wider?
Base should be wider
Should the length or width of flap be greater?
• Length never twice the width of the base
• Vertical releasing incisions should be made ______ teeth away from surgical site
one to two teeth away
- Sulcular incision
- Releasing incision(s) created as needed for visibility
- 3 corner flap
- 4 corner flap
Envelope flap
The following MOs are found in ___ cavity
• Aerobic gram + cocci (Strep viridans*)
• Actinomyces spp
• Anaerobic (Peptostrep, Prevotella, Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas)
• Candida spp.
Oral cavity
The following MOs are found in ___ cavity
• Aerobic gram + cocci (strep spp.)
• Pediatrics: Haemophilus influenza
• Adults: Staphylococcus aureus
Nasal cavity
• Microbes in oral cavity are held in check by what 4 mechanisms?
- Desquamation – rapid epithelial turnover
- Host immunologic factors:
- Dilution due to salivary flow
- Competition between oral organisms
Are the majority of oral microflora pure aerobes or pure anaerobes?
Mixed flora
- B, C most concerning to practitioners
- Very hardy, highly resistant to desiccation and chemical disinfectants
- Immunization for HbV DOES NOT protect for C or D viruses
- To get Hep D, you must be Hep B positive
Hepatitis virus
• Minute quantities capable of spreading disease (105-107 virons/mL blood)
• Common means of inoculation during recapping or removal of anesthetic needle or
scalpel blade
• Can be inactivated by iodophors, hypochlorite, glutaraldehyde (disinfectant),
heat sterilization, irradiation
• Resistant to alcohol, phenols, quaternary ammonium compounds
Hepatitis virus
• Can be inactivated by iodophors, hypochlorite, glutaraldehyde (disinfectant),
heat sterilization, irradiation
• Resistant to alcohol, phenols, quaternary ammonium compounds
• Only ____ of the people that have hepatitis have signs and symptoms of the disease
• Some individuals who have completely recovered from disease (no s/s) continue to shed
intact virus particles in secretions!!
- Not nearly as hardy as Hepatitis B virus
- HIV desiccates easily and quickly,
- Dies once outside tissue fluids it is located in
- Same high risk individuals as with Hepatitis B
- HIV infected patients w/ CD4 < 200/μL very susceptible to infections
- Clinical diagnosis of AIDS given with CD4 < 200/μL
HIV infected patients w/ CD4 < _____/μL very susceptible to infections
Is there a low or high risk of seroconversion of HIV from needle stick?
Low risk
• Breakdown of living tissue by the action of the microorganisms and is usually accompanied by
• Avoidance of sepsis
• Attempt to keep patients, staff, and objects as free as possible of agents that cause infection
• Medical Asepsis
• Attempt to prevent microbes from gaining access to surgically created wounds
Surgical Asepsis
- Reduction in the number of organisms capable of producing sepsis
- Variable state depending on agent used